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12 War Services of the General Officers.
1S82 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General on the Head Quarters Staff, and was present at the engage¬
ments of Tel-el-Mahuta and Kassassin (gtli Sept.), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kehir (mentioned in despatches. Aide de-
Camp to the Queen, Medal with Clasp. Tjrd Class of Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition ini
1884-85 Gil the Lines of Communication (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Clasp). Served with the Egyptian
Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss in command of a Division (mentioned,
in despatches, KCb., and promoted to ist Class of the Medjidie and 3rd Class of the Osmanieh). Commanded the
troops during the ojjerations near Suakin in December 1888 including the engagement at Gemaizah (mentioned in
despatches, clasp). Also commanded the Nile Field Force in 1880 «t the cncrajjement at Toski (meniioneu in
despatches, promoted Major General for distinguished service in tne tield, and Clasp).
"5 Sir Owen Tudor Burne served in the Crimea with the oth Regt. subsequent to the fall of Sebastopol, from the-
14th March 1856. Also in the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857-58 as Adjutant of the 20th Resiment and also Bri¬
gade Majoron the Stafl'of Brigadier EvelcKh, and was present at the actioris of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Saltinpore,.
siege aud capture of Lucknow, actions of Mohan, Meeangunge. Poorwah, Hussungunge, Morar Mow, Fort ot*
Simree, Fort Churda and Fort Musjeedi.a, Muchleegaon. Kaher Jungles, Fort Dooraha, and fin<il operations in
Oude in 1859 (several times mentioned in despatches, promoted to an Unattached Company^and Brevet of Major
for services in the field. Modal with Clasp). Appointed in 1861 Military Secretary to Lord Stn-vthnairri, Commander
in Chief in India. Accompa.rjied Lord Strathuairn to England in 1S65, and remained on his Staff when Com¬
mander of the Forces in Ireland. Present during the Fenian disturbances in 1866-67 (received the thanks of the
authorities in Ireland). Proceeded to India in 1868 with the late Earl of Ma.yo, Viceroy and (iovenior General, antV
served with him as Private Secretary until his assassination in 1872 (received the thanks of Government for bis
services, promoted to an Unattached Majority, and appointed a CSL).
'^" Lord Frankfort de Montinoienoy served with the ^srd Regiment in the Crimea in 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sel)astopol and attack of the Redan on the 8tli Sept. (Medal with (J(aj,]i, Sardmian and Turkish
Medals). Commanded a Detachment of the 33rd against the rebels, and after the death of the .-enior Officer
commande(\ the Dohud Field Force m suppressing the insurgent Bheels in the Rewa Kanta, Guzerat. Served
with a Wing of the Regiment at the siege and occupation 01 Uwarka. Okamuudel. Served in the Abyssinian,
campaign of 1867-68 (Medal). Commanded the Frontier Field Force during tfe operations in the Soudan in
1886-S7 (Khedive's Star). Commanded the British Column of the Frontier Field Force during the operations on-
the Mile in 1S89 (mentioned in despatches).
"* Major General W. Allan served tlie Eastern campaign of 1854-55 w'ith the 4TSt Regiment, including the battles-
of Alma fiid Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol. assault o) the Redan on the 8 h September, ami repulse of
the sortie in 26th October (Mednl with two Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, aud Turkish Medal).
'*'■' Lord R. D. Kerr served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, aud -nas present at the engagement at Futtehabad in.
command of the loth Hussars (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal).
'*^ Major Ceneriil J. C. Le Quesne served with the i2th"Lancer8 in India during the mutiny ''Medal).
'*' Sir William Files served with the sSth Regiment in the Crimea in 1854-55, iucluoing the siege and fall
of Sebnstopol, the attack and occupation of the Cemetery on the i8tli .Tune (nnmtioned m despatches. Medal with
Clasp, Knight of the liOgiou of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign I'roni Xov.
1857, including the battle of Cawnpoi-e and del'cat of the Gwalior Contingent on 6th Dee. 1S57. capture of Meean-
gunge, siege and cajnure of Lucknow, affairs of Barree and Nugofur (.Medal with Clasp). Served in the Hazarn
camijaign of i86S and accompanied the expeilition to the Black Mountain under Major General Wilde as Deputy
Assistant Adjutant General (menti(me<l in despatches, Medal with Clasji). Served-vs'ith the Burmese Expedition
in 1886-87 (mentioned m despatches. CB., and Claspl. Served with the Hazarr. E.\pedition in iScji 111 command of
the Force (received the thanks of the Goverr.mciit ot India and ofthe Commander in Ch ef in India, A'CiJ. and Clasp)..
'*^ Major General G. W. Knox commanded the ist Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and waa
present at the liattlcof Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in desp.atches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie,
and Khedive's Star).
"" Lord Methuen served in the second phase ofthe Ashanti war from th" i7tli Dep..iS74, and was present at
the battle of Amoafnl (.Medal with Chisri). Served in the Egyptian warof 1S82 as Assistant Adjutant aud Quarter
Master General and t^ommandinit at Head Quarters, and was jjresent at the eugagenisrits ot Tcl-cl-Mahuta and
Kassasiu 19th Sept.), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, VB.. Medal with Clasp, 3rd
Class of the Osmnuich, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuanaland Rxpediiiou under Sir Charles
Warreu in 18S4-S5 in command of Metbuen's Horse (mentioned in despatches, CMG.).
'»- Major General C. F. Gregorie served with the 23r.l Fusiliers in the Indian mutiny camp.aign m 1857-58 as-
Adjutant ofthe 23rd Fusiliers, and was present at the relief of Lucknow and also at itssuDseijuent capture (Medal
■with two Clasps). Served in the Eg3"ptian war of 1SS2 (mentioned in despatches, VB., Medal, 3rd Glass of the-
Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
i=s Major General W. H. Ralstrn served with the 70th Regiment in the Xew Zealand war nf 1863-65, and was
present at Katikara and Eangiav.-hia, and commanded the E.vpeditiou landed at White Cliffs (received the thanks
of the Major General Commanc'.ing, Jledal). Served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (men¬
tioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 18S5 (mentioned in despatches, CB., aud Medal
with Clasp).
'" Major Genera.) .lohn Fr.vcr commanded the Carabinicrs throughout the Afghan war of 1879-80. On the i3tli
January 1880, in command of a force of Royal Horse Artillery and Cavalry, he repulsed with heavy loss a large
body of Mohmunds at Ali Boghan. Commanded the Cavalry in the expeditions under Lt.General Bright to the:
Lughman Valley and against theAVuzceree Khugianis. On the stli July iSSo, heeomm;inded a force of Carabiniers
and 4th Bengal Cavalry at the attack and destraction of the Ghilzai villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokan
{CB., Medal).
'='' Major <Tenei-al O. H. A. Nicolls served in the Crimean campaign of 1834 till October of that year. Served
also the campaic: of 1855 from September, includmg the siege and fall of Sebastopol iMedal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal). Was in command of the Royal Artillery throughont the operations in Perik in 1875-77 under
Major General the Hon. Sir F. Colborne, including the advance on aud capture of Kiuta in December 1873 (Brevet
of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
'=' Major General <'. B. Knowles served with the 77th Regiment in the Crimea from the nth July 1855, including
the siege and fall of Scbastopol, and was wounded at the assault of the Kediiu on the 8th September (Medal witu
Clasp, aud Turkish Medal). Commanded the 67lh Regiment throughout the Afghan war of 1S78-80, and was
preseut in the engagements at Charasiab on 6th October 1879 (mentioned in despatches) and in the operations
around Cabul in Decemlier 1879, including the engagement at the Asmai Heights on 14th December—mentioned
in despatches (CB., Medal with two Clasps).
1=" Major General E. A. Stuart served at the siege of Ssbastopol from 22nd April until severely wounded on
7th June 1855 (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class ofthe Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served the campaign of i860 in
China, including the taking of Siuho and Tangku, occupation of Tientsin, and surrender of Pekin iMedal with
two Clasps).
'5« Major General W. C. Justice served with the 75th Regiment during the Indian campaign of 1857, and was
preseut at the siege of Delhi from 23rd June (in command ol the Light Company from 13th Sept.), storm and capture
ofthe city (Medaf with Clasp).
'«» Major J. E. 1). Hill served with the 97thRcgt. in the Crimea from the 29th July 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, aud was one of the lieutenants of the ladder party at the attack of the Redan on 8th Sept., ou
which occasion he was wounded in the left hip, and mentioned in despatches for "distinguished conduct" (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"' Major General A. H. Utterson served wtth the 17th Regiment in the Crimea from the nth July 1855 including
the siege and lull of Seiiai-tujiol, and assault of the Redan on the 8th September; was also iit the bombardment and
surrender of Kiiibouru (.Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Seivea with the 17 til Regiment in the Afghan war
in 1878-79, and was preseut at the capture of Ali Musjid and in the expeditions into the Bazar Valley, incl'ading
the engagement at Deh Sarak (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasj)).
'<>* Major General J. N. Ciealock served with tlie 95th Regiment in the Indian m.utiuy campaign in 1858, including;
the siege and capture 01 Kotah. battle of Kotake Serai (wouuded), and general action resulting iu the capture 01
Gwalior, siege and capture of Pourie, and surprise of tiie reljcl camp of Kunrye (Medal with Clasp, aud twice

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