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General Officers Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension.—War Services. 653
of that day, Captain Shaw was ordered to occupy a position about half a mile from the camp. He advanced in.
skirmishing order, and when about thirty yards from the bush, he deemed it prudent to retire to a palisade about
sixty yards from the bush, as two of his party had been wounded. Finding that one of them was unable to move, he
called for volunteers to advance to the front to carry the man to the rear, and the four Privates referred to accom¬
panied him, under a heavy flre, to the place where the wounded man was lying, and they succeeded in bringing him
to the rear." Served with the iSth Royal Irish in the Afghan war in i8So with the Khyber Line Field Force (Medal)^
Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in command of the ist Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment (mentioned in
despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
«'" Major General J. F. Shcrer served thi-oughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present throughout
the siege operations before Mooltan, including the action of Soorjkoond, attack on the Suburbs, storm and capture,
of the City, and surrender of the fortress (Medal with Clasp). Led the Head Quarters of the Sylhot Light Infantry
into action againstthe mutineers of the 34th Bengal N.I. at Latoo, Sylhet district, on 17th Deo. 1857, succeeded to tha
command of the Corps on Major BjTig being killed at the commencement of the fight and brought it out of action,
after defeating and routing the mutineers (Medal).
«'s Major General H. Shewell served in the campaign in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-45, and at tho-
capture of Samunghur.
'55 Major General T. H. Sibley served at the siege and capture of Delhi in 1857 (mentioned in despatches,
thanked by Government, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
'* Major General H. T. Siborne served in the Kaffir war of 1851-53 (Medal). Also in the expedition against the
Basutos'in Dec. 1852, having charge of the Pontoons by which the troops crossed the Orange and Caledou Rivers.
Present at the action of the Berea, and mentioned in General Orders.
""' Major General L. H. Sibthorpe served in the action at Ainbapawnee (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in
1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
'"^ Major General C. J. C. Sillery served in the New Zealand war in i856 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in
1S79-80, and took jjart with the expedition against the Khugianis and in the operations in Besud (Medal).
'"' Major General C. A. Sim served with the Kohat Expedition of 1869 under Colonel Keyes, and was mentioned'
in despatches and thanked by the Government of India. Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in
the second expedition into the Baaar Valley under Lieut. General Maude (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.
Colonel, and Medal).
'"* Major General R. S. Simonds served in the Punjaub campaign in 1S48 (Modal). Served in the campaign on
the North-West Frontier of India in 1854-55 (Medal with Clasp).
'"5 Major General W. H. R. Simpson served in the Crimean campaign of 1854 and up to June 1855, including tha
battle of Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, in the Trenches with the siege train, and bombardments of the 17th Oct..
and 9th April (Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Turkish Modal).
"t* Major General H. D. Slade served with the ist Dragoon Guards in the Crimean campaign from lothAug. 185s
inchiding the battle of the Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Chisp, and Turkish Medal).
Served also in the campaign of i860 in China; present at the fall of the Taku Forts, and engaged in the actions of
iSth and 21st Sept. and in the advance on Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
"w Major General J. R. Sladen served the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44 and was present at the battle of Maharajpore
(Bronze Star). Campaign in Scinde under Sir Charles Napieragainst the hill triljcs in Jan. 1845. Punjaub campaign,
in 1848-49, including the battle of Goojeratand pursuit of the Sikhs and Affghans to Peshawur (Medal with Clasp).
Commanded a Field Battery with mountain guns attached on the disturbed frontier of the Punjaub from 1S51 to 1S61,.
and took part in most of the expeditions against and encounters with hostile tribes in which the Punjaub Irregular-
Force was engaged during that time, and was especially thard^ed by Government for the part he took in the
encounter with the Rhabeakhel tribe of Ourukzie Aifreedees in 1855 and was also especially mentioned for the expe¬
dition against the Bozdar tribe of Beloochees, and for the part he took with his Battery in the action forcing the
strong Khan Bund Pass in 1857 (Medal with Clasp).
'"8 Major General E. Smalley served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the action of Aliwal (Medal). Served;
also throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1&48-49, including the action of Ramnuggur, and battles of Sadoolapore^
Chillianwallah, and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
'"^ Major General C. B. L. Smith was actively employed during the late rebellion in India. In Dec. 1857 with a
party of 50 troopers he entered Sanakhan hills, and surprised the main body of the insurgents—500 matchlock
men—and captured their leader, the rebel chief of Sanakhan, on whose head a price had been ii.xed. On the
night of the 18th Jan. 1858 a portion of the troops stationed at Raepore mutinied, murdered the SergCiint Major,
and seized the post guns. The only English Officers present were Captains Smith and Rybat, and the nearest
trustworthy force was 180 miles distant, yet before the morning dawned these two Officers had suppressed the
mutiny, and seized all the known mutineers, who in due time were hanged in the i:)resence of their comrades.
From March to the end of June he commanded a Detachment of troops against the rebels in the Sainljulpora
district, with whom he had various affairs. For his services rendered in 1857-58 he received the thanks of the
Governor General in Council, and the expression of Her Majesty's gracious approval (Medal). In October and
November i860 he was employed against the rebels in the Manicghur hills, and drove them from all their-
defences, completely dispersing the band,
"'"' Major General C. H. Smith served at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and (as a Volunteer attached to the
Highland Division) in the Trenches with the siege train at the bombardments of 6th and 17th June; was present at
the battle of the Tohernaya (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny
campaign of 1S57-58, including the battle of Cawnpore on the 6th December, the affair of Kaleo Nuddy, and occu¬
pation of Futtehghur. Commanded the Artillery at the affair of Kankur, as also the Artilleiy in Brigadier Hale'a
Column in 1858-59, including operations before and taking of the fort of Sandee (twice mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal, and CB.].
"1 Major General E. D. Smith served with the 95th Regiment the Eastern campaign of 1854, including the battles
of Alma and Inkermau, siege of Sebastopol, and sortie on 26th Oct.—wounded in the head in the Trenches 17th Oct.
(Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served in 1858 at the siege and capture of Awah and Kotah, battle
of Kota ka Serai, general action resulting in the capture of Gwalior, and recapture of the fortress of Cliandaree in
May (Medal with Clasp).
"'- Major General F. H. Smith served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 with the force under Brigadier Wheeler,
and was present at the storm and capture of the Fort of Shahpore, assault of the Heights of Noorporc, engagements
of Dunanuggur and Heights of Umb, and storming of the Heights of DuUah (Medal). Served with the force under
Colonel Craigie against the Affreedies in March 1855 (Medal with Clasp). Commanded the 2ud Mahratta Horse
with the force under Sir Robert Napier in the defeat and pursuit of the rebels under Feroze Shah at Ranode on i7tli
Dec. 1858 (Medal).
7" Major General J. A. Smith was present at the attack on the town and fort of in October 1859, ^^'^'^ ^^ "i8
Biege and capture of Dwarka in November of the same year. Served in the Abyssinian war in 1868 (Medal).
'■IS Major General WilUam Smith served in the Indian campaign of 1857-59, including the relief of Luoknow by
Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec, actions of Serai Ghat (mentioned in despatches), Chauda, Umeerpore,
and Sultanpore, siege and capture of Lucknow, attack of the Moosabagh, and action of Barree ; afterwards present
with various forces in pursuit of the enemy and watching the fords of the Gogra, and m the Trans-Go gra cam¬
paign, including several small affairs on the Raptee and the frontier of Nepaul (Modal with two Clasps). Served
in the New Zealand war in 1864 in command of a Detachment of Royal Artillery in the campaigns on the Waikato.
and at Te Ranga includmg the attack on the Gate Pah, where his guns were reported by Sir Duncan Cameron as-
having been of great service (Medal).
'" Major General W. H. Smith served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of
Ramnuggur, passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served
with the 6th Foot in the Indian Mutiny campaign, including the operations in the Jugdespore jungles, and the
action of Barvan (Medal).
■^'8 Major General J. B. Smyly served in the Punjaub campaign north of JuUundur in 1848-49, including the
storming of the Heights of Umb, and capture of the Forts of Shahpore and Oonah (Medal).
'" Major General J. G. Smyth served with the 39th Regiment at the siege and fall of Sebastopol in 1855, ^^'^ ^it "1^
attacks of the i8th June and 8th Sept. (Medal with Class, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish MedoJ).

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