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€og Majors who have Retired hy
Cowell, James D.*" 6 Dragoons 26 July 58
Creagh, James Henry, 27 Foot 10 July 63
Croker, Edu-ard,^? 96 Foot 8 July 56
Croker, William, 27 Foot 27 Mar. 68
Cromhie, Alexander,*^ 72 Foot... 5 Mar. 6i
■Crosse, Joshua Grant/'88 Foot 26 Dec. 56
Cuffe, Sir Clias. Fred. Wheeler,'" Bart. 66 F. ... 26 Apr. 59
rC Cuninshame,<Sir Wm. James Montgomery,
Bariy^ Rilie Briejade; Major 4 Bn. Scotg
Ftailierx (Ayr Militia) 14 Aug. 67
Currie, Charles, Cape Mounted Rifles 2 Jan. 6g
Cnrrie, George Alfred, 75 Foot 20 June 54
Ourzon, Hon. William Henrj%'-'=' 17 Lancers 19 July 64
Cusack, John,'-*-'8 Foot i Apr. 70
Dartnell, John George," CMG. 27 Foot 19 Jan. 64
Daubeny, Walter Augustus,"'' 3 Foot 28 Oct. 71
Davies, Augustus,"^ 74 Foot 31 Mar. 66
Day, John Godfrey,"' 28 Foot 19 Jan. 70
Deane, George, i Foot 24 Nov. 77
Dennis, John FitzThomas,'^ 93 Foot 29 Dec. 54
Dent, Henry Francis, 7 Dragoon Guards 4 Nov. 74
s. Dickens, Robert Vaughan,"" 11 Foot i Apr. 70
Dickson, Alexander George,'"" 13 Hussars ;
MP.for DoL-er 3 July 60
Drage, Frederick,'"^ Depot Battalion i Apr. 70
Drew, Browning,'"3 yj Foot 24 Mar. 58
SH Drewe, Edward Ward, 88 Foot 9 June 37
Duckett, Sir George Floyd, Bart. 3 W.I.Regt.. n Nov. 51
Dunbar, Penrose John,'"-'3 Foot 20 May 64
Dundas, Thomas,'"* 12 Foot 31 Jan. 64
Dyne, Musgrave James Bradley, 9 Lancers ... 10 Maj' bi
Dj'son, Edward, 3 Dragoon Guards 8 Apr. 53
Edlmann, Joseph Ernst, i Dragoon Guards ... 22 July 68
p.s,c. Ellis, Cha. David Cunmghame,'"'' 60 Rifles 23 Oct. 60
■ Ellison, Richard George, 47 F. Gent, at Arms... 21 Nov. 62
Blmhirst, Harry, 53 Foot i Oct. 77
ErroU, "Wm. Harry, Earl q/",'"* Rifle Brigade... 12 Dec. 55
Erskine, Hon. David, 21 Foot 2 Anr. 54
Evans, Richard John,'"" 16 23 Oct. 60
Fairtlough. Samuel,"" 22 Foot 30 Mar. 69
Falconer, Jlon. Charles James Keith-,"' 4 Drs. 8 May 60
Fanning, Matthew,"- 27 Foot i Apr. 66
Fawkes, Francis,"3 71 Foot 16 Feb. 78
S'awkes, Richard, 27 Foot 16 Nov. 41
Ffrench, Edward, 74 Foot 10 Jan. 37
Finlay, Johu,"s 78 Foot S July 72
Fisher, Louis Walter,"6 40 Foot 1 Mar. 64
FitzGerfild, William Hervey,"'68 Foot 9 Oct. 63
FitzHerbert, Richard Henry, Rifle Brigade ... 2 July 47
Floyd, Hem-y Ridout, 25 Foot 5 July 72
Forbes, George, 3 Hussars 20 June 54
Forbes, Lachlan,'"* 31 Foot 19 Feb. 61
Forbes, WilUam, 77 Foot 29 Dec. 54
Ford, George, 36 Foot 13 May 26
Forde, Thomas Douglas,"" 46 Foot 10 t'eb. 69
J\)rster, John,'-" 6 Dragoon Guards 20 July 58
Foster, Charles Marshall,'^' 14 Foot 24 Mar. 58
Foster, Williaui John,'^^ 19 Foot 5 July 72
Fotkergill, William, 50 Foot 23 Nov. 41
Fowke, John S. Ferguson, 54 Foot 17 Feb. 65
Francis, Thomas Johni'^^ 100 Foot 5 Aug. 64
33(EJS Eraser,, James, 34 Foot 10 Jan. 37
Frend, George, 26 Foot 20 June 54
FyBb, David, 44 Foot 4 June 13
Fyffe, David, 46 Foot 16 Dec. 53
Gardiner, Johu Theodore Austin,'^* 31 Foot... 20 Mar. 80
Gaskell, William Plumer, 24 Foot 13 Feb. 67
Gaynor, Francis Seymour. 99 Foot 5 July 72
Oerard, Robert Tolver,Lord, 68 F.aon.Col.Lan-
cashire J/.ntsif.irs; Aids de Camp to the Queen ... 11 Nov. 51
<5illman, Bennett Watkins.'^* j^ Foot 20 June 54
Gillum, PrideauxWilliam,'-^ 54 Foot 11 Nov. 57
<iodley, Heiiry Robert Crewe,'^' 28 Foot 6 June 56
Goodricke, We' H. H. Holyoake-, Bt.''^ 90 Foot 12 June 69
■GoodwjTr. Henry William, Unattached 24 Doc. 60
Ooi'd(ni, Duncan,'-" 59 Foot 4 July 34
Gordon, AVe^JStcr Thomas, 66 Foot i Jan. 59
Goro, Anneslcy Paul,'*'53 Foot 19 Nov. 57
Gore, James ,li-thur Charles, 71 Foot 4 Mar. 59
Gore, William Richard Ormsby, 13 Hussars... 12 Oct. 52
Graham, Cliarles Campbell,'■'"42 Foot 2 Nov. 55
Graham, Gv^orge, i West India Regiment 7 June 31
Grange, Charles Walter.'^s R. Canadian Rifles i May 59
Oraut, Thomas John, 6 Foot i Aiir. 70
Grantham, !-;dward,'33 98 Foot 12 :Mar. 64
Grantham, James, Royal Bugineors 5 Jaly 72
Granville, Bevil, 23 F.'Gent. at Arms; Adjutant
2 llerff(jrd.lJiire iiifle Volunteers 26 Apr. 59
Granville, Fred. 23F.//o«.Co;. 4 Bn. Warinick-.
sliire Reijt. (2 Warwick Militia) 19 May 46
c. Graves, WilUam Henry, iS Foot 12 May 69
Gray, William Robert,'^'Military Train 15 Fob. 61
Green, Andrew, 48 Foot .' 13 Dec. 53
Green, Edw.ird Lister,'^ 77 Foot 15 Feb. 61
Gregory, Francis Hood, 15 Hussars 24 June 76
Greig, John .lames, CB. 24 Foot 20 Jime 54
Gressou, William Henry,'^65 Foot i Mar. 64
Sale, by Commutation, ^"c.
p.».c.Grifflths,ArthurGeo.Frederick,"" 63 Foot,
Inspector of Prisons in Great Britain 13 May 75
Grimston, Walter John, Royal Artillery 10 Dec. 68
Groves, John, 18 Hussars..'. i Oct. 77
Hall, Ale.'sander Courtenay, 6 Foot 17 Dec. 79
Hamilton, Fred. Harding Anson, 60 J'oot 12 Aug. 76
Hamilton, J/o)?. Robert Baillie,'*'44 Foot 15 Feb. 61
Hammond, Lawi-ence Nicholas Dyre, 90 Foot. 9 Jan. 63
Hare, Thomas,'*'Cape Mounted Rifles 26 Oct. 58
Harman, Ramsay,"^ 14 F. ; Major 3 Bn. Dor¬
setshire Segf. {borset Militia) 5 July 72
Harran, Edward,"^ 4 Dragoon Guards 14 Dec. 78
Harvey, William Crosbie,'-" 9 Foot 5 July 72
Heigham, Clement Henry John,'" jj Foot ... 17 May 61
FlC Heneage, Clement Walker,"" 8 Hussars ... 20 July 58
Herbert, Artliur,'*" 39 Foot 20 Jime 54
Heycock, Charles,'*^ gg root 29 May 69
Hibbert, Francis, 7 Foot 17 Dec. 79
Hill, Edward, 96 Foot 11 Nov. 51
Hill, ion? George Augusta, Unattached 6 July 30
Hilliker, Henry,"" Land Transport Corps 30 July 71
Hinchliff, Chamberlain Henry,'5u Unattached. 25 Sept. 60
Hinds, Thomas Clowes,'^' sSFoot 8.lune67
Holmes, James Nicoi, Canadian Rifles 29 Dec. 54
Hook, Charles Campbell, 20 Hussai-s; Adju¬
tant 2 Perthshire Rifle Volunteers 2 .July 62
Hopkins, Francis Powell, IS Foot 16 Oct. 60
p.s.c. Home, Edmund Garland,'*'^ 25 Foot 5 July 72
Howard de Walden, Fred. Geo. Zord, 4 Hussars 5 Oct. 67
Hume, Alexander,'-"' loi Foot 20 JUI3' 58
Hunt, Arthur,'** Military Train 5 July 72
Hunt, John, Unattached 15 Jaii. 58
Hunter, Charles Fleming,'" 72 Foot 9 Nov. 66
Hunter, Edward,'** 62 Foot 10 Nov. 63
Hunter, Patrick, 63 Foot 12 Oct. 70
Hutton. Thomas,'*" 4 Hussars 6 June 56
Ind, Fred. John Nash,'*" 37 Foot 29 May 66
Ingles, Walter Lawrence,'-'" 16 Foot i Apr. 70
Inglis, William,'™ 5 Dragoon Guards 12 Dec. 34
^J Jacks, Walter,'"- 7 Dragoon Guards 10 Jan. 37
Jackson, George Wm. Collins,"^ 7 Hussars ... 20 Feb. 36
Jary, Robert, Hei-bert Heath,'^'12 Lancers 11 Feb. 62
Jervis, Edward Lennox,'"* 6 Dragoon Guards. 21 Feb. 60
Jocelyn, JIoii. Aug. George Fred. 6 Dragoon
Guards 20 June 34
Johnstone, Robert Beckford,'"" 43 Foot 18 June 61
Jones, Felix Thomas,'"'3 Foot 26 Feb. 76
53 Judge, Arthur,'"" i W.LRegt lo Jan. 37
Kean, Henry,'"" 97 Foot 23 Nov. 41
Keane, Edvvard A. W., iorrf,'"'37 Foot 3 Mar. 41
Keene, Edmund Ruck-,'"" 2 Dragoon Guards.. 16 June 37
Kemp, John, late Cavalry Depot i3 May 70
Kent, Edmund Watkin, 24 Foot 22 Oct. 70
Keogh, Anthony Robert,'"" 14 Foot 10 Feb. 77
King. WiUiam Affleck,'"* 17 Foot 7 Aug. 67
Knoebone, Frederick,'"* 29 Foot i Apr, 70
UtC Knox, John Simpson,'"" Rille Brigade 8 June 72
Knox, Jinn. Wm. Stuart, 51 F. Honorary Colonel
Mid-Uhler Artillery Militia 16 Nov. 33
Lachlnn, Robeit, 17 Foot 13 Aug. 29
Law, Charles Fred., 69 Foot 25 Aug. 33
Lawrie, John,'"* Depot Battalion 2 Nov. 55
Leake, Honrv.'"" 70 Foot, 3 Bn. JE. Yorkshire
Refft. (East'i'ork Militia) i Oct. 77
Ledgard, Nathaniel Polhill, 29 Foot 20 May 68
Loggett, George Edward,'^" 77 Foot 27 Nov. 70
1T(C Lenon, Edmund Hem-y.'*' 67 Foot 10 Sept. 65
Leslie, Lewis Xayier,'*- 99 Foot 11 Nov. 51
Levett, Edward,'*' loHussars; Adjutant 2 lier-
hyshire Jiifle Volunteers 16 Oct. 60
Lewis, Ralph FitzGibbon,'** 86 Foot 23 Mar. 60
Leyne, James,'** 59 Foot i "Apr. 66
Littledale, Edward, i Dragoons 9 Nov. 46
Lloyd, Charles Fred., 24 Foot i Oct. 77
Llo.vd, Eilward,'*" ic6 Foot 23 Sept.70
Lloyd, Mathew PcnnofaUicr, 59 Foot 23 Mar. 61
Lock, Frederick Edward, 13 i'oot 25 Dec. 67
Lockyer, Edmund,'*" 57 Foot 12 Aug. 19
Lovptt, Thomas Henton,'"* 98 F., Han. Colonel
2 Shropshire liijle Volu7ifeers 4 Apr. 49
Lucas, Richard, 29 Foot 3 July 39
Lutman, John Henry,'*" 24 Foot 17 Apr. 38
Lutman, William Ivers, Ce,ylon Rifles 19 May 69
Lyle, John Mackenzie,'"" 29 Foot 12 Juno 60
Lyon, AVilliam, 67 Foot , 23 Nov. 41
M'Crea, Frederick Bradford,'"' 8 Foot 20 May 68
M'Creagh, Michael,'"-4 Dragoon Guards 8 Feb. 63
M'Donnel, Christopher,'"" 4 Dragoon Guards. 9 Dec. 71
M'Inroy, WilUam, 69.Foot .~ 9 Nov. 46
M'Mohon, William,'"* 14 Hussars 20 July 58
MacAndrew, James Duncan,'"* 78 Foot 6 July 60
Mackay, Angus Wm., 4 West India R^^iment. 23 Mar. 66
Mi<ckay, Edu'ar4,'''" 49 Foot ' i Oct. 70
5Iair, Arthur, 62 Foot .' 13 Nov. 35
Mauley, Robert GoorsiC.'"* 6 Dragoon-1 12 Doc. 54
Manly, John Sjiniiie!,'"" 27 Foot i Apr. 66
Margary, AUred Robert, 5^ Foot 20 June 34

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