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466 Ilongal Staff Corji-i.— War Service)!.
and was present at the actions of Sinho and Tangchow, assault and capture of the Taku Forts, and advance on
Pekin (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major). With Bhootan Field Force in
1865 (Clasp).
^" Sir Charles IT. Brownlow was present with the Army of Reserve during the Punjaub war of 1848-49. Served
with the 1st Sikh Infantry in the Black Mountain campaign, Hazara, in 1852-53 ; against the Momund Tribes in
August 1854, when he was shot through the lungs ; and in the Bozdar Expedition of 1857. Commanded the 20th
Punjaub Infantry in the operations on the Ensofzai Frontier in 1S58 ; throughout the China war of i860, including
the action of Sinho, taking of the Taku Forts, and occupation of Pckin (Brevet of Major); the Urabeyla cam¬
paign of 1863 (Brevet of Lt.Colonel and CiJ.); and the Hazara Expedition of 1868. Commanded an Expeditionary
Column into the Looshai Country in 1871-72 (thanked by the Government of India, £CB). Is an Aide de Camp to
the Queen. Has received the Punjanb Medal, the tlhina Medal with Clasps for the Taku Forts and Pekin, and
the Indian Medal with Clasps for North-West Frontier, Umbeyla, and Looshai.
^*' Colonel J. G. S. Matheson served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of Ram-
nuggur, passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (wounded), and pursuit of the Sikhs
and Affglians (Medal with two Clasps). Served with afield force in Tharawaddie, Burniah, in 1853-54.
^*H Colonel J. Reay served during the Sonthal campaign of 1S55.
3*fi Colonel R. S. Mosele.y served in China and was present in the engagement of the 8th Jan. 1859 when the
kattery and village of Shek-tsing were captured.
'*' Colonel A. W. Montagu served in the Burmese war in 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served with
the Trans-Gogra Force on the Nepaul frontier in 1858-59, and was present at the action of Toolsepore (Medal).
^*^ Colonel A. H. Bamfleld served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the battles of Chillianwallah
and Goojerat, and pursuit of the Sikhs and Affghans (Medal with two Clasps). Accompanied the expeditionary
force against the Boree Afreedees in the Kohat Hills in 1853 (Medal with Clasp).
2=1 Colonel N. Barton served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 (Medal).
S52 Colonel B. Walton served with the 53rd Regt. in the Punjaub campaign in 1S49 and was present at the
battle of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). With the expedition against the hill tribes on the Peshawur frontier in
1851-52 (Medal with Clasp). Campaign in India in 1857, including relief of Lucknow bj' Lord Clyde, and severely
wounded at. the storming of the Secundei'bagh (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major)."
35* Colonel H. H. Lyster served on the Staff of Sir Hugh Rose as Interpreter and Aide de Camp throughout the
Central India campaign from Dec. 1857 to July 1858, including the siege and capture of the town and fort of Rath-
ghur and repulse of the rebels in an attack on the camp during the siege, action of Baroda (sabre wound and charger
also wounded), taking of Baroda, forcing the Muddinpore Pass, siege and storm of the town and capture of the
fort of Jhansi, battle of the Betwa, action of Koonch and capture of the town (charger received one bayonet and
two sabre wounds), attack on the camp of the 2nd Brigade at Muttra, attack on the camp of the ist Brigade at
Goolowlee, taking of the town and fort of Calpee, action at and capture of Morar cantonments, storming of the
Lushker and fort of Gwalior (three times mentioned in despatches, twice for gallant conduct in the field. Brevet of
Major,Medal with Clasp, and awa,rded the Victoria Cross "for gallantly charging and breaking, singly, a skir¬
mishing sqixare of the retreating rebel armj^ from Calpee and killing two or three sepoys in the conflict").
355 Colonel F. B. Norman served in the Funjnub throughout the Indian mutinies of 1857-58 ; as Assist.Quarter
Master General with Busofzai Field Force at Umbeyla in 1863 ; present with 2nd Brigade under Colonel W. W.
Turner at storming of Conicrfl Hill and destruction of Lalloo on 15th December and action in Chumra valley on
following day. and with 2nd Brigade under Colonel A. Wilde in subsequent operations; served as Assistant
Quarter Master General throughout the campaigns in Bhootan in 1864-65 and 1S65-66; on 14th March 1S65 when
reconnoitring in Gooroogaon Pass with a Company of Khelat-i-Ghilzie Regiment and a Company of 29th Punjaub
Native Infantry captured four stockades, inflicting severe loss on the enemy; received by telegraph thanks of His
Excellency Sir'Hugh Rose and was afterwards thanked by Government of India ; present at recapture of Dewan-
giri by the force under Brigadier General Tombs on 2ud April 1865 ; accompanied the force under Colonel W.
Richardson on its advance towards Tongsoo in February 1866 resulting in capture of Sulceka, occupation of the
Iron Suspension Bridge over Monass and restoration by Booteahs of the guns they had captured at Dewangiri in
February 1865 ; served as 2nd in Command 24th Punjaub Native Infnntry throughout the Black Mountain expe¬
dition under Major General A.Wilde in 1868; has been favourably mentioned in despatches of six Oflicers com¬
manding field forces or brigades; has received thanks of two Commanders in Chief; commendation of
Government of India for capture of stockades in Gooroogaon Pass in March 1865 ; a Brevet Majority for services
in Ehootan in 1864-65 ; Indian Mutiny Medal, and India Medal with Clasps for Umbeyla, Bhootan, and North-
West Frontier.
'57 Colonel C. S. Lane served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, including the siege and capture of
Delhi, actions of Bolundshur, Allyghur, and Agra, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, and battle of Cawnpore on 6th
Dec. 1857 (Medal witli two Clasps).
358 Colonel H. M. Wemyss served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857, including the battle of 3udlee-ke-Serai
und Nujjufghur, several engagements before Delhi, siege and capture of the citj-—wounded (Medal with Clasp).
••53 Colonel B. T. Stafford served as 2nd in Qommand of the 22nd Bengal Native Infantry in China, including the
following opei-ations against the Taeping rebels in the vicinity of Shanghaie in 1862, capture of stockades on the
4th April, capture of the stockaded village of Tserpoo on the 17th April and of stockades near Nanhsiang on the
29th April, capture by escalade of the walled towns of Kading, Tsinpoo, Najow, and Chohn, and repulse of a very
superior force of the rebels on the 25th May.
360 Colonel D. S. Buist served with the Sylhet Light Infantry in pursuit of the three Companies 34th Bengal
Native Infantry who mutinied at Chittagong on the 18th Nov. 1857. Commanded a Detachment at the action of Binna
Candy in the Cachar district on 12th Jan. 1858 (mentioned in despatches, thanked by Government, and Medal).
Commanded Six Companies of the Sylhet Light Infantry employed in the Jynteah Hills in suppressing the Cossiah
insurrection in i860, including skirmishes on the 26th and 28th March, and capture of the stockaded village of Moong
Gougie. Again served in the Cossiah and Jyntoah Hills during the rebellion of 1862-63, including the capture of
the stockades of Moonson, Ooksaie, Nunghai, Ralleang, and fourth capture of Moonseri. Served in the Bhootan
expedition in 1865 (Medal with Clasp).
3ra Colonel H. C. Smith served in the actions against the hill tribes on the Peshawur frontier in 1854-55, in¬
cluding the capture and destruction of Dhub and Sardine in August 1854 ; expedition against the Busee Kheil Afree-
tlees in Dec. 1854 and March 1855 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served as Interpreter to the 19th
Foot with the force under Brigadier Kelly on the Nepaul frontier in 1859.
3<>*Lt.Colonel A. A. Currie served as 2nd in command of the 23rd Bengal Native Infiintry in the Abyssinian cam¬
paign in 1868, and was present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Brevet
of Major, and Medal).
36' Lt.Colonel H. E. Whish served as a volunteer at the siege of Mooltan (Medal with Clasp).
368 Lt.Colonel J. W. Hoggan served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the actions of
Bhagonala, Nugeena, Bareilly, and Mohunpore—severely wounded (Medal).
369 Lt.Colonel J. T. Harris served in the 2nd European Bengal Fusiliers with the force before Delhi in 1857, was
present at the battle of Budleekeserai and subsequent operations Ijefore Delhi, and severely wounded throughout
thigh in the Subzee Mundeo on the 27th Juno ; served subsequently in Oude in 1S58-59 (Medal with Clasp). Served
â– with the jsth Punjaub Infantry in the campaign of i86o in China, including the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku,
and actions of Chankiawhan and Paliachow, and advance on Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
37" Colonel R. G. Rogers served throughout the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (mentioned in despatches. Medal
with Clasp). Also throughout the Hazara campaign of 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the
Black Mountain (Clasp).
371 Lt.Colonel G. C. Rowcroft served with the force against the Hussunzaies on the Hazara frontier in 1852. Com¬
manded the Khelat-i-Ghilzie Regiment with the force on the Eusufzaie frontier and against the fanatics of Sittana
in April and May 1858 (Medal with Clasp).
372 Colonel J. J. H. Gordon served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58 with the Jounpore Field Force attached to
the 97th Regt.; at the actions of Nusrutpore, Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore, at the siege and capture of
Lucknow and storming the Kaiser Bagh (Medal with Clasp) ; and from Sept. 1S58 to April 1859 a» Field Adjutant to

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