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War Services of the Captains- 574
paign and actions of Pusgawn, Russulpore, and capture of the Fort of Mithowlie (Medal with two Clasps). Also
in the Eusofzai campaign of 1863-64 and at the Umbeyla Pass under Sir John Garvock (Medal with Clasp).
'« Captain Harington served with the Baltic expedition in 1854 (Medal). Served in New Zealand during the Maori
war of 1864 in command of the ist Waikato Mditia, and commanded the fortified Camp at Te Papa during the opera¬
tions against the natives in June (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
" Captain John Harrison (Unatt.) sei'ved with the 45th Regiment in the Burmese war in 1825 (Medal).
** Captain Harward served in the Eastei-n campaign of 1854-55, including the battle of lukerman and siege of
Sebastopol, iu the Trenches with the siege train, and bombardments of October, April, and 6th and 17th June
(Medal with two Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
'"> Captain William Hay served in the Peninsula with the i6th I^ight Dragoons, andwas present at the battles of
Talavera, Busaco, and Fuentes d'Onor (War Medal with three Clasps).
"" Captain Heathorn served in the Turkish Contingent from its formation until the end of the Crimean war in the
Quarter Master Greneral's Department, including six months at Kertch (4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
Served in the Indian mutiny campaign, corumanded the Mountain Train R.F.H. at Kotah, and accompanied the
assaulting Column with two howitzers at the fall of the town ; was afterwards in Colonel Parke's Flying Column,
and mentioned in despatch Chotah Odepore (Medal with Clasp).
'™ Captain A. S. Heyland served in the Gude campaign in 1858, including the action at Jamo and taking of Fort
Birwa (Medal).
"° Captain T. E. Hodges served at the capture of Genoa in 1814, and subsequently in the American war, including
the capture of Washington and engagements at Baltimore and New Orleans.
'" Captain P. A. Howley sers-ed with the 6th Regiment in the Indian mutiny campaign (Medal). Also in the
Hazara campaign of 1868, including the subsequent operations in the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
"* Captain E. W. Humphry served in the Indian mutiny campaign, and was severely wounded in action with
Jodhpore mutineers on i6th Nov. 1S57; in Showers' operations after the capture of Delhi; with Seaton's Column in the
actions of Gungeree, Puttialee, and Mynporj-, siege and capture of Lucknow ; served as Adjutant of Sappers tlirough-
out the Rohilcund campaign, including the attack on Fort Rooyah, action of Allygunge, and capture of Bareilly;
throughout the Oude campaign of 1858-59 (Medal with Clasp).
"•■ Captain M. W. Hyslop served with the 93rd Highlanders in the Crimea from the 14th July 1855, including the
siege and fall of gebasto]iol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the Indian campaigns of
1857-58, including the relief of Luckuow by Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore and pursuit
to Seraighat, actions of Pusgaon and Russulpore, and evacuation of the Fort of Mithowlie (Medal with Clasp).
"7 Captain T. A. Irwiu sei-ved in the Ashanti war from the 30th November 1873, and was in command of the Post
at Moinzey (Medal with Clasp).
"' Captain James served as Adjutant of the 31st Regiment throughout the campaign of i860 in the north of China, in¬
cluding the action of Sinho and stoi-ming of Tanpku (Medal with Clas]) for the Taku Forts). Served also during the
operations against the Taejiings in the vicinity of Shanghai in April and May 1862, resulting in the taking of the
stockade at Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of the walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, Tsolin, and fortified town of
Najow, and the affair at Nanhsiaug.
^'^ Captain Kelsall served at the siege of Sebastopol, right attack, from Aug. 1855 (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish
'" Captain A. R. Keogh served with the 80th Regiment in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59. Served with
the 14th Regiment in New Zealand from i860 to 1866, and was severely wounded at the assault on the Okotuku Pah
1^ Captain Lane served with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade in the Crimean campaign from the 25th Aug. 1855,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also throughout the whole of its
service in the suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the capture of Lucknow, and numerous affairs during the
Oude campaign, and was thanked in despatches by Brigadier Horsford when in charge of three Companies of the
Rifle Brigade (Medal with Clasp).
'^' Captain W. H. Lawrence served in the Peninsula from April 1813 to the end of that war in 1814, including the
siege of Tarragona.
'** Captain Lawrence-Archer served with the 24th Regiment throughout the Punjaub campaign of 184S-49,
including the action of Ramnuggur, and battles of Sadoolapore, Chillianwallah (wounded), and Goojerat (Medal
with two Clasps).
^'^ Captain H. Leake served with the 70th Regiment in the New Zealand war of 1863-65, including operations in
the provinces of Taranaki and Waikato (Medal).
'3' Captain John Lee served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 wifh the ist Royal Dragoons, including the battles
of Balaklava, Inkerman. and Tchemaya, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Cla.spB,and Tuikish MedalJ.
'^^ Captain Lennox served as Orderly Officer to Colonel Graham, R.M., during the operations against and surrender
of the forts of Bomarsund in August 1854 (Medal). Joined the combined forcel-iefore Sebastopol in January-1855 ;
gervedwith the R.M. BattaUon at the occupation of Kertch and Yeni Kal<5 in May, and with the Brigade in the
Crimaa from August until the fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
134 Captain Alfred Lewis served with the 60th Rifles in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858 (Medal). Volunteered
ia Canada in 1862 to go after a party of the 4th Battalion 60th Rifles that had deserted with their rifles and ammu¬
nition for the purpose of joining the American Army; these men he captured after they had fired several times on
his party; for this service he was mentioned in general orders by Sir F. Williams, commanding in Canada, and
recommended for promotion.
1'^ Captain Low served at the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasps).
'3' Captain Lucas served with the 47th Regiment throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including ^^^ battles
of Alma and Jnkei-man, capture of Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol, sortie of 26th October, and storming of the
[ Quarries on 7th June—mentioned in despatches (Medal with three Clasps, sthClass of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
"8 Major M'Carthy served on the Coast of Syria in 1840 (Medal with Clasp).
'*" Captain M'Gon-ery served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Meda
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"1 Captain M'Kay served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 28th May 1855, including the expedition
to Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attack of the i8th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served
as Staff Oflicer to Major Rocke in the action of Pertabghur on 24th December 185S (Medal with Clasp).
"2 Captain J. M'Loughlin served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganak
and M'Kenzie's Farm, battles of Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, and Tchernaya, capture of Balaklava and Tchorgaun,
siege and fall of Sebastopol, and operations near Eupatoria under General D'AllonviUe (Medal with four Clasps,
and Turkish Medal).
1" Captain Mansh served with the 34th Regiment at the siege of Sebastopol from 9th December 1854 to 20th Feb.
1855 (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also in the Indian campaigns in 1857-59, including the actions at
Cawnpore on 26th 27th and 28th November 1857, capture of Meeangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal
with Clasp).
"3 Captain Maynard served in suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1857-59 (Medal).
"« Captain D. B. Moriarty served with the 6th Regiment in the Hazara campaign of 1868 (Medal with Clasp).
"' Captain A. G. E. Morley served with the 51st Regiment throughout the Burmese war of 1852 ; was on board
the E.I.C. steam-frigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon
river; served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity (including the storming of the White
House Redoubt), and at the storm and capture of Rangoon (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served in the Indian
mutiny campaign, including the surrender of Kirwee (Medal).
"^' Captain J. Murphy served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 in the Royal Artillery and Laud Transport Corps,
including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, capture of Balaklava, attack and occupation of the Ceme¬
tery and suburbs on the i8th June, siege and fall of Sebastopol; also landed the Detachment of L. T. Corps with the
Light Cavalry Brigade at Eupatoria (Medal with four Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
"2 Captain Mytton served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, including the battles of Sindwaho and
Kurai (Medal).

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