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468 Bengal Staff Corps.—War Services.
nvestment of Indore, siege of Ratghur, repulse of the enemy's attack on our Camp, skirmish of Jhillah (horse
severely wounded by sabre cuts, and personally thanked by Sir Hugh Rose), action of Barodia (womided and
twice mentioned in despatches), relief of Saugor, capture of Gurrakota' and pursuit to Behra; affair of Zallimpore,
battle of Betwa and siege of Jhansi; afifair of Kotra, ist battle of Koonch (horse killed) ; rear-guard ist Bri¬
gade at Deopora; action of Galowlee, capture of Calpee, action of Billawah (wounded), affair of outposts
near Gwalior, and reoccupation of Gwalior. Commanded a Detachment of Artillery and 5th Fusiliers on board
the steamer Bnrhamptdra from Cawnpore to Allahabad, and was engaged at Heerapore and Kaleekmika on the
passage down in July 1858 (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
*"" Lt.Colonel J. Sconce served in suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the siege and capture of Delhi
(mentioned in despatch), battle of Agra, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, and battle of Cawnpore on 6th December
1857 (Medal with two Clasps).
^^ Lt.Colonel F. P. Luard served throughout the Indian mutiny campaign of 1837-59,—with the Rajpootana Field
Force against the Malwa Insurgents; with the Volunteer Cavalry at the attack and capture of Ninibhera ; as a
volunteer gutmer at the action of Jeerun and defence of Ncemuch Fort (mentioned in Bombay general orders for
' gallant conduct"). Was attached to the 14th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Chandaree and Jhansi; acted
as Aide de Camp to Sir Hugh Rose at the battle of Koonch, with capture of the fort and town and pursuit, operations
before Calpee, action at Muttra, affair of outposts on 20th May 1858, battle of Golowlee, capture of the town and fort
of Calpee and pursuit (mentioned in Governor General's orders for services before Calpee, Medal with Clasp).
Served the campaign of i860 in China with Fane's Horse and commanded a Squadron in the action of Sinho. fall of
the Taku Forts, and actions of the 8th and 21st September (acted as Orderly Officer to Brigadier Pattle), and sur¬
render of Pekin (mentioned by Brigadier Pattle as being "several times personally engaged with the enemy,"
wounded, Medal with two Clasp.s).
■*** Lt.Colonel F. B. A. Chamier served as Aide de Camp to General Outram with Havelock's Force, and was pre¬
sent at the actions of Mungarwar and Alumbagh, relief of Lucknow, and subsequent defence of ths Residency
until the relief of its GaiTison by Lord Clyde; also present at the final capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
*"* Lt.Colonel G. J. Pasley served in the Sonthal campaign of 1855.
^"^ Lt.Colonel J. V. Hunt served with the force under General Van Courtlandt in 1857-5S and was present at the
actions of Odawallah, Khyrekee, and Hissar, stoi-m and capture of the village of Mungalee. Commanded the 23rd
Punjaub Infantry in the action of Narmnil (twice mentioned in despatches, thanktd by Government, Medal).
■'"' Lt.Colonel C. F. Sharpe served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858 (Medal).
■'11 Lt.Colonel P. H. F. Harris served with the China Expeditionary Force in 1858-59, and was present in the White
Cloud Expedition against the Braves in June 1858.
■"^ Lt.Colonel T. E. Vander Gucht served with the force under Sir Sydney Cotton in the Eusofzaie Coimtrj-in April
and May 1858, and was present at the attack on the heights of Sittana (Medal with Clasp).
*" Lt.Colonel B. R. Chambers served the Sonthal campaign of 1855-56. Also throughout the defence of the Resi¬
dency at Lucknow from the 30th June to the 17th Nov. 1857, and was severely wounded (Medal with Clasp a year's
service, and a wound pension). Served with the Eusofzai Field Force in the Umbeyla campaign, and was present
in the action of the 15th and i6th December 1863 (Medal with Clasp). Also with the Hazara Field Force, including
operations on the Black Mountain in 1868 (Clasp).
■"' Colonel J. P. SherrilT served with the 2nd Punjaub Infantry during the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58,
and was jjresent at the siege assault and capture of Delhi including the battle of Nuijuffghur. Accompanied
Greathed's Movable Column and present at the battle of Boolundshuhur; was detached with a portion of his-
Regiment at AUyghur; and subsequently commanded a mixed force in the Etawah District, where he had several
engagements with the enemy and captured iive guns, after driving the enemy from his position—received the'
thanks of the Governor General (Medal ^vith Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
*'" Lt.Colonel Mallock served in Central India in 1857-58, including the action of Mundesoreand siege of Ratghur
Fort (Medal with Clasp).
*2^ Lt.Colonel T. Dennehy served in the Sonthal campaign of 1855-56, and commanded a detachment of two
Companies in action with the Insurgents at Chundkundra. Served also during the Indian mutiny of 1857-58,
and commanded the Head Quarters of the Allahabad Military Police Battalion at the actions of Manickpore and
Garthamaron (twice thanked by the Governor General, Medal).
*2^ Lt.Colonel T. J. Watson served in the Indian mutiny campaign, and was present at all the engagements of
Brigadier Seton's Column between Delhi and Futtehghuv. Also present at the siege of Lucknow. Commanded a
Squadron of Hodson's Horse, and pres»nt at one engagement (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
■*^* Lt. Colonel E. P. Gurdon served in the Indianmutiny campaign in 1857; present with the Neemuch Force before
Kimbherae on 23rd September as a volunteer with the Bengal Artillery, with the Ncemuch force in the action with
the Mundesore rebels at Jeerun on the 8th October, and with the Artillery in the Fort of Ncemuch during the siege
by the Mundesore rebels in October and Nov. 1S57 (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
■'2'-' Ll.Colonel A. H. Branilcy served as Orderly Officer to Brigadier Polwhele at the action of the 5th July 1857,
with the Neemuch mutineers near Agra ; and was also present at the battle of Agra on the loth October following
with the Mhow and Indore Rebels—slightly wounded (Modal).
^'' Lt.Colonel W. Musgrave served in the Cape Mounted Rifles and in command of Irregular Troops during the
Kaffir war of 1850-53, and was present at all the engagements of importance during the war and at many of theni
commanded the Irregular Troops engaged (Medal). Commanded a Corps of Irregular Horse of 420 men in the
Indian mutiny of 1857-59 (Medal). Served with the Sist Regiment in the Eusoofzie expedition of 1858 in the
North-Western Frontier of India (Medal with Clasp).
••32 Lt.Colonel J. T. Bushby served in the Burmah campaign in 1853 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
*" Lt.Colonel J.J.Boswell Joined the 3rd Punjaub Infantry when on fleldservicein the Meeranzai valley in Decem¬
ber 1856. In June 1857 proceeded in command of a detachment of the 3rd and 6th Punjaub Infantry to join the
Movable Column under Brigadier General Nicholson at Umritsur. Accompanied the Column in its forced march of
44 miles to Gurdaspore, and commanded the Native Infantry in the actions with the Sealkote mutineers on the 12th
and i6th July 1857 at Trimmu Ghat (Medal). Was present with his Regiment with General Cotton's field force in
Eusofzai in 1858; also during the Hazara campaign of 186S; and with Colonel Keye's force against the Bezoties in
February 1859 (India Medal with Clasp).
'3= Lt.Colonel H. Tyndall was present at the mutiny of the Native Troops at Jullunder on the 7th of June 1S57
and served with the pursuing Column. Served against the rebels near Googaria and Mooltari in 1857-58 (Medal).
Also served with the Expeditionary Force against the Mahsood Wuzeerees in April and May i860, and was present
at the action at the Burrarah Pass (Medal with Clasp).
•"'' Major P. D. M. Brown served in suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the battle of Bndleekeserai, all
the engagements under the walls of Delhi, action of Nujjufghur, assault and capture of Delhi, actions of Narnonl,
Gungeree, Puttialee, and Mynpoorie, storm and capture of Lucknow, and subsequent operations in Oudo (Medal
with two Clasps, Victoria Cross " for great gallantry at Narnoul on the i6th Nov. 1857, in having, at the imminent
risk of his own life, rushed to the assistance of a wounded soldier, whom he carried off under a heav.v fire from the
enemy, whose Cavalry were within forty or fifty yards of him at the time "). Served in the Indian N.W. Frontier
war of 1863, and was present at the attack and captitre of the Conical Hill, and Umbeyla (Medal with Clasp).
*^^ Lt.Colonel M. M. Procter served at the siege and assault of Delhi in 1857, and subsequently with the Kumaon
Battalion in the Oude campaign and on the Nepaul frontier (Medal with Clasp).
♦^^ Lt.Colonel F. Allen served throughout the Sonthal campaign of 1855-56. Commanded the i8th Bengal Native
Infantry in the Bhootan Expedition in 1865 (Medal).
"'■' Lt.Colonel W.H.Garton served throughout the Sonthal campaign of 1855-56. Served also throughout the mutinj-
in 1857-58 (Medal). Was severely and dangerously wounded and had his horse killed under him in an attack upon
a party of rebels under Sung Ram Sing in the Jaunpore district.
**" Lt.Colonel J. Roberts served during the Sonthal campaign of 1855.
"1 Lt.Colonel W. G. Waterfieldwas atMeerut at the outbreak of the mutiny on the loth May 1S57; was afterwards-
present at the actions of the Hindun (mentioned in despatches), at the battle of Buddleekeserai, and throughout the
siege of Delhi. Served as Political Officer to the force that marched from Delhi to Jeypore mider Major Redmond
npursuit of Tantia Topee and other rebels (Medal with Clasp).

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