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War Services of the General Officers. 13*^5
raeutioned in rlespntchcs). Served throuKbont the Kafir war of 1878 flnd the Zulu war of 187985 Assistant
■Military Sccretai-y to Lt.(General Lord Chelmsford commandintj the forces, and was present at the action of
Ginginilhlovu (slightly wounded) and relief of Ekowe. and in the engagement at Ulundi (several times mentioned
in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, CB., Medal with Clasp). Served withthe 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regimenr.
ill the Kgyptian war of 1882, and commanded the troops in Alexandria from the 2';tb August to the 14th September
IMedal. and Kliedive's Star).
'** Maior General E. Hopton served with the 88th Regiment in the Crimea from 17th June 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attacks of the Redan on the 18th .June and 8th Septomljer—severely wounded
(Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served .also in suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1857-58, including
the siege of Lv.cknow in March 1858, and siege of Calpee (Medal with C'lasp_for Central India). Served with the
88th Regiment throughout the Kafir war of 1877-78 (raeiiti inedin despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel), and through¬
out the Zulu war of 1870. during the first portion of the latler as Director of Transport (Medal with Clasp).
'"' Sir H. .J. Alderson served throughout the Kastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma .and
Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, in the Trenches witli the siege train, and bombardments of i7tli Octol)er,
gth Aru-il, and 6th and 17th .Tune (Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal).
"" Sir G. B. Wolseley served with the 34th Regiment during the latter part of the Indian mutiny, and was engaged
in all the minor affairs in the Shahabad district under Sir,John Douglas (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in
E 78-79 as Assistant .Adjutant General with the Candahar Field Force (Brevet of L :.Colonel, Medal). Served in the
..iigyptian war of 1882 as Assistant Adjutant General with the Head Quarters of the Army, and was present at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Aide de Camp to the Queen, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the
Medjidie, and Khedh'e's Star); also servedwitli the Nile Expeditionin 1884-85 as Assistant Adjutant General at Head
Quarters, ar.d afterwards commanded at .Abu Gus( mentioned in despatches CB.. and Clasp). Served with the Burmese
Expedition in 1887 and 1889-91 in command of a Brigade (mentioned in despatches, KCB., and Medal with Clssp).
Commaiuied tlie troopj during the operations m the Wuntho Territory in 1891; (received the thanks of the
Goveriouent of India).
'"» .Maji r (ieueral F. W. Fremant.le served with the Rifle Brigade in the Crimea from 3rd Dec. 1854^0 9th July 1855,
inclu litigfbe siege of Seha.stO"ol; also romnfia.iided 163 men at the last sortie (^f the Russians against, the Quarries
«;n 7th-8th June, and commanded the Woolsack party of the Light Division at the assault cf the Redau on i8th
June- severely wounded (Medal with Clasp, Sirdii;ian and Turkish Medals). Served also in the Indian campaign,
including thetiiege and capture Oi'Lucknow, Trans-Gogra campaigh, with expedition into Nepaul—mentioned in
'<lesp:itchi:si(Me'lal with Clasp).
'■' Major General Gore commanded the Itinis-killing Dragoons in the Boer war in 1881.
1"^ Sir \Villia.iii Butler served in the 69th Keguueut with the Field Force which repelled an incursion of
Fenians iiAo Canada in May 1870. Served throughout the Ashanti war from the 23rd October 1873, and was employed
■n» Special Clommi.-sioner to the Western Akims (mentioned in despatches, substantive rank 01 Major, CB , Mediil
with Chisp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter M.aster General on the Hea.d
iQunrters SlafT, and was present at the engagements of HI Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kas.sasin (9th September),
and in the battle of Tel-cl-Kebir (mentioned in desjiatches. Aide de Camp to the Queen, Modal with Clasp. 3rd
I 'lass of the Me<liidic. and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile E.xpedition ir. i884-85as Assistant Adjutant and
'Quarter Master General, and was present at the action at Kirbekaa (twice mentioned in despatches, two (Tlasps).
Served with the Egyiitian Frontier Field Force in 1885-85 in command of a Brigade and was present in the engage,
jment at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, KCH.
'"■> Major Gt-ueral A. S. M. Browne served with the Scots Greys in the Crimea from 30th July to ist Sept. and from
Oct. to IJec. i8i5, including the battle of the Tchernaya, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish
'"* Major General Wilsone Black served with the 42nd Highlanders in the Crimea,from T4th June 1855, includingthe
Biege (iiidfall of Seb.istopol (Medal with Clasp and Medal). Served in the Kafir war in 1878, including the
enga.gemeiit at Taba-ka-Udoda. Served also in the Zulu of 1879, and commanded the party which recovered
tdie lost colours of the 24th Fcot (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp).
''° Major General G. Luck was present at the operations against the Jowaki Afreedees in January 1878 (Medal
with Clasp). Served with the Candahar Column in the Afghan war of 1878-80, including the advance to Kheiat-i-
Ghilzai; ccunmanded a S(|uadron of the 15th Hussars .and a troop of the ist Punjaub CavaJrj' in engagements
with the Afghan cavalry at Takht-i-Pul on the 4th January 1879 (slightly wounded, mentioned in despatches,
Jlc'ial). Served with the Thull-ChotiaIi Field Force under Brigadier General Biddulph. and accompanied Major
(ieneral Pha.vre, in command of his regiment, in the march to the reliof of Candahar in August 1880 (mentioned in
desnatches, Medal). Servc'd in the Boer war of 1881 in command of the 15th Hussars.
'■' Major G-'n'iral T. R. Stevenson served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the ist Battalion Royal Irish
Fasiliers, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CB,, Medal with Clasp, an
Khedive's Star).
i;» Major General C. J. Moorsom served with the 30th Regiment in the Crimea from the ist to the 28th September
:355, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of the Redan on the 8th September-severeii" wounded
in the left arm (Medal svith Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
i"J Major General Hon. H. Parnell served with the 3rd Bufls in the Crimea subsequent to the fall of Sebastopol.
Commanded the 2nd Battalion 3rd Buffs throughout the Zulu war of 1879. and was present at ihe engagement of
Inyenane and during the occupation of Ekowc (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp).
i'» The Duke of Teck served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta
and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (appointed Colonel in the Army, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"" Major General R. T. Thynne served in the Zulu war of 1879. and was present in the engagement at Ulundi
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Egj'ptian war of 1882 (Medal. 4th
«;iaR8 of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in 18S5, after the engagement at
Hasheen, in command of the 3rd Batt.alion of the Grenadier Guards (mentioned in despatches, CB,, and Clasp).
1S2 Major General M. J. R. MacGregor served with the i8th Ro.yal Irish in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal),
i*" Major General C. Tucker served with the 80th Regiment with the left attack during the Bhootan Expedition
of 1865 (.Medal with Clasp). Served in the Perak operations in 1S76, part of the lime as Brigade Major; com¬
manded (he left attack in the operations agajnst Sekukuni in 1878 ; commanded the 80th Regiment in the Column
under Colonel Rowlands on the Swazi border in the Zulu war of 1879, and subsequently the troops at Luneber" ;
also commanded the regiment ill Wood'.s Column during the march through Zululand and in the engagement at
Ulundi {CB., Medal with Clasp).

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