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General Officers Eetired under lioyal Warrant—War Service?, 596
Served in the Kafir war of 1877-78, first in cimmand of the Eastern frontier, and is in cimnmd of tho
forces in the Traiiskei, being jiresent in the engagement at Xewmarke (several times meutioneil in despatches,
CB.). Served in the Zulu war of 1879, first in co:Tiomnd of No. 3 Column, being iiresent at the attack on Sirayo's
Krantz and the operations at Matyam's stronghold, and siibse'iuontly, as C'oionel on the Staff, as Commander of
the Forces in the Transkei, &c. ; al'torwards in command of thj Infantry Bi'igade, 2nd Division, being present in
the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned in despatches, CMG., Meilal witli Clasp).
''■"' Lt.General G. H. Page served in the sSth Regt. in New Zealand (Medal), and was present at the storming of
Kawiti's Pah nth Jan. 1846, and he dol'eateil the Natives in a night attack on his jiost on the River Hutt, j6th May
following. Present at the skirmish iitTaitai loth June, commanded a Detachment at the capture of Chief TeRauporahs
and at the skirmish in Horokiwi Valley; ]n-esent at the attack and repulse of the enemy on the settlements and
stockades of Wanganui 19th May; and in the action of the 19th July 1847 he directe I a charge which repulsed
the enemy. Served with tho 41st Regt. in the Crimea, subsecpiently to the fall of Sebastopol, from the 6tli Dec.
1:855, until the withdrawal of the Armj'.
'■■" Lt.General G. B. Bayncs served with the 8th Regt. at the siege of Delhi in 1857, including repulse of sorties
on the 9th 14th i8th and 23rd July, and commanded the storming party of the 2nd Column of attack at the assault
of the city (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
""" Lt.(;eneral F. M. Colvile served during the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857-59, ^.nd was present at the
capture of Kirwee, and comnnnded three Compauies43rd Light Infantry at tho suose.cieut operitions in Biindle-
cund. Central India, under Brigadier Carpenter (mentioned in despatches. Medal i. Served in the New Zealand
war in 1864-65, and was present at the engagements of Maketu and Te Ranga, and at various operati;ms in
Taranaka. Very severely wounded on the 22nd Oct. 1865—risrht thigh-bone fracturjd (fre'.piently mjntioned
in despatches, and thanked in General Orders, Brevet of Lt.Colonel. CB., and .Medal).
*" Lt,General V. H. Bowles served with the 63rd Regiment throughout the ?"astcrn campaign of 1854-55,
including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkorman; siege, assaults and fall of aebastopol, exiieilition 10
Kertcli, bombardment and caiuure of Kiubourn (Medal with four Clasps, 5th Class of the Jledjidie, and Turkish
'"•' Lt.General E. Chippindall served with the 32nd Regiment during the latter part of the sie^j operations
before Mooltan, and was present at the surrender of that fortress ; also at the surrender of the Fort and Garrison
of Cheniote, and at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served throughout the Eastern campaign of
1854 55 with the 19th Regiment, including the affair of Btilganak, battles of Alna and Inkerman, in the Trenches
during the whole of the siege oj)erations before Sebastopol, assaults of the Redin on the iSth June and Sth Septem¬
ber—wounded (Medal with three Clasi^s, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th CIns of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Commanded ist Battalion 19th Regiment in the Hazara campaign of 1868, includ¬
ing the expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountain (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp).
'"^ Lt.General A. R. Gloag served in Kiuiedy in 1856, aud was prescut at ta; aitack aud capture of Suringee and
of Woiijec Guddah.
-"' Lt.(}eneral J. I. Macdonell, landed in the Crimea in January 1855, and served with the 71st Highlander
in the Trenches at the siege of Sebastopol. aud took part in the e.xpedition to Kertch and Yenikali (Medal with
Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose during tho suunnerof
1858, and was present at the actions of Koonch and Muttra, battle of Golowlee and capture of (.lalpee, action of
Morar and subsequent operations terminating in the taking of Gwalior (Medal with Clasp). Served with the
Eusofzai Field Force under Sir Neville Chamberlain throughout the campaign of 1863 against the li >neyrs and
other At'ghau tribes on the North-W'est Frontier of India, including the forcing of the O'mboylaU Pass, mi nerous
outi:)ost attacks, storm and recapture of the ('rag Pi']uer-. and final engagements resulting in the total defeat of
the assembled hill tribes (India Medal with Clas)! for Umbeyla).
'"■' Lt.General J. F. Tennant served at the siege and assault of Delhi, also at tho siege and capture of Laoknow
<Medal ^vith two Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
''"~ Lt.General R. H. Sankey served in the Indian mutiny campaigns of 1857-58, and was present at the operations
at Cawupore under General Windham, siege and capture of Lucknow (Brevet of Major, Medal wiihCiaso). Served
in the Afghan war of 1878-79 as Commanding Royal Engineer in the Southern Afghanistan Field Force (C7i., Medal).
''"^ Lt.tiencral J. T. Dalyell served the Eastern campaign of 1854 and the early part of 1855 with the 21st
Fusiliers, including the battles of Alma and Iitkerman and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet
of Major, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
™''' Lt.General T. I. M. Hog served with the Saugor Field Division under Brigadier Whitlook in 1858 and was pre¬
sent at the action on the 17th April (Medal).
"^ Lt.General H. Kent serv'ed the Eastern campaign of 1854 and up to 26th March 1855 with the 77th
Regiment, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th
Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
"'5 Sir Andrew Clarke was emplo;^-bd on special service in 1848 in New Zealand, and in command of a, xiarty
making a detailed reconnaisance within the disturbed districts in presence of and engaged with the enemy.
^'^ Lt.General J. MuUins served in the second Burmese war as Senior Engineer Officer, aud commanding the
Detachment of Sappers and Miners with the force under Brigadier (General Cheape, employed against the Chief
Myah Toon in the vicinity of Donabew, in February and March 1853 (Medal).
■^'^ Lt.General T. N. Harward served with Huvelock's Force from its first advance from Allahabad to Lucknow,
including the defeat of the rebels at Puitehpore, Aoung, Pandoo, Nuddee, Cawupore, Bithoor, .Vlungarwar. and
relief of Licknow (mentioned in despatch) ; defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore (Medal with Clasp).
^i" Sir William Bellairs was present with the Second Division throughout the Eastern camyiaigii of 1854-56, from
the landing in Turkey to the evacuation of the Crimea, including the battles of Alma (as Adjutant of the 49th Regt.)
and Inkerman (where he led into action a Detached Wing of the 49th Regt.), siege and fall of Sebastopol, affair of
the 26th October, attack of the Quarries on 7th June, and of the Redan on the i£th June and 8th Septemljer (men¬
tioned in despatches "for distinguished conduct''). Appointed Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General in
Dec. 1854, and Assistant Quarter Master General to the 2nd Division at the clor,2 of the campaign (Medal with
three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served
as Deputy Adjutant and (Quarter Master General throughout the Kafir war of 1877-78. Commanded i.he combined
forces on the Eastern Frontier from December to March during the Gaika rebellion (several times mentioned in
despatches, CB., mentioned by "General Sir A. Cunyngharae for "great intelligence in the distribution of his
troops"). Served throughout the Zulu campaign of 1879 as Deputy Ad.iulant and Quarter Master General, and
commanded the laager for the protection of the column train during the engagement at Ulundi (menti(med in
despatches'. Brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for the Colonies by Governor Sir Bartle Frere for
the " valualile advice which his juugrncnt and experience enabled him to afford " him " uuder circumstances of no
ordinary difficulty aud danger" (A'CJ/tf. Medal wi-h Clasp). Served throughout the Boer war of i83o-8i as
Brigadier General commanding the Forces in the Transvaal, and afterwards as Administrator of tho Tr uiavaal.
and took part in the defence of Pretoria.
^'^ Lt.General Andrew Nugent served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the Scots Greys, including the
h.attles of Balaklava, Inkcrman, and Tchernaya, fiege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, and
Turkish Medal).
'"" Lt.General S. H. E. Chamier commanded Mounted Train Howitzers and Rockets in the engagement with the
Hill Kurreens in Pegu on 22nd April 1856. Served in the Indian mutiny campaign from 29th May 1857 to 13th Sept.
1858, including the actions of Nusrutpore, Chanda, Ummeerpore, Badshagiinge, Sultaniiore, and Dhowrara under
General Franks; siege and capture of Lucknow by Lord Clyde ; the relief of Azimghur, and actions of Munnihar,
Tonse Bridge, Nughai, Munnuhar, Shropore Ghaut, Jugdespore, Dulleepore, Metahi, and Chowbeypore under
■General Lugard. Commanded a Light Field Battery during the severe engagements at Cawniiore under General
Windham on the 26th, 27th and 28th November 1857, when he was esijecially thanked for " the gallant manner in
which he fought his guns." Served also under Lord Clyde in the attack and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent
mutineers on the 6th December 1857 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
"' Lt.General the Hon. B. M. Ward served the Eastern campaign of 1854 and up to the 3rd May 1855 with the 47th
Regiment, including the battle of lukermaii, siege of Sebastopol, anil sortie of 26th October (.Modal with two
Clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals).

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