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Bengal Staff Cor})s.— Wa7- Services. 475
and Rampore Kussia, passage of the Gogra,, and forcing the enemy's lines before Pyzabad, affair of Muohleegaou
(Medal with Clasp). Served in Bundlecund m command of a Squadron of Robart's Horse. Served with the 17th
Bengal Cavalry during the Bhootan campaign of 1865-66 (Medal with Clasp). -; J-
^"^ Major L. Blathwayt served in the Indian mutiny campaign with the 79thHighlanders, and was present at the
siege and capture of Lucknow, actions of Rooya, AUyguuge, Bareilly, and Shahjehanpore, capture of Rampore
Kussia, and passage of the Gogra (Medal with Clasp). Served with the expeditionary force in China in 1860-62 and
was present in various operations against the Taeping rebels in 1862,
^* Major D. T. H. Sampson served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-59, including the operations at Cawu-
pore under General Windham, capture of Meangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, relief of Azim-
ghiir, and defeat of the rebels near Botwal on the Nepaul Front'er (Medal with Clasp).
''"'' Major J. G. Stewart served in the Indian mutmy campaign in 1858, including the capture of Meeangungc,
siege and capture of Lucknow, and affairs of Barree and Nuggur (Medal with Clasp;.
"" Major J. F. F. Cologan served in the Indian mutiny campaigns of i857-5g, and was present at the siege of
Lucknowin March 1858, siege and capture of Calpee, action of Gowlowlie, attack and capture of Forts Dehayn and.
Tirosl, occupation of Bhyspore, and operations of Brigadier Kelly's Force in the Azimghur and Goruckpore districte
in 185S-59 (Medal with two Clasps).
^" Major N. Lewis served in the Indianmutiny campaign in 1858, including the capture of Lucknow and various
minor engagements in Oude (Medal with Clasp).
•i'^ Major C. R. Pennington served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59, including the siege and capture of
Lucknow, actions of Jubrowlee and Parna (slightly wounded), defeat of Bauee Madhoo, and operations against the
rebels on the Nepaul Frontier (Medal with Clasp).
^'■' Major C. A. Dodd served in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1858 with the 23rd Fusiliers, including the action
of Kalee Nuddee, siege and capture of Lucknow, and subsequent operations in Oude. Joined the Oude rolioe Force
on ist Dec. 1858, and served during the Trans-Gogra campaign (Medal with Clasp).
''" Lt.Colonel C. St. J. B. Baruett was attached to the loth Foot duringthe Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59, and
was present at the action of Sultanpore, with the assaulting column at the capture of Lucknow, relief of Azimghur,
and defeat of the rebels at Jugdespore (Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Goorkhas throughout the Hazara
campaign of 1868 (Medal with Clasp).
''^' Lt.Colonel A. G. Ross served in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1858-59, and was present with the 35th Foot at
Aorah, and with the 79th Highlanders in the Oude campaign, including the capture of the fort of Ranipore Kussia
(Medal). Raised the Labour Mule Train in September and October 1867, and commanded it through the Abys¬
sinian campaign of 1868, was present at the operations before and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches,Medal).
^^'^ Major N. M. T. Horsford served in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1858, including the siege and cajjture of
Luclcnow, action of Nawabgnnge, and subsequent operations in Oude (Medal with Clasp).
^-^ Major J, Finnis served with the ist Madras European Fusiliers during the Oude campaign in 185S (Medal).
^-^ Major C. E. Mac.aulay served in the Indian mutiny campaign 01 1858-59, including the capture of forts
Amathee and Shunkerpore, action of Doondiakiera, and capture of the fortof Omeria (Medal). Served with the ist
Sikh Cavalry throughout the ca-mpaign of i860 in China, including the action of Sinho (severely wounded), capture-
of the Taku Forts, actions of Chankiawhan and Palichau, and surrender of Pekin (mentioned in despatches. Medal
with two Clasps).
••''^ Major J. D. Macpherson served in the Oude campaign, and was present at the capture of the fort of Tiroul
on the i6th Julj' 1858 (Medal).
^-* Major F.C. W. Drummond served with the 53rd Foot in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, including the-,
siege and capture of Lucknow, alfair of Koorsee, and passage of the Goomtee at Sultanpore (Medal with Clasp).
Served in China with the late 70th Bengal Native Infantry in 1859-60 (Medal).
'^-'^ Major A. England served in the Indian mutiny campaign and was present at the crossing of the Gogra and
throughout the Trans-Gogra campaign (Medal).
'■-' Major G. W. C. Plowden served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58 with the Punja.ub Irregular
Cavalry, including the siege and capture of Delhi, battle of Agra (wounded in the face), relief of Lucknow by Lord
Clyde, battle of Cawnpore 6th Dec. 1857, siege and capture of Luoknow, and many minor affairs; Oude campaiga
of 1858 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with throe Clasps).
''^" Major R. Atkins served with the Suraon Field Force in 1859; and on the Nepaul Frontier in 1859-60.
"^ Major C. J.Farquharson served with the 23rd Fusiliers in the Oude campaign of 1858-59 (Medal). Served
with the 3rd Goorkhas throughout the Umbeyla campaign 011863, including the assault and ca,pture of the ConicaL
Hill and villages of Lalloo and Umbeyla (Medal with Clasp). Served also with the same Regiment throughout the
Hazara campaign of 1S68.
'^^ Major W. B. Birch served with the expeditionary force in China in 1860-61—wounded (mentioned in de¬
spatches, Medal). Also in various operations against the Taepiug rebels in the vicinity of Shanghae in 1862..
Served in the Looshai Expedition of 1871-72 (Medal with Clasp).
^^° Major E. R. GonoUy served throughout the operations of the expedition of 1863 against the tribes on the-
N.W. Frontier of India, and was present at the storming at Lallo and capture of Umbeyla (Medal with Clasp).
''''^ Major G. Logan served with the 1st European Bengal I'usiliers in the Indian mutiny campaign (Medal).
Served with the 29th Bengal Native Infantry in Bhootan in 1865 (Medal with Clasp).
^'o Major A. Vallings served with the 6th Foot against the Hill Tribes in Sikkim in 1861. Served with the ist.
Punjaub Infantry in the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
^" Major C. H. Bridges served with the China expeditionary force in 1860-61; also in various operations against
the Taeping rebels in the vicinity of Shanghai in 1862.
"s Major H. .1. Nuthall served with the Mcorut Volunteer Cavalry in .lune and July 1857 ; thence appointed Local
Ensign attached to the 24th Punjaub Infantry "Pioneers," he served as an Assistant Engmcer throughout the
mutinies; was present at the siege and assault of Delhi, capture of Lucknow, passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad,
and in the subser[ueut Trans-Gogra operations. Served also as a volunteer with Hodson's Horse at the skirmish
near Durriabad. Was twice slightly wounded, and his horse also received a sword-cut (three times mentioned in
despatches, and granted an Ensig)icy in the 5cth Foot. Entitled to the Indian Mutiny Medal with two Clasps).
"" Major T. P. Bruce served with the 6th Punjaub Infantry in the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (Medal with Clasp).
Was also present in an engagement with the Bezotee Afreedees in March 1868.
'^i Majcn- A. J. D. Hawes served in the Sikkim expedition of 1861. Served with the 4th Punjaub Infantry at tho
surprise of the Bezzotce village of Gara in February 1869.
"'' Major J. Hay served with the 4th Goorkhas throughout the Umbeyla campaign of 1863, including the assault
and capture of the Conical Hill and the villages of Lalloo and Umbeyla (Medal with Clasp). Served throughout,
tho Hazara expedition of 1868 (Clasp). Served also with the Looshai Expeditionary Force in 1871-72 (Clasp).
"■" Major G. S. Tait served throughout the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-58'; at the defence of Arrah House
m July and August; as a volunteer with the field force under Colonel Eyre in the operations against Koer Singh
at Jugdespore in August 1857 ; with Havelock's Force as Assistant Field Engineer, including the actfons of Mungarwar
and Alumbagh, relief of Lucknow, and subsequent defence of the Residency; subsequent defence of the Alumbagh„
and final assault and capture of Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps).
''-" Captain Voyle served throughout the Jowaki expedition of 1877-78 under Brigadier-General Keves (Medal).
Served also m the Afghan campaign of 1878-79 with the Koorum Field Force ; and was present at the affair of
28th November 1878, and at the storming and capture of the Spingawai Kotal, Peiwar Heights, on 2nd December-
"" Captain W. T. Stuart served throughontthe Indian mutinycampaign of 1857-58; marched with the Sappers and
Miners to Meerut at the outbreak of the mutiny; present at the actions of the 30th and 31st May on the Hiudun,
battle of Budleekeserai and storming of the heights before Delhi on the 8th June 1S57, throughout the siege assaulii
and capture of Delhi, actions of AUyghur and Agra, at Futtehpore Sikree, capture of Fort Mittowlee, actions of AUy-
ghur and Biswah (Medal with Clasp, and promoted to the rank of Ensign).
"'-* Lt.Colonel G. N. Channer served in the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 and was present at the actions of the 16th,
and 17th December (Medal with Clasp). Afterwards served with General Wilde's Column in Jadoon Country in
1864. Looshai field operations in 1871-72. Served with the ist Ghoorkhas in the Malavan Peninsula in 1875-76, with
the Malacca Column in operations in Sunghie Ujong, Terrachee, and Srimenanti; led tho advanced party at the

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