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Royal Marine LigJd Infantry.
Grant, William Arthur Churchill
Oouchmini, Bertram Corni.ih
Wolfe, George Cecil Burleigh
White, Herbert SoutheyNeville,'"Ifem- )
ber of Naval Inlell.Dept., Admiralty f
Nelsoi), Thomas Morice
Curtoys, Charles Ernest Edward," ?
Assist. Ltist, of Musketry, 19 Oct. 89 ...S
Logau-Homc, Henry Waldeve'^
Hailes, David Augustus, Assistant In- >
structor of Gunnery, 4 April 88 /
Trotman, Charle& Sewsham,^'AssistaHt)
Instructor of Musketry, 17 June 90 ... i
Sanders, Charles Walpole Howard
Cox, Gerald Aylmer
Lai or, James Nicholas'*
Abrahall, John Hoskyns
Chowu, Ernest Edward
Binney, Walter Erskine, Assistant In- \
structur of Musketry, 10 Aug. 90 J
Goddard, James Raine.y^^
Parsons, Cunlifle lI'Nede
Curteis, Herbert St. Leger, Assistant)
Instructor of Gunnery, 19 Oct. 89 )
Shubrick, Charles Louis
Saumarez, Kichard James, Assistant \
Instructor of Musketry, 16 July 90 ...)
Mercer, David, Inst. of Musketry, Malta
Henderson, Cecil
Orlebar, Evel.yn Henry
Eady, Frederick Wm. Edward
Daniel, Edward Yorke
Connolly, Arthur Matthew..
Luard, Frank William, Assistant In-")
sfructor of Gunnery, 23 May 90 ^
Matthews, Godfrey Fstcouro
Uibs(*ne, Hugh John Craig
Bayliff, Richard Lane
Beauniont, Godfrey Lancaster
Beith, Robert Douglas
Foi'ffer, Creighton M*Crea
Athow, Frank
Lywood, Edwin GiflTord
Pym, John Beville
Basevi, William Henry
Bendyslio. Kichard Nelson
Palmer, Harry Douglas
Thomas, Cecil" Strangward ,
Brabazon, Anthony Heyiand
Ward, John Harr.y
Evelegh, Edmund George
Graham, Hamilton Maximillian)
Christian William }
Hervey, Francis Wilham Archibald
Dc Chair, Richard Blackett ...
Parker. James Henry
Godfre.v, Frederick Rowlandson
Keyes, Charles William Patton
Eagle, Francis Blwyn Bunbury
Stroud, ]'ldward .Tames
Thriug, Edward Clavell
Gordon, George Maolear
Evans, Horace Carlyon
Wyldo, Arthur William
Hobbs, Fred. Manoli Ballazzl
Frankis, Walter William
I'uckle, George
IllK'dfiinn, Charles Joseph
Connolly, Wra.Ed ward Gunnell
Lambert John Hamilton
Drake-Brocknian, David Heu.
HaiT », vVilliam Albert
I Feb. 87
I Feb. 87
I Feb. 87
Feb. 83
Feb. 83
Sept. 83
Sept. 83
Feb. 84
Feb. 84
Sept. 84
Sept. 80I For. jMarchant, John
Sept. 81 I Ply. Buxton, Harold Arthur
Sept. 81 I Por. Smith, Wilfred Noel Edmund
Sect 82"''°''' '■^''it'^01'^'''^^''les Stanbrough..
^ ' i Deal|Smith, Wilfred Hugh Moore..
Sept. 82 ; Ply. jGarrett, John Raymond
\Trihp, Charles Walter
Por. :Collard, Charles Edwin
Ply. Sorsbie, Edward Frederick ]
Kempson /
Ply. Blumberg, Herbert Edward ..
Por. Murray, Edward Rushworth>
Blakiston )
Cha. Crowther, John Ernest
Ply. 'Russell, Henry de Wmton
Ply. Phillips, Frank Tru.'^cott
Ply. Harding, Maynard Pfolliott ...
Por. Brockman, Charles Edward)
Pitzroy j
Ply. |PrynDe,'Regiuald Parkins
Cha. Noble, John Brecknock
Cha. Tupraan, John Arthur
Cha. Foster, William Herbert
Ply. Rombulow-Pearse, Arthur 1
Egmont j
Ply. Coke, Ernest Sacheverell
Cha. Strouts, Bernard Murton
Por. Gill, William Wallace
Ply. Ommanney, Edmund Mana- >
ton Carpenter }
Farquharson, Harry Douglas
Colwell, George John
Meister, Richard Henry Julius
Armstrong, St. George Bewes
Ford, Reginald
Gardner, Francis Stewart
Spencer, Wilfred Glanville ...
Anderson, Gilbert Ironside ...
Hutchison, Alex. Richard ■)
Hamilton j
MuUins, George Jas. Herbert
Whitmarsh, John Francis)
Victor Silver j
Robertson, Claude William ...
Halliday, Lewis Stratford (
Tollemache j
'Crocker, Herbert James
[Atkins, Alban Randell Crofton
Morres, Elliot Hody
Heriot, Granville Mackey
Barker, Edward Henry Payne
Bourchier, Philip Lennox)
Walter S
Sept. 82
Sept. 82
Sept. 82'
Sept. 82'
Sept. 82'
Sept. 82
Sept. 82
Feb. 83
Feb. 83
Feb. 83
Feb. 831
Feb. 83I
Feb. 83'
Feb. 83!
Feb. 831
I Feb. 87:24 Mar. 83
I Feb. 87 24 Mar. 88
I I Sept.86
1 Sept.87 28 Sept.88
I Sept.87 28 Sept.88
Sept. 84 Cha.
Sept. 84 I Ply.
Sept. 84'I Cha.
Sept. 84 i{ Ply.
Sept. 84
Feb. 85''Ply.
Feb. 85 Por.
Feb. 85
Feb. 8-y
Mar. 85
Sept 85
Feb. 86
Feb. 86
Feb. 86
Feb. 86
I Sept.87
I Sept.87
I Sept.87
I Feb. 88
I Feb. 88
r Feb. 88
I Feb. 88!
I Feb. 881
I Feb. 881
I Feb. 88
28 Sept.83
28 Sept. S3
28 Sept. S3
I Apr. 89
I Apr. 89
I Apr. 89
I Apr. 89
I Apr. 89
I Apr. 89
I Apr. 89
I Apr. 89
: Ply.
' Ply.
1 Feb. S3|27 Sept.89
I Sept.88!27 Sept.89
I Sept. 88 27 Sept.89
I Sept. 88j27 Sept.Sg
I Sept.88 27 Sept.S9
I Sept. 88*27 Sept.89
I Sept.88|27 Sept.Sg
1 Sept. 88 27 Sept.89
I Sept.88 27 Scpt.89
I Sept.88|27 Sept.89
39i28 Mar. go
89I28 Mar. 90
89128 Mar. 90
'2" Mar. 50
28 Mar. 90
28 Mar. go
I Feb.
I Feb.
I Feb.
I Feb.
I Feb.
I Feb. 89
1 Feb. 89
I Feb. 89
I Sept.89!
I Sept.891
I Sept 89'
I Sept.89
28 Mar. go
28 Mar. 90
28 Mar. go
1 July 90
I July 90
I July
I July
I Sept.fg' I July 90
Sept.Sg' I July 90
I July 90
r Sept.89
I Sept.89
Feb. 86
Feb. 86
Feb. 85
Sept.86 Ply
Sei)t.86 ■
Sect. 86
Mar. 38 ! Por.
Mar. 88! I Por.
Mar. 88'iCha,
Second LiEurEifASTS. aiiBLiECT.
Macdonald, Charles Clanranald i Sept.go
Cha. jKitcat, Arthur de Winton i Sept.go
Cha. .Bridges, Francis Doveton i Sept.go
Cha. IFinlaison, John Bruce i Sept.go
Ply. Edwards. Frederick Charles i Sept.go
Darle.v, Henry La Touehe i Sept.go
Pr3'ce-Browne, William Herbert i Sept.go
J.loyd, Henry Talbot Rickard i Sept.go
Boyle, Francis Rayner i Sept.go
.Mylrea, William Percy Garland i Sept.go
Colquhoun, Robert Crosthwaite i Sept.go
Por. iMorgan, Reginald Hallward i Sept.go
Cha. Robinson, Guy Vandeleur i Sept.go
Por. Abrahall, Christopher Henry Hoskyns... i Sept.go
Por. JDoig, Richard Osborn Maclean ' i Sept.go
Young, George William Lawrence i Sejit.go
Brogden, John .Silvester i Sept.go
Dalton, Cecil William Robert i Sept.go
Bockett-Pugh, Edward Harding I i Sept.go
Bewes, Arthur Edward ' i Sept.go
Drage, Gilbert i Sept.go
I July 90
Geitebal Staff.
Deputy Adjutant General.—Jones, Lieut.General U. S. CB. 29 Aug. 83.
Assistant Adjutant General.—p.s.c. Suther, Colonel C. C, 22 June 87.
Military Instructor.—p.s.c. Noble, Major E. J. W., 28 Sept. 87.
Quarter Masters.~Da,viea, Tnomaa William. , June 84 ; Hon. Major, i Fob. 89.
\Vhite, Alexander, 4 Oct. 87 ; IIou. Major, i Feb. 89.
Ply. lElIiot, Goo. Heu. 26 Ma.y 78; 2nd Lt. 26001.55 ; ist Lt. 14 April 59; Capl. 3 Aug. 67; Hon. Zt.Colonel, 26 May 8,=f.
DeHl|Shewell, GeorgeMaunsell, 31 May 79 ; 2nd Lt. 17 Aug. 55; ist Lt. 14 Apr. 59; Capt. 3 Aug. 67; ifon.3f<yor, 31 Maiy 79;
Hon. Lt.Colonel, 31 May 89.
Por. Miller, William Tajlor, 17 May 85; 2nd Lt. 28 July 59; ist Lt. 21 Aug. 62; Captain, 8 Fob. 77; Brevet Major,
I I July 8i.
Cha. I Gritt. r., Ueniy, i Aug. g-,; 2nl Lt. -fi Dec 62; u/ Lf. 28 June 55; Cajit. 2 Jii'y 78 ; M.ijor, 1 Sept. 83.

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