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3'9 >c<:fortli UujJdanders {Eoss-shirc Bi'p, The I)uke of Alhanij'n).
' Sir Edward Sclby Smyth served as Brigade Major to the Forces in the Southern Concan and Sawant Warree
country during the campaign of 1844 and 45, and was present atthi attack and capture of several strong stockades as
well as in the ov-erations before the mountain forts of Monohur, and at their final assault; also at the forcing of the
Ku'watteePass, and subsequent occupation of the country below the Ghats. Served also in the Kaffir war of 1851-52
(Medal), and mentioned in General orders for conduct in command of a Column in action in the Fish River Bush
(Brevet of Major); with the expedition north of the Orange Kiver in 1852-5:!, afterwards as Deputy Assistant
Quarter Master General of the 2nd Division ; and subsequently as D. Adj. General and D. Q. M. General to the forces
in South Africa fi-om January 1854 to July i860. Received' the thanks of the Irish Government in 1867 for his
services as Deputy Adjutant General during the suppression of the Fenian outbreak. While commanding the
troops in Mauritius, he was twice sworn in and acted as Governor in 1S70 and 18-71.
5 Colonel Mnrrny served with the 78th Highlanders in the Afghan war in iSSo (Medal). Served with the
detachment of the 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders attached to the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders m the
Kgypt'an war of 1802, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Med&I with Clasp, ^th Class of the Osmanieh,
and Khedive's Star).
1^ Captains Sandeman, Macdougall, and Halkett, Lieuts. Barlow and Mackintosh served with the 78th High¬
landers in the Afghan war in 18S0 (Medal).
" Colonel Keisey served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencement of the Afghan war in 1878 till
June 1879 "''til t'lp Koorum Field Force, including the Khost Expedition, and was present in the engagement
at Mattoon (Medal). Served with the ist BattaUon Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
piesent in the engagement at C;halouf on the 20th August in command of four companies of his Battalion, and at
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned iu despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the
Osnianieh, and Khedive's Star).
>* Major Garnett served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 1S78-S0 with the Koornm,
C'libul, and Cal>ul-Caudahar Field Forces ; was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal and in the
engagement at Charasiab and the operations around Cabul in December iS-g ; accompanied Sir Frederick
Roberts iu the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned iu desjiatches. Brevet of
Major, Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served with the ist Battalion Sealorth Highlanders in
the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches) and at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Major Gildea served with the 72nd Highlandersfrom the commencement ?f the Afghan war in 1878 till August
18-9 with the Koorum Field Force, and was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in
despatches,Medal with Clasp).
1'' Major Barstow served as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Cobbe and Colonel Drew from the commence¬
ment of the Afghan war in 1878 till August 1875 with the Koorum Field Force, including the Khost Expedition,
jjart of the time as Superintendent of Arm.y Signalling; was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal
and in the engagement at Mattoon (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
" Major Grant served in the Afghan war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ali Kheyl, and at the
assault and capture of Zawa (mentioned iu despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal). Served as Brigade Major in
the Mahsood Wuzoereo Expedition in 1881.
'- Major Brooke-Hunt served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 1879 till .Tanuary
tSSo with the Koorum and Cabul Field Forces, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab (mentioned in
despatches), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 (Medal with two Clasps). Served with the
Tst Battalion Soalbrtb Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasi), ar.d Khedive's Star).
'* Captain Stewart served with the 78th Highlanders in the Afghan W;?.r in iSSo (Medal). AVas Brigade Major to
the 2iid Brigade Southern Afghanistan Field Force from i6th December iSSo to i6th May 1881.
'^ Major Kane served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 1870 with the Koonim, Cabul,
and Cabul-Candahar I''ield Forces, part of the time as Orderly Officer and also as Brigade Major and D. A. Q.M.
General to Brigadier tienoral Baker; was present in the engagement at Charasiab and in the operations around
Cabul in December 1S79 ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the
b;itUe of Candahar (several times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Meilal with three Clasps, and Bronze
"' Lt.Colonel j\Iurray served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 187S-B0 with the Koorum,
C;iliul, and Cabul-Car.dahar Field Forces (till April i83o as Adjutant); was present at the attack and capture of the
Peiwar Kotal and iu the engagement at Charasiab (mentioned iu despatches), and in the operations around Cabul
in Decembe)'i879 ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts iu the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle
of (Kandahar—severely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
Sewed in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Brigade Major Infantry Brigade Indian Contingent, and was present at, the
battle of Tcl-cl-Kebir (Brevet of Bt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
Served throughout the Soudan campaign in 1S85 on special service as Assistant to the Chief of the Staff, and was
present in the engagement at Hasheen and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches. Clasp).
'■ Captain Wallace, Lieuts. W. H. Hunter, and Elliot served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
iu t'ne Egyptian war cl 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^" Captain Mcuzies served with the g2nd Highlanders in the Afghan war iu 1879-80, and was present in the
engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879 and subsequent pursuit of the enemy, in the operations around
Cabul in December 1S79 including the investment of Sherpore, and in the engagement at Charasiab on the 25th
April 1883 ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march 10 Candahar. and was present at the reconnaissance
on the 31st August and in the battle of Candahar—severely wounded (Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Deco¬
ra *^ion). Served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Boer war of 18S1.
'-' Major Fergussou served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 187S till January 18S0 with
the Koorum and Cabul Field Forces, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab (wounded) and in the opera¬
tions around Cabul in December 1879—dangerously wounded (mentionedin despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with
two Clasps). Served with the ist B.attalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war 01 1882, aud was present
in the engagement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches, Medal, and Khedive's Star).
••' Captain Hughes-Hallett served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencement of the Afghan in 1878
till July 1879 with the Koorum Field Force, and was present at the attack ami capture of the Peiwar Kotal
(mentioned iu despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian
war of 1SS2, and was liresont in the engagement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle of
Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
-- Captain Mackenzie served with the 78th Highlanders in the Afghan war in i8'o (Medal) Served with the
'rran.<i)ort Dopa.rtment in Southern Afghanistan from 15th November 1S79 to 14th February 1881.
-' Captain J. A. Campbell served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from February till December 1879
with the Koorum and (Jabul Field Forces, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab (Medal with Clasp).
Served with the ist Battalion Scaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the battle of
Tel-el-Kibir (^Modal Avith Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
~" Captain Hatton served with the 7Sth Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1S80 (Medal). Was Orderly Officer to
t'le Brigadier General Commanding the 2nd Brigade Candahar Field Force from 19th December 1880 to the 2i&t
March 1881.
=• Lieut. Monro served with the 72nd Highlanders throujihout the Afghan war of 1S73-80 with the Kooram,
Caliul, and Calm I-Candahar Field Forces, part of the time as Regimental Transport Officer, from April 1S80 as Ad-
ju:auf; was ju'eseut at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (woimded), and in the engagementat Charasiab
and the oi)orMtions around Cabul in December 1870 ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar,
and was present at the battle of Candahar—severely wonnded (mentioned in despatches, Medal with four Clasps,
au'l Bron/o Decoration). Served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders iu the Egyptian war of 1SS2. and
was present in the Chalouf and at the battle of Tel-el-Kobir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive'o Star).
Accompanied Sir Charles Warren to South Africa in 1884, and served with the Bechuanaiand Expe<lition in com¬
mand of YoUmtcers.

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