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4^2 llfiiijal h>l<iff Corps.— War Surclceg.
hill tribes in Sciud in 1844-45. In 1856 raised and disciplined a body of Sikhs (now the 45th Bengal Native In¬
fantry—Rattray's Sikhs) for service in the Sonthal Pergunnahs; commanded them throughout the Sepoy mutiny of
1857-58, and present at the actions of Gya, Akherpore, Dhunchooa, Jugdeespore, Nonoodhee, and Kusma (Brevet of
Major, Medal, a;id several times thanked by Government).
*^ Colonel J. M. Cripps served the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under Sir George Pollock, including the
forcing of the Khyber Pass and actions of Jugdulluck, Tezeen, and Istalifl'(Medal). Also throughout the Sutlej
campaign of 1845-46, including the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps).
'^ Colonel J. B. Dennys served throughout the operations of the Candahar Force under General Nott, including
the various actions leading to the reoccupation of Cabool (Medal). Served during the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46.
In 1853 commanded the Kotah contingent and troops sent from Nusserabad in the reduction of the fort of Kurowlee.
Commanded the Kotah contingent on the outbreak of the mutinies and was emploj-ed some weeks against the
rebels in the Agra and Muttra districts ; present at the attack on the fort of Ahwal in Rajpootana, and accom¬
panied field forces from Neemuch in civil capacity in pursuit of Feroze Shah and Tantia Topee.
'" Major General G. L. Showers was present at the surrender of Kote Kangra in June 1846. Served in the campaign
in Western Rajpootana in 1847, and commanded in the attack and reduction of the desert stronghold of Garsesur, re¬
sulting in the capture of the marauder chief Thakoor Jowahir Singh. Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and on Lord
Gough's staff at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Central India campaign in 1857-58 includ¬
ing the pursuit of the Neemuch mutineers, attack and occupation of Neembahera, Cavalry affair before Fort Nee¬
much, and action of Purtabghur (Medal with Clasp).
'^ Colonel J. A. Wright served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the affair of Ramnug-
gur, passage of the Chenab, battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat, and pursuit of the Sikhs and Affghans (Medal
with two Clasps).
'' Colonel J. N. Young served the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under General Pollock, including the
forcing of the Khyber and Jugdulluck Passes, actions in the Tezeen VaUey and on the Huft Kohtul, and recapture
of Cabool (Medal).
7' Colonel G. Holroyd served throughout the operations of the Candahar Force under General Nott in (838-42
(wounded at Bance Kaban 15th Sept. 1842), including the advance upon Ghuznee and Cabool, and taking of Istaliff
(Medal). Gwalior campaign, and present at the battle of Maharajpore (Bronze Star). Sutlej campaign of 1845-46,
including the battle of Sobraon—horse shot (Medal).
*' Colonel A. Robinson accompanied the expedition against the rebels in the Cossiah and Jyntea Hills in com¬
mand of a Wing of the 20th Bengal Native Infantry. Present at the capture of the stockade at Ooksae.
'" Colonel J. Cockburn Hood served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the first and second siege
operations before Mooltan, capture of the city, and action of Soroojkhoond (Medal with Clasp). Served also in the
Indian mutiny campaign in 1858 ; commanded a Wing of the ist Punjaub Infantry in operations under Brigadier
General Showers, including the capture of the Fort of Jhujjur, also present in the action of Shumshabad, siege and
capture of Lucknow and storming of the Begum's Palace, and dangerously wounded when commanding 4th Pun¬
jaub Infantry in assault on the final position held by the Moodire (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and
Brevet of Major). Commanded the 4th Punjaub Infantry at the surprise of Besotee village of Gera 25th Feb. 1869.
Has twice received the thanks of the Lt. Governor of the Punjaub for services, and the especial thanks of the
Governor General in Council for services in the field, 17th April 1869.
'* Colonel P. F. Gardiner served against the rebels North of JuUunder in 1848-49, and was present at the
Btorniing of the heights of Umb, and occupation of the fort of Oonah (Punjaub Medal).
'"' Colonel W. D. Morgan served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of Ramnuggur
(Medal). Served also in the Indian mutiny campaigns of 1857-59, as Brigade Major with the Sarun and Gorruckporn
Field Forces, and was present at the actions of Sohunpore, Phoolpore, Betwa, Amorah,Doomoeragunge, Toolsepore,
and Siewa (several times mentioned in despatches, thanked by the Governor General, Medal, and Brevet of Major).
'"* Colonel H. R. Drew served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the first and
second siege operations before Mooltan (severely wounded), including the attack on the Dhurmsala and action of
Soroojkhoond, afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
1" Colonel J. Marquis served in Bundlecund with the 3rd Bengal N.I. during the insurrection in 1842-43 ; and
as Adjutant of the Regiment served with General Wheeler's Column in the Punjaub campaign in 1848-49 including
the assault and capture of the heights of Dulla (Medal). Also with the force against the Hussanzaies in 3852
(Medal with Clasp). Served at the siege and storm of Delhi in 1857 ; and at the assault and final capture of the city
acted as 2nd in Command of the 2nd Punjaub Infantry (Medal with Clasp). Bhootan campaign of 1865 (Clasp).
"^ Brigadier General C. C. G. Ross served with the E.xpeditionary Force against the Hill Tribes in the vicinity of
Peshawur in 1851-52, and with that of 1853, and was present at the action of Skakote (Medal with Clasp). Served
throughout the Indian mutiny, present at the defence of Kumahon, commanded the 66th Goorkha Regiment in the
action of Churppoorah, and in the subsequent campaign (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal). Com¬
manded the Perozepore Regiment throughout the Umbeyla campaign (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Clasp).
120 Brigadier General W. Gordon served the Punjaub campaigns of 1848-49 as Assistant Field Engineer and com,
manded a Company of Pioneers at the siege and capture of Mooltan, including the surrender of the fort of Chiueote-
and two Companies of Pioneers at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
1^8 Colonel C. Ljons-Montgomery served in the Chota Nagpore districts during the mutinies in 1857; and
with Jung Bahadoor's force in 1858 ; present at the passage of the Gogra and at the battle of Phoolpore (Medal).
^'^ Brigadier General O. E. Rothney served during the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46. Served with Colonel Macke-
Bon's Force against the Hussanzaies in 1852-53. Commanded the 4th Sikh Infantry in charge of a chain of outposts
in Than-awaddy in Pegu in 1854, and was several times engaged against the rebel leader Goung Gee. Present at Loo-
diana on the 8th June 1857 and held the town and fort in check and protected the cantonment with the main body of
the 4th Sikh Infantry ; afterwards pursued the mutineers with Major Olpherts' Column. Joined the Delhi Field Force
on 23rd June 1857, and commanded the 4th Sikh Infantry throughout the siege and assault of Delhi, and several en¬
gagements in and near Delhi (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Commanded the 4th
Sikh Infantry with General Chamberlain's Force against the Cabul Khel Wuzeerees in 1859, and was present at the
affair of Maidanee. Commanded the Hazara Goorkha Battalion with the same force against the Mahsoed Wuzeerees
in i860, and was present at the repulse of the night attack on the Camp at Palooseen and at the forcing of the
Burrara Pass (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
"3 Colonel F. Alexander served as Adjutant of the Artillery Division with the expeditionary force under Sir
Charles Napier against the Hill Tribes in Sind in 1845. Served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and
was present at the ist and 2nd siege operations before Mooltan including the aflair of Dhurmsala, action of
Soorjkhoond, and storming of the suburbs; afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
"•> Colonel T. Wright served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 184S-49, including the actions of Ram¬
nuggur, Sadoolapore.Chilhauwallah, and Goojerat (Meilal with two Clasps). Served as Assistant Adjutant General
and chief Staff Officer with the force under Sir Sydney Cotton in the Eusofzie expedition of 1858 (mentioned in
despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Indian mutiny campaign in command of the 2nd Sikh Cavalry in
Central India and defeated a bodj-of the enemy in Buudlecuud (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served as
Assistant Adjutant General throughout the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Lt.Colonel, and Clasp); and in the same capacity with the field force under Major General Tytler during the
operations of 1865-66 in Bhootan (Clasp).
"« Colonel G. B. Mainwaring served the Gwalior campaign, including the battle of Maharajpore (Bronze Star).
Served also throughout the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon
(Medal and two Clasps).
""Colonel E. N. Sandilands served with the 8th Regt. at the siege of Delhi in 1857, including repulse of sorties
on 14th, i8th, and 23rd July (wounded by a splinter of a shell on the 10th August), and commanded the Light Com¬
pany at the assault of the City (wounded) ; also present in the action of Dilkoosha and relief of Lucknow under
Lord Clyde, the affairof the 2nd and action of the 6th Dec. al Cawnpore, and action of Khudagunj (Medal with
'*5 Colonel J. M. Nuttall served during the Sutlej campaign. Present at Allahabad when the late 6th Bengal
Native Infantry mutinied, and served in the operations in and about that city during 1857.
'♦« Colonel J. Doran served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battles of Moodkee and Ferozeshah

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