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597-8 General Officers retired under Royal Warrant—War Services.
- - Sir .John Stokes served in the Kaffir wars of 1846-47 and 1850-51 (Medal); was thanked by the Commander ir
Chief Icr gallant conduct in the action of the Gwanga on 3th June 1846, and again on 25th July tor opening commu¬
nication through the heart ot the enemy's country. In 1851 was appointed D.A.Q.M. General of the Field Force
and assisted to organise some 3,000 Hottentot Lex ies, and was engaged in all the operations of the Division from Fell,
to Jidy 1851, and repeatedly mentioned in general orders. In 1855 was apiJOinted Chief Engineer to the Turkisli
Contingent and raised and organised the Engineer Corps and Train of that Force. Was employed in fortifyim,'
Kertch during the winter of 1855-56 (Brevet of Major, 4th Class of the Medjidie—promoted to 2nd Class in 1874--
a^id Turkish Medal). In May 1B56 was appointed by Lord Panmure, the Secretary of State for War, to be his Com--
missioner for settling all affairs connected with the breaking up of the Turkish Contingent, with full powers to
decide all questions of compensation to Officers, and to dispose of the animals and stores of the force. This service
was completed and all his decisions approved of in July following. In July 1856 was appointed Her Majesty's Com¬
missioner for the Danube, under the Treaty of Paris.
~~' Sir Frederick Middleton served with the 58th Regiment at the assault and capture of Kawiti's Pah, also during
i846-47> in the southern ])art of New Zealanil, including the rejnilse of the attack on Wanganui (mentioned in
despatch) and subsequent afliiirs there (Medal). Served as a "Volunteer during the Santhal rebellion in India.
Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58;—as Orderly OlJlccr to General Franks in the action of Snltanpore, anu
subsequent affairs on the advance to Lucknow (three times mentioned in despatches); as Aide de Camp to Genera 1
Lnardatthe siege and capture of Lncknow, and storming of the Martiniere, Banks' House, Begum's Kotee, and
Moulvy's Mosque (mentioned in despatch, and Brevet of Major); as Deput.v Judge Advocate, and Aide de Camp
to General Luard at the relief of Azimghur and action of Jugdcspore (mentioned in despatch); as Brigade Major
at the reduction of Dehayon Tirhol (mentioned in desjiatch), and other of the Oude Forts, also at the surrender of
Amethie (Medal with Clasp). Commanded the forces engaged in quelling the rebellion in the North West Terri¬
tories of Canada in 18S5, and was present with the Prince Albert Column in the engagement at Fish Creek and
at the capture of liatockc (mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of the Senate and House of Commons of
the Dominion of Canada, ATJ/ff.)
--* Lt.General J. Sprot served with the Force under General Woodburn in the affair at Aurungabad in 1857
(Medal) ; afterwards served as acting E.Niecutive Engineer of thoRaj])ootana Field Force and received the commen¬
dation of General Roberts commanding, and of the Bombay Government, lor his " great energy and ability " in
the construction of barracks for the European troops at Neemuch.
-"^ Lt.General J. J. M'L. Innes served in the Imlian
ian Mutiny campaign, including the defence of the Residcnc.v
of Lucknow, as Field Engineer with Frank's Division during its march through Oiide, and greatly distinguished
himself in the action at Sultanpore (Victoria Cross): received the UlE under the following circumstances :—
" Date of act of bravery, 23rd February 1858.—At the action of Sultanporc, Lieutenant Innes, far in advance of
the leading skirmishers, was the first'to secure a gun which the enemy were abandoning. Retiring Irom this
they rallied round another gun further back, from which the shot would, in another instant, have ploughed
through our adva,ncing columns, when Lieutenant Inncs rode u]>, unsni>ported, shot the gunner who was aliout to
apply the match, and, remaining undaunted at his post, the mark lor a hundred matchlock men, who were
sheltered in some adjoining huts, kept the artillerymen at bay until assistance reached him.-ie«ei-/com Major
General Thomas JLn-f Franks, KCB., of T2th March 1858." Was afterwards present at the siege and capture of
Lucknow—severel.v wounded (Medal with two Clasiis) Brevet of Major, and a year's service).
227 Lt.General H. A. Brownlow served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, including the battle of BudleekeseraL.
siege of Delhi—had charge of the Engineer park during the latter part of the operations, and was severely wounded
at the assault; served the Rohilcund campaign (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Majon.
2-' Lt.General M. de la Peer Beresford served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 28th May 1855,,
including the expedition to Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attack of the i8th June (Medal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal). Served throughout the operations in Central India and pursuit of the rebDl forces uodji- Tautia
Topee and Rao Sahib in 1858-59.
-'■"I Lt.General J. Le Mesurier served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1856-57, including the storming of
Pvcshire, capture of Bushire, and battle of Khooshab (Medal with Cla.sp).

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