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43°^ Bengal Staff Corps.—War Services.
Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General Khyber Division
and Assistant Adjutant General Khyber Line Force (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal).
* Colonel R. G. Rogers served throughout the Urabeyla campaign of 1S63 (mentioned in despatches. Medal
with Clasp). Also throughout the Hazara campaign of 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the
Black Mountain (Clasp). Served with the expedition against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78 (mentioned in de¬
spatches. Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid,
and took part in the Zaimusht Expedition (mentioned in despatches, CB., itedal with Clasp). Served in the
Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Aide de Camp to the Queen, Medal with Clasp,
3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
»3 Colonel B. T. Stafford served as 2nd in command of the 22nd Bengal Native Infantry in China, including the
following operations against the Taeping rebels in the vicinity of Shanghaie in 1862, capture of stockades on the
<th April, capture of the stockaded village of Tserpoo on the 17th April and of stockades near Nanhsiang on the
agth April, capture by escalade of the walled towns of Kading, Tsinpoo, Najow, and Cholin, and repulse of a very
superior force of the rebels on the 25th May. Served vsith the Looshai Expedition in 1871-72 (Medal with Clasp);
and with the expedition against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78 (Clasp). Also served in the Afghan war in 1879-80
"" Colonel J.F.L. Fisher served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-59, and was present at the siege and
capture of Delhi (slightly wounded) and in the operations in Oude (Medal with Clasp).
"" Colonel J. C. Home served with the Busofzie Expedition on the North West Frontier of India in 1858 (Medal),
lo* Colonel D. S. Buist served with the Sylhet Light Infantry in pursuit of the three Companies 34th Bengal
Native Infantry who mutinied at Chittagong on the iSthNov. 1857. Commanded a Detachment at the action of Binna
Caudy in the Cacliar district on 12th Jan. 1858 (mentioned in despatches, thanked by Government, and Medal).
<Jommanded Si.x Companies of the Sylhet Light Infantry employed in the J3-nteah Hills in suppressing the Cossiah
insurrection in i860, including skirmishes on the 26th and 28th March, and capture of the stockaded village of Moong
Gougie. Again served in the Cossiah and Jynteah Hills during the rebellion of 1862-63, including the capture of
the stockades of Moonson, Ooksaie, Nunghai, Ralleang, and fourth capture of Moonseri. Served in the Bhootan
expedition in 1865, and was present at the capture of Dewangiri (Medal with Clasp).
103 Colonel H. C. Smith served in the actions against the hill tribes on the Feshawur frontier in 1854-55, in¬
cluding the capture and destruction of Dhub and Sardine in August 1854 ; expedition against the Busee KheilAfree-
<lees in Dec. 1S54 and March 1855 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served as Interpreter to the 19th
Foot with the force under Brigadier Kelly on the Nepaul frontier in 1859.
10* Colonel G. C. Rowcroft served with the force against the Hussunzaieson the Hazara frontier in 1852 (Medal
with Clasp). Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857 at Pethnwur (Medal). Commanded the Khelat-i-
Cthilzie Regiment with the force on the Eusufzaie frontier and against the fanatics of Sittana in April and May
105 Major General J. J. H. Gordon served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58 with the Jounpore Field Force
attached to the 97th Regt.; at the actions of Nusrutpore, Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore, at the siege and
capture of Lucknovv and storming the Kaiser Bagh (Medal with Clasp) ; and from Sept. 1858 to April 1859 as Field
Adjutant to Colonel Turner commanding the Troops on the Grand Trunk road, and Field Force during the
operations in Shahabad, final attack on Jngdespore, action of Noandee, and subsequent pursuit (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Major). Served with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 in command of the Koorum Field Force and of the
Koorum Brigade, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned ia despatches), and took part in
the Zaimnsht Expedition including the assault of Zavva (CB., Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Mahsood
Wuzeoree Expedition in 1881 in command of the 2nd Column.
los Colonel T. E. Gordon served as second in command of the 7th Punjab Infantry during the Indian campaign
of 1858-59, commanded the Regt. at the attack and capture of the Oude Forts Dehayn and Turowl on 14th and 17th
jKly 1858 ; engaged in operations in the Futtehghur, Azimghur, and Gorrickpore districts in 1858, and in the Terai,
Nepaul, in 1859 (live times mentioned in desy)atches, Brevet of Major, and Medal). Served in the Afghan war in
1879 in command of a Brigade of the Cabul Field Force, and was present in the engagement at Ali Kheyl (men¬
tioned in despatches, CB., and Medal).
'"7 Colonel T. N. Baker served during the Sonthal campaign of 1853. Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in
[857-58 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1B78-79 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86,
and commanded a column at the attack of the Minhla Redoubt, and afterwards commanded the Garrison there
•(mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
i"8 Colonel W. Gordon served in Biirmah against the rebel MongGong Gee in 1854. Had charge of the entrench¬
ments at Allahabad, andcommandofoutpostsduring the mutinies in 1857 (Medal). AQCompanied the Expeditionary
Force to China, and was present at the capture of the Taku Forts and the surrender of Pekin (Medal with two
I"" Colonel II. Y. Mathias served throughout the Sonthal campaign of 1835-56. Was 2nd in Command of the
Mewah and Nagode Rajah's Troops at the opening of the Deccan road in 1837-5S, during which operations the
forts of KunchuuporeJoorah, Myhere city and fort, Jokye,Kunnwarrah, Bejeeragooghur, and 42 pieces of ordnance
were taken (slightly wounded). Was 2nd iu Command of the Revvah Contingent at the storming of the enemy's
position on the PunwarrahHeights, takiugall the enemy's guns, killing their leaders, and entirely dispersing their
force (Medal with Clasp).
"" Major General Kennedy served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1S57, andwas present at the siege of
Delhi (wounded) and at the' engagement at Narnoul—slightly wounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of
Major, Medal «ith Clasp). Served with the Sittana Expedition' on the North West Frontier of India in 1858 (men¬
tioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp); also served with the Cabul Kheyl Expedition in 1839, with the Mahsood
Wuzeeree Expedition in i860, and with the Dour Valley Expedition in 1872. Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80,
including the engagements at Saif-u-Deen, Shahjui, Ahmed Kheyl, Urzoo near Ghuznee, and Padkao Shana
(several times mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal with Clasp). Commanded the expedition sent against
the Mahsood Wuzeerees in iSSi (mentioned in despatches, and received the tlianks of the Government of India).
1" Major General C. Nedham served in the 10th Regt. the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, includingthe whole of the
ciege operations before Mooltan, affair of gth Sept., storming of the enemy's strongly-entrenched position, capture
of the Dowlat Gate, action of Soorjkoond, and surrender of the fortress: afterwards present at the battle of
Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 34th Regt. at the defeat of the rebels near Bootwul on the Nepaul
frontier on 28lh March 1859 (Medal).
1" Colonel Melmoth A Douglas Orchard served during the Indian Mutiny of 1837-58, and was present in the
actions of the 5th July and loth October 1857 at Agra (Medal).
"* Colonel C. W. R. Chester served in the campaign on the North-West Frontier of India in ^863, and was
present at the capture of Umbeyla (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
•15 Colonel F. E. A. Chamier served as Aide de Camp to General Outram with Havelock's Force, and was pre-
eent at the actions of Mungarwar and Alumbagh, relief of Lucknow, and subsequent defencf of the Residency
tntil the relief of its Ghin-ison by Lord Clyde; also present at the final capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches
Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Major, and a year's service).
"« Colonel G. A. Prcndergast commanded a "Squadron Mooltanee Cavalry detached from Shahjehanpore to the
assistance of the Rajah of Powajiie and commanded at Powayne during the attack on that place by the rebels under
Khan Bahadoor Khan and Feroze Shah on the 7th and 8th Oct. 1858. Served as Orderly Otticer to Brigadier Troup
during the campaign in Oude in 1838-59, and was present in the actions of Pusgaon and Russoolpcre, and attack
and capture of Fort Mittowlie (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1879 in command of the ThuU Chotiali and
Vitakri Field Force (Medal).
117 Colonel R. D. Campbell served throughout the Sonthal campaign of 1833-56. Served throughout the Indian
mutiny campaign, against the mutineers near Benares on the 6th July 1837 (charger severely wounded),
also at Azimghur, and with the Nepaulese Contingent in the Goruckpore district (Medal). Served also throughout
*he Bhootan campaign of 1864-65, and was present at the storming and capture of Dalimkote, and of Bala and
Nagoh stockades (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1S79-80 with the Khyber Line Force (Medal).
Aiao served with the ilahsood Wuzeeree Expedition In 1S81.

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