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Her Majesty's Local Indian Forces.—War Services. 40ge
1858 and served with it in the Delhi district in Major Ramsay's Column in May June and July 1858 (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Cossyah rebellion in 1862, and commanded the outpost of Buttow.
"" Lt.Colonel G. B, Fisher was present with the 32nd Bengal Native Infantry in the Sonthal district during
the mutinies of 1857, and marched with the Head Quarters from Bowsee to Raneegunge when the four companies
on command mutinied. Took a detachment of volunteers from his regiment to China, and served with the 65th
N. I. during the occupation of Canton in 1858-59 (Medal).
''^ Lt.Colonel W. A. Franks was present with the Head Quarters of the 12th Bengal Native Infantry when
it mutinied at Nowgong on the loth June 1857. He served subsequently throughout the mutiny campaign
''3 Lt.Colonel H. K. Bushe served with the Belgaum FieldForce in 1857-58, and was present at the surrender
and occupation of the fortress of Shorapore.
'^^ Lt.Colonel R. W. Elton was present with his regiment at the outbreak of the mutiny at Delhi on the nth
May 1857. Served in the Meerut Volunteer Horse, and was present with it at the defeat of WuUedad Khan at
Galowtee, and on several other occasions when attached to the left wing 1st Belooch Battalion. Was present with
General Penny's Force at the action of Kurkralee ; was with the Commander in Chief's Force at the action before
Bareilly on 5th M ly 1858, and at repulse of rebels by the Commander in Chief on the occasion of their attacking
our outposts at^hah.iehanpore ; present in the operations near Mahomdy and relief of Fort JcUalabad ; present
with the Battaiiou at the taking of Fort Ramporo Kussia by Brigadier Wetherell's Force; with Commander in
Chief's Force at occupation of forts of Ameytce and Sunkerpore, and at the defeat of Beni Madho at Dundea
Keeree; also at the action at Churda and taking of Fort Mayeedia; present at the capture of 14 guns by Brigadier
Horsford's Force at Sikha Ghat in Nepaul (Medal).
'*"* Colonel S. De B. Edwardes served in the Mahee Kanta Field Force in iSsS.inpursuitofTantiaTopee, present
at the action of Anoria; served as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General in the Abyssinian E.'cpedition in 1868,
present at the actiozi of Arogee and at the assault and capture of Magdala (Modal).
'*' Lt.Colonel W. E. D. Broughtou served during the Indian mutiny (Medal).
'^' Colonel J. Blair served throughout the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-59, and was present at the siege
of Neemuch, siege and assaultat Kotah and pursuit of Tantia Topee (Medal with Clasp, and awarded the Victoria
Cross for " gallant and daring conduct" at Neemuch, and " in fighting his way most gallantly through a body of
rebels at Jeerum who liad literally surrounded him. . . . received a severe sword-cut on his right arm").
i'" Lt.Colonel W. Hriwey served with the 32nd Light Infantry during the Indian mutiny in 1858-59, and was
present at the capture of the fort of Tyroul, action of Jugdespore, surrender of the forts of Ahmetie and Shunker-
pore, and pur.suit of Bini Madho (Medal).
"- Colonel E. M. Lawford was emploj-ed in Bengal and Bundleound from February to December 1859.
"* Colonel R. S. Hill served in defence of Kuraaon Hills and Rohilcund against the rebels in 1857-58; present
at Ohapoorah ; with Brigadier Troup's Column during the campaign in Oude and present at the actions of Pusgaon
and Russoolpove. attacii and capture of Fort Mittowleo, and action of Biswah (Medal). Served in the Bhootan
campaign of r 865-66 (Medal with Clasp); and in the Huzara campaign of 1868 including the operations on the'' Black
Mountain" (Clasp).
_ "= Lt.Colonel H. H. Stansfeld served with the roth Foot throughout the Indian mutiny, and was present at the
Biege of Lucknow and several skirmishes in Oude, Aziraghur, and the Jugdespore Jungles (Medal with Clasp).
''" Colonel H. MelviU served in the Kumaon Militia during 1857 and commanded Cavalry in an attack made
from Njmee Tal upon a portion of the Rohilcnnd rebels. Served with the Oude Police Cavalry from May till
September 1858 ; was in command of a Police Force (Cavalry and Infantry) at Mahon near Lucknow when an
attack was made on that post by the enemy on the evening of the 7th August 1858. Commanded the Cavalryin
an attack made by a Police Force upon the fort and position of Bu-wa on 26th August 1S58 (Medal).
"* Lt.Colonel T. M. Shelley was present at the outbreak of the mutiny at Meerut on the loth May 1857. He
served afterwards in several actions from the nth August to the 29th September before Delhi, and at the assault
and capture of the city—wounded (Medal with Clasp).
"' Lt.Colonel J. G. Campbell served with 3rd Bengal Europeans during the Indian mutinies of 1857-58, in¬
cluding the operations at Shereghur Ghat in May 1858, and with the column from Agra towards Gwalior in June
1858 (Medal). Served with the 30th Punjaub Infantry in the Bhootan campaign of 1864-65, and was present at
the captures of Chamoorchi, Bala, and Nagoh (Medal with Clasp).
">" Lt.Colonel G. A. Arbuthnot served with the Saugor Field Force during the suppression of the Indian mutiny
in the Shahabad district and in Central India (Medal).
-"' Lt.Colonel J. I. Robinson served with the 2nd Punjaub Cavalry at the final siege and capture of Lucknow,
and at the aifair of Koorsee; and with the 9th Lancers in the Rohilcund campaign, including the actions of
Rooya and Allygunge, capture of Bareilly, and affairs of Shahjehanpore and Mohumdec (Medal with Clasp).
^f" Lt.Colonel C. S. Steward was emplo.yed during the Indian mutiny, and was present at the action of Itrowlea
with Kooer Sing's rebel force on the 21st March 1858 (wounded), and a-t the sortie from the fort of Azimghur 27th
March, also at the taking of Jugdespore and at the engagements of Beliea, Peeroo, twice at Muttahee, Dullepore,
Ceswah, Rujapore Gamur, and the final ejectment of the rebels from the Jugdesporo Jungles between May and
June 1858 (Medal).
^i" Lt.Colonel T. C. Graham served in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-58, and was present at the siege and
capture of Lucknow, taking of Bareilly, and capture of Port Degham (Medal with Clasp).
^'1 Lt.Colonel H. St. G. Tucker ser\'ed with the 19th Punjaub Infantry in the campaign of i860 in China (Medal).
^" Lt.Colonel M. G. Clerk served in the Indian mutiny campaigns in 1857-59, ^'^d ''^^^ present with Havelock'a
Force at the actions of Mungarwar and Alumbagh, remaining in the Alumbagh with the force under Lt.Colonel
M'Intyre, and acted as Assistant Field Engineer; afterwards'present at the capture of Lucknow (Medal with
Clasp, and a year's service).
2'^ Lt.Colonel P. C„Dalmahoy served in the Indian mutiny campaigns of 1857-59, and waspresentatthesiegcand
capture of Delhi, including mostof the engagements before its walls previous to the capture. Served with Brigadier
Showers' Force in the Delhi district. Present with the Humeerpore Police Battalion in several encounters with
the rebels in Bundlecund in 1859-60, and on many occasions during the campaign commanded an independent
Column of Military Police (received the thanks of Government for services in Delhi and Bundlecuud, Medal with
"^ Lt.Colonel P. Story served in Brigadier Troup's Column during the campaign in Oude in 1858-59, and was pre¬
sent at the actions of Pusgaon and Russoolpore, attack and capture of Fort Mittowlee, and action of Biswah (Medal).
'^^ Lt.Colonel J. L. Locli served with the 2nd Dragoon Guards at the siege and capture of Lucknow in March 1858,
and_during the subsequent operations in Oude (Medal with Clasp).
^" Lt.Colonel E. J. M'Nair served in the Indian mutiny campaigns of 1857-59, and was present at the assault and
capture of Delhi as well as at the battle of Budlee-ke-Serai and all the operations throughout the siege; served
afterwards in the Delhi district with the column under Brigadier Showers; also in the Bekaneer district in 1859
(Medal with Clasp).
2'' Lt.Colonel C.ilartin served in the Indian mutiny campaigns of 1857-58 and was present with the 14th Light Dra¬
goons with the Malwa Field Force at the capture of Dhar, and actions of Mundesore—severely wounded (mentioned
in despatches, Medal). Served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 as Aide de Camp to Brigadier D. M Stewart,
and with the 12th liengal Cavalry at the capture of Magdala (Medal).
2" Colonel J. M. Williams served in the Burmese war in 1852-53 and was present at Pegu during the investment
of the Pagoda and River stockade by the Burmese in January 1853 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served as a Volun¬
teer against the rebel Chief Meng Loung in the Martaban district in 1856, present in several engagements, and in
Shoay Gheen in 1857.
"'" Lt.Colonel R. C. Stewart served with a party of the Mysore Silladar Horse attached to the Kumool Movable
Column and was i)resent at the attack on Shorapore on the 8th February 1858, on which occasion he was
dangerousl.y wounded by two sword cuts; also commanded a detachment of'the 4th Cavalry Hyderabad Contin¬
gent with Brigalier Hill's Field Force in the Taptee Valley, in Berar, and in the Deccan from November 1858 till
March 1859 (Medal).
"' Lt.Colonel L. E. Evans served throughout the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59 with the 3rd Bengal European
Regiment, and was present with the Mynpooreo Movable Column in the operations at Sheraghur Ghat, and with

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