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Dugshai, Bengal. Depot,
attached to 104th Foot.
37th (The North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot.
Years^ Ser. Colonel.—Sir Thomas Simson Pratt,' KCB. Ensign, 2 Feb. 14 ; Lt. P20 April 20; Capt. ^17 Sept. 25 ; Major,
^2s Dec. 3S ; iit-Lt, Colonel, 6 May ^r; Lt.Colonel, 28 Aug. 41; Colonel, 11 Nov. 51; Jfujor General, 26 Oct. 58;
lit. General, 31 May 65 ; Colonel 37th Foot, 30 May 62.
lieutenant Colonel.—John Davis,^ Ensign, ''13 Feb. 52 ; i^ 20 June 54 ; Capt. 16 Sept. 59; Major, ^21 Aug. 66 ;
Zt.Colonel, •'is Feb. 68.
Majors.—Henry Edward Glass.^ Enngn, ''17 Mar. 54; Lt. ''7 Sept. 55 ; Capt. ''31 May 64 ; Major, 4 Deo. 69.
illeviie.t i'jw. i-> Feb. c^: Lt. ''2 Nov. 55 ; Capt. ''24 Jan. 65; Major, "q Sept. 71.
Douglas Alleyne,* i'n«. 23 Feb. 55; Lt.
Charles Edward King
John Everard Whitting=
Eussel Skinner
Franci s C'ochran
Richard Henry Rosser
Henry Stanley Howard
Herbert Stewart
James Frederick Reyne'
John Ennis'"
Archibald McDonald Beamish
William Charles Goslin
Henry Edward Gaulter
Walter Edward Gilbert
Thomas Edward Verner, In- >
terpreier j
Wm. Candahar Jas. Farrer Nott
William Boyle Moore
John Alderson Eastham
Richard Edw. Fred. Howard-)
Brooke, .4djH<an^ 8 Jan. 71 j
George Lewis Leeds
Henry Beauclerk Bethune, V
Itist. of Mitukefrt/ 16 Apr. 69 i
Morgan John J. P. O'Connell...
George Atherley Wm.
James Beverley Lynch
William Bashford
William Parry Monckton
George Hand More-Molyneux.
Arthur Reginald Hennell
Edward Sheridan King
Arthur Burlton Bennett
Archibald MacBean
Julian Henry Layard
Sub Lieutenants.
Charles Hamilton DesVoeux
24 Sept. 58 !• 9 Dec. 62
19 Nov. 58 23 June 63
4 July 60 ^ I Mar. 64
8 July 62 i'3i May 64
19 Aug. 62 ''23 Aug. 64
■" 9 Dec. 62 i'24 Jan. 65
''24 Nov. 63 i'i8 July 65
6 June 54 20 Mar. 56
IS Jan. 58 4 Aug. 62
''14 June 64 P 7 Nov. 6^
''23 Aug. 64 P 5 Jan. 66
9 July
•'24 Jan.
62 P14 June 64
' " ~' 66
65 ''23 Mar.
65 1*23 Mar.
65 ''29 May
■■25 Jan.
Pie May
''23 June 65 •'20 July
"18 July 65 P13 Feb.
65 ''22 Jan.
65 Pis Feb. 68
65 P 1 April 68
66 1 Feb. 69
P22 Aug.
P22 Sept.
P 7 Nov.
P12 Jan.
P 9 Mar.
8 Jan.
P29 May
P27 Feb.
5 Jan.
P 1 April 68
P24 Mar. 69
P j Sept. 69
P 9 Feb. 70
3 Sept. 70
P18 July 65
P22 Sept. 65
P 5 Jan. 66
P23 Mar. 66
P23 Mar. 66
P29 May 66
Pii April 68
16 Dec. 68
4 Dec. 69
P 9 Sept. 71
67 P30 Oct.
69 P 9 Sept.
70 P27 Oct.
'" 28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
> Sir Thomas Simeon Pratt served the campaign
of 1814 in Holland, as a volunteer with the 56th
Regiment, and was present at the attack on
Merxem, 2nd February, and the subsequent bom¬
bardment of Antwerp.'He served with the 26th Ca-
meronians on the China expedition (Medal), and
commanded the Land Forces at the assault and cap-
tra-e of the Forts of Chuenpee on the 7th January
1841, and again at the assault and capture of the
Bogue Forts on the 26th February following. Com¬
manded the 26th at the attacks on Canton from the
, 24th May to ist June; also at the night attack on
66 P I Sept. 69:Ningpo, at Segoan, Chapoo, Woosung, Shanghai,
68 P22 Oct. 7cjand at Chin Kiang Foo, and at the demonstra-
69tion before Nankin; and was present at the
7i!signing of the treaty of peace on board H.M.S.
jilCornKallis. Commanded the force employed in
7ilNew Zealand during the Maoi-i war of j86o-6i
71,{KCB.. and Medal).
711 3 Captain Rej-ne served with the 37th Regi-
7ilment in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, inclu-
71 ding the first attempt to relieve Arrah under
\ Captain Dunbar, actions of Atrowlea and Koelsa,
— defence of Azimghur from 25th March to 15th
April 1858, pursuit of Koer Sing and actions of
10 Jan. 72117th and 20th April, capture of Jugdespore,
lactions of 17th i8th and 20th Oct. 1858, and sub-
' sequent pursuit (Medal).
Paymaster.—John Mills Hewson, 28 Sept. 47 ; Ensign, 28 Mar. 42; Lt. 29 Dec. 43; Hon.Major, 1 Jan. 60.
Quarter Master.—Heui-y Stokes," 17 April 60.
Surgeon.—iavae& Ekin,'- MB. A.S. 7 April 54; Surgeon, 18 Oct. 64.
Assistant Surgeons.—Charles Rattray, MD. 25 May 58.
John Alexander M'Cracken, MD. 1 April 71.
Facings Yellow.—Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.—Embarked for India, July 1866.
^ Lt. Colonel Davis served with the 35th Regiment in the Shahabad district during the Indian mutinv campaign in
1858-59 (Medal).
' Major Glass served with the 37th Regiment in India during the mutiny of 1857-58, and was engaged in the
attack on the rebel position near Benares at Atrowlea and Koelsa, defence of'Azimghurand sortie thence; proceeded
with Brigadier Douglas' Column in pursuit of Koer Singh, and present in the actions of 17th and 20th April; also
with Colonel Turner's Column in Shahabad and Palamon, including the capture of Jugdespore and actions of 17th,
i8th, and 20th October (Medal).
* Major AUepie served with the 79th Highlanders in the Crimea from the i6th August until December 1855, in¬
cluding the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the Redan on the 8th September (Medalwith Clasp, and
Turkish Medal). Served also with the 7gth in the Indian campaign of 1858-59, including the aflair of Secundra
near Allahabad, siege and capture of Lucknow, attack on the Fort of Rooj-ah, actions of Allygunge, Bareilly, and
Shahjehanpore, capture of forts Bunnai and Mahomdee, passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad, and acted as Adjutant
at the capture of Ranipore Kussiah and during the subsequent operations in Oude across the Gogra and Raptee
rivers (Medal with Clasp).
'•• Captain WTiitting served as an Ensign in the Indian Army, and was attached to the 23rd Fusiliers during the In¬
dian mutiny from Nov. 1857 to Oct. 1858. Also served as a Lieutenant with the 8th Regiment during the Oude cam¬
paign till Feb. 1859 (Medal with Clasp for Lucknow).
'" Captain Ennis served with the 53rd Regiment in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the affair of Buddiwal,
and battles of Aliwal and Sobraon (Medal and Clasp). Punjaub campaign of 1849, inchiding the battle of Goojerat
(Medal with Clasp). Campaign of 1851-52 against the hill tribes on the Peshawur Frontier. Campaign of 1S57-58,
including the action of Chuttra (mentioned in despatch for gallant conduct), affairs of Gopalgunge, Khodagunge,
and entry into Futtyghur, affair of Shahabad, storm and capture of Meangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, and
affair of Koorsa (Medal with Clasp).
" Quarter Master Stokes served with the 52nd Light Infantry at the siege assault and occupation of Delhi from
the 14th August 1857 (Medal with Clasp).
'2 Surgeon Ekin.—For War Services see " Medical Department."

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