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409^ Her Majesty's Local Indian Forces.—War Serv 'ccs.
»*!' Captain F. M. Alexander served with the Dharwar Field Force from 5th March till 23th April 1858. Com¬
manded a detachment of the 4th Light Cavalry while sers'ing with the Goruckpore Field Force under Brigadier
Rowcroft from November 1858 till February 1859, and was present at the affairs of Koosmee and Bagowra; and in
Uengal and Bundlecuud from January to December 1859 (Medal).
•" Captain J. H. T. Farquhar was present at the action of Chinhut (severely wounded) and tliroughoiit the
defence of the Kesidency at Lucknow in 1857 (Medal with Clasp, and a year's service).
*•* Captain R. Beadon served during the Indian mutiny campaigns in 1857-58, and was present at the siege of
Lucknow, skirmish at Tigree, capture of Azimghur and pursuit; at Sanilwar he captured a 9-pounder; operations
in the Jugdespore Jungles and pursuit; action at Nonadee and pursuit to the Kymaon Hills (twice mentioned in
despatches. Medal with Clasp). Soi'ved the campaign of i860 in China, including the taking of the Taku Forts,
action at Chankiawan, and surrender of I'ekin (Medal with two Clasps).
^^ Captain C. Beadon, prior to entering the Indian Army, served five .years as a Midshipman in the Royal Navy,
was on board H.M. ship Algiers at the bombardment and fall of Bomarsund during the Baltic campaign of 1854
under Sir Charles Napier (Medal). Served afterwards in the s.ime ship during the siege and fall of Sevastopol
between the 23rd October 1854 and December 1855, and was present at the taking of Kertch and Kiubouru (Medal
with Clasp). Was engaged ill the operations against Canton onboard H.M. ships Calcutta and Jilk. Served on
the River Ganges as a Volunteer during the late mutiny in H.E.I. Company's gunboat Jumna.
2*' Captain C. E. Stack served with the Kotah Contingent against the insurgents in the Agra and Muttra dis¬
tricts in May and June 1857; and as Aide de Camp to General Polwhele at the battle of Agra on the 5th July
1857 (Medal).
^' Captain R. G. T. Stevenson served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59, and was present at Jeerun,
assault and capture of Kotah, and in pursuit of Tantia Topee (Medal w-ith Clasp).
'■^'^ C'aptiiin F. S. Cherry was employed during the Indian mutiny in Shahabad, and engaged at Burhampoor
14th October, Khereo Saugor i6th October, Jugdespore i8th October, Sockreta and Koath Kliaz 20th October, and
Aniabad 30th November 185S, and in Bundlecund till June 1859 (Medal).
^^ Captain C. A. Moore commanded a detachment of the 2nd Bombay Light Cavalry at the taking of Rowa;
present at the taking of Awah; served with the Field Force in Central India in 1858; present during the operations
in the Mahee Kanta in 1838; and at the night attack of the Khosias at Bhyrannah and during the operations at
Nuggur I'ai-ker; present during the operations in Kattywar, and at the taking of the Burda Hills and defeat of
the Wngheers at that place in 1859 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 3rd Light Cavalry during the Abyssinian
campaign of 1867-68, and commanded the Regiment at the storming and capture of Magdala (mentioned in de¬
spatches. Medal).
^'^ Captain A. H. Prinscp was present at the mutiny of his Regiment, the 6th Bengal Light Cavalry, at
Sealkote on the gth July 1857 and was wounded. He atterwards served against the rebels in the Gogarian Jungles,
and was present at the final siege and captme of Lucknow (Medal -n-ith Clasp).
''^ Captain ,1. M. C. Galloway was emjiloyed during the Indian mutiny in Shahabad, and was engaged at Kheree
7th October, Burhampoor 14th October, Kheree Saugor i6th October, Jugdespore i8th October, and Seekreta and
Koath Kha?, 20th October 1858, and in Bundlecund during the whole of 1859 (Medal).
^^ Captain T. H. T. Chalon served with the Copal Movable Column and Bellary Field Force in 1858, and was
present at the storming of Copal (Medal).
2^* Captain T. F. C. Rochfort served dm'ing the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-59, and was present at the siege
and capture of Lucknow, the subsequent operations in Oude and actions of Koorsee and Baree (Medal with Clasp).
^'' Captain AV. S. Macleod served with a Squadron of the ist Dragoon Guards during the campaign of i860 in
='*' Captain W. Thompson served in the Nagpore Province to intercept the rebels under Tantia Topee from gth
November 1858 to 26th Januaiy 1859. He served with a column of observation on the banks of the Wurdah river
for the suppression of disturbances in the Nizam's Dominions in conjunction with a column under Sir Hugh Rose,
from ist to 30th March 1859.
**! Captain H. C. Stevens was employed in Bengal and Bundlecund from January to June 1859.
'" Captain G. W. Co.x was employed against the Karen insurgents in 1857.
2*' Cajitain A. F. Curtis served with the Bellary Field Force in 185S-59.
2" Captain J. S. Irvine served at the relief of Azimghur in April 1858, and in the subsequent pursuit of Koer
Sing (Medal).
**5 Captain R. G. Birch served with the Volunteer Cavalry with Havelock's Force in 1857, and was severely
wounded at the first relief of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp, and a year's service).
"<« Captain H. M. BuUer served with the Eusafzye Force on the N. W. Frontier of India in 1863, including the
attack on and capture of Umbeyla (Medal with Clasp).
*■" Captain R. Monis served with the 2nd Dragoon Guards in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, and was
present at the siege and capture of Lucknow and subsequent operations at Koorsee (Medal with Clasp).
^** Captain H. K. Elliot was employed on field service in the RaichoreDoab from the 4th June to the sth August 185S.
2*' Captain W. Rowlandson served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the actions of
Secrowlie and Ghurra, and reoccupation of Humeerpore (Medal).
2^ Captain V. L. Gordon served during the suppression of the mutiny in Bengal, in the Saugor Nerbudda Terri¬
tories, from December 1857 to February 1858; also with Brigadier Rowcroft's Force from May to 16th December 1858.
*j' Captain G. C. Jackson served with the Eusufzai Field Force in 1863, and was present at the reconnaissance and
affair in the Chumla Valley, at the storming of the Conical Hill, destruction of Lalloo, and burning of Umbeyla
(mentioned in despatches). Seized with the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868, and was present at "the action of
Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches, and received the approbation of Government, Medal).
"■^"captain C. C. Morris served during the suppression of the Indian mutiny in the Shahabad district, and was
present at the affair at Berhampore on the 14th October 1858.
f"*" Captain F. D. Plowden served during the Indian mutinj' campaign of 1858-59, and accompanied General
Frank's Column on the Oude frontier, and was engaged at the capture of Attrowlee (Aledal).
2'* Captain F. Beeching served with the field force under Major Hawks at Keonghut for the suppression of a
rebellion amongst the Hill Tribes of the Cuttack Tributary Mahals.
*j5 Major J. M. Stewart served in the Jynteah Hills during the rebellion of 1S62-63, and was present at the
assault and capture of the stockades of Ookis, Mugbarai, and Oomkrong.
^^^t Captain H.H. C. G. W.arrington was employed on Hold service in the Saugor and Ncrbudda territories in the
suppression of the Indian mutiny from the 6th February 1858.
"'•^ Captain F. G. Hideout was employed in suppressing the Khond outbreak in Boad in May and June 1862.
=■■'7 Captain H. S. Riixton commanded two Companies of the 17th Punjaub Infantry in the pursuit and oajiture of
a party of rebels of the 26th Bengal Native Infantry in July 1857.
^3a Captain W. C. Chowne served with the 19th Panjaub Infantry in the campaign of i860 in China (Medal).
33" Captain A. J. Howes served with the Kurnool Movable Column and Saugor Field Division, and was present
at the storming of the fort of Ruteea 13th November 1858 (Medal).
>"*' Captain K. Venour served as a volunteer with the loth Foot against the Dinapore mutineers at Arrah in 1857
and was severely wounded (Medal). Served with the right column Doar Field Force in 1865-66.
2«' Captain A. P. Carrie served throughout the Persian campaign of 1856-57, including the assault and capture
of the fort of lleshire, surrender of Bushire, at Borazjoon, and action of Khooshab (Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Indian mutiny campaign, including the pursuit of Tantia Topee and the Gwalior rebels in 1858-59.
^•"t Captain U.R. Wintle served in the Indian mutiny campaign (Medal).
*"' Captain G. W. Holdaworth served throughout the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, and was present at
the action near Agra on the 5th July against the Neemuoh mutineers, attack on the village of Chulhaslee (Severely
wounded by an explosion), the battle of Agra on the loth October; also with the column under Colonel Cotton at
Fiittehpore Sirkee in October 1857, and with the Agra Column towards Gwalior in Juno 1858 (Medal).
*«2 Captain W. F. Bartleman served with the 13th Light Infantry in the Indian mutiny campaign in 185S, and
was present at the actions of Almorah on the 17th and 25th April, and at the storming and capture of the fort
of Nuggur (Medal). Served during a part of the Cossiah rebellion, and commanded a Company of the 43rd Bengal

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