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Lieutenant Colonels and Majors
Veitch, Thomas George, Unattached
Vemon, George Augustus, Coldst. Guards
Villiers, Charles Courtnay,"' 47 Foot
Wade, James Heine,"' 53 Foot
Wake, Richard William, Uiteh. p
Wakefleld, Julian,'" 83 Foot
Wallace, Si/-\V'm.Thos.Fras.Agnew, B<.Gr.Gds.
Ward, Beruard Edward,3** 60 Rifles
Watson, Albert,'" Unattached
Watson, (Jharles Edward,"* 7 Foot
Watson, Rupert Campbell, 37 Foot
Waugh, William Petrie,'*' 16 Lancers
Webb, George, Royal Marines
S5E Webster, James Carnegie,'** 18 Foot
Wegu3Uu, Thomas JIathiasLuz, Unattached...
West, Frederick,'" Depot Battalion
West, John Temple Temple-, Gren. Guards ...
West, Jioii. Wm. Edw. Sackville, Gren. Gds....
Westropp, Edward Henry,''" 29 Foot
Wheatley, William, Scots Guards
AVheeler, John Ross, 29 B'oot
Wliite, Hon. Charles William, Gren. Guards...
White, George Francis,'^i 31 Foot
White, Thomas WooUaston, 16 Lancers
Wickham, Thomas,'=2 33 Foot
33 Wightman, George,'"'48 Foot
Wilkinson, Henry Green, ScotsGuards
Williamson, John, Unattached
Wilson, Charles Townsheud,'=* Colds. Gds
p.s.c. Wilson, FitzRo,y, Rifle Brigade
Winchester, John, Murq.of, 10 Hussars, Hon.
Col. 3 Bn. Hampshire Meijt. {llamptihire Mil.)
Windsor-Clive, Hon. George Herbert W.'»5
Coldstream Guards
Wirgmau, Theodore,'^* 6 Dragoons
"W'itciiell, Tijomas,'-'^ 23 i^'oot
Wombwell. Adolphus Ulick,'''' 12 Lancers
Wood, Georgd Wilding, 56 Foot
Wood, Robert Hudson, 67 Foot
Woods, Richard William,"^' 3 Foot
Wyatt, James Heury,'"^ VB. Military Train ...
Wjame-Fincti, Charles Arthur, Scots Guards
Young, James, is Dragoons
Young, William Pym,'" 65 Foot ...
ID Adair, J.ames,'Unattached
Adair, James Wallace Dunlop.^ 5 Foot
Addington, Hon. Leonard Allen, R. Artilleiy
Alcock, Thomas St. Leger, 95 F. Hun.
Colonel 4 Bn. Middlesex Meat, (i Middlesex
Aldridge, John, 21 F., Lt.Col. Conidt. 3 Bn.
Sussex licgt. {Sussex Militia)
Allen, Ralph Shuttleworth, R. Artillery
AUfrey, Goodrich Holmsdale,' 2 Dragoon Gds.
Altham, Wm. Surtees, 83 Foot
Anuesloy, Robert,* 10 Foot
Arbutlmot, Sir Wm. Woddorburn, Bt. iS Hus.
Archer, AVilliam Henry, 16 Dragoons
Armstrong, Johu,^ 2 Foot
Arm-strong, Thomas Priaul.x St. George," 49 F.
Armstrong, William Bruce," 7 Dragoon Gds....
Armstrong, William Caimes, 15 Foot
Astley, Richard Dukinfleld,' 49 Foot
Atherley, Francis Henry, Rifle Brigade
p.s.c. Aytomi, James,'" 85 Foot
Backhouse, Thomas Deering," 70 Foot
3P5H Bacon, Anthony,'^ 17 Dragoons
Bagot, George, 17 Foot
Bailie, James." 87 Foot
Baird, Sir David, Bar*.'* 98 Foot
Baker, Thomas Richard, 7 Foot
Balfom-, Francis Walter,'* Rifle Brigade
Ball, Francis A.,'« 53 Foot
Bamflold, John Hichens,'" 11 Foot
Barclay, Edward, Unattached
Baring, Henry Bingham, i Life Guards
Barnard, Christopher John.'» 4 W. India Regt.
Barnard, Robert Cary, 41 Foot
Baskerville, John, 14 Hussars
Bates, John Sidney, 4 Dragoon Guards
Bathurst, Benjamin, Royal Artillery
Battiscombe, Benjamin, 01 Foot
Battley, D'Oyley W., 77 Foot
Bayley, John Arthur,*^ 52 Foot
Beete, John Picton, 21 Foot
Bell, Charles Harland,^' Cape M. Rifles '.
Bell, Robert, 5 Dragoon Guards ,
Bell, William Morrison, 3 Hussars
Beresford, Henry Marcus, 9 Foot
Berkeley, Henry W.22 3 Dragoon Guards ......
Berkeley, Robert, 29 Foot
Bernard, Thomas, Unattached
Besi, Maudistly Gaussen," 25 Foot
Best, Thomas Charles Hardinge." 72 Foot
Beswick, Freierick,^-^ Unattached
vjJto liace lietlred hi/ Sale, lij Cumniutalani, ij'f. 608
20 June 54
25 Apr. 48
3 Oct. 64
25 Mar. 69
20 June 54
1 Oct. 77
29 July 59
5 Jan. 64
26 Oct. 58
21 Nov. 62
5 Aug. 73
20 June ,S4
17 Mar. 69
11 Nov. 51
12 Nov. 60
5 Jan. 64
6 July 52
2 Jan. 69
12 June 60
18 Mar. 59
26 Oct. 58
5 Mar. 70
12 Dec. 54
ID Dec. 64
I Jan. 68
11 Nov. 51
3 Nov. 54
26 Oct. 58
8 Dec. 54
I July 81
30 Dec. 26
14 Mar. 68
29 May 69
29 Mar. 73
25 Mar. 71
1 July 81
30 Mar. 72
31 Dec. 78
I Apr. 70
28 O. t. 71
II Nov. 51
30 Julj' 60
12 Dec. 26
7 Nov. 62
31 Dec. 68
2 Feb. 44
6 June 56
26 Oct. 58
12 Oct. 70
16 Mar. 58
15 Aug. 68
17 Nov. 63
16 May 45
I Apr. 70
4 Aug. 63
21 Mar. 68
24 Jan. 60
5 Sept. 69
20 July 58
25 Apr. 65
I Oct. 77
31 Dec. 25
19 Oct. 49
18 Dec. 60
24 Mar. 58
.31 Aug. 38
6 June 56
25 Mar. 71
23 Jan. 78
20 Feb. 59
18 Nov. 30
14 Sept. 66
9 Mar. 55
13 June 68
I July 81
26 Oct. 58
12 Nov. 60
11 Nov. 51
19 Jan. 58
26 June 38
6 June 56
II Nov. 51
18 Oct. 64
5 July 72
15 Aug. 68
26 July 76
7 Sept.55
20 July 58
19 Aug. 62
9 Feb. 61
Bcthune, Robert,-'" 92 F.; Adjutant i Fifeskire
Ri/le I'olunfcers 7 Dec. 5S
Belt's, George,^'* 81 Foot 24 Feb. 71
Bird, Henry Charles, 47 Foot 10 Jan. 58
Birtwhistle, John,-^ 7 Foot 25 Sept. 60
Blackburn, Jolm, 8s Foot 29 Dec. 46
Blair, ^iieas Gordon,'" 14 Foot 20 Mar. 76
Blakeney, Robert," 48 Foot 6 June 56
Bligh, Frederick Chorburgh," 41 Foot 26 Dec. 56
Bhgh, George Waldegrave,'* 60 Foot 24 Apr. 58
Blood, John,'= 68 Foot 31 Oct. 71
Blount, Robert,'* 20 Foot 23 Mar. 77
Bluett,William Henry Peter Gordon,'" 10 Foot 22 Jan. 67
l*i£ Bogle, Andrew Cathcart,'* 10 Foot 25 Apr. 65
p.s.e. Boileau, Charles Henry," 61 Foot 7 Aug. So
Boileau, Charles Lestock, Rifle Brigade 4 Dec. 35
Boissier, John William,*" 37 Foot 7 Jan. 64
Bonham, Francis,*'71 Foot i May 67
BoiTowes, Sir Erasmus, Burt:^' Depot Batt.... 25 May 66
Bott, Thomas,*'6 Dragoon Guards 20 July 58
Bourchier, James, 52 Foot. 20 Apr. 60
Bourke, Hon. Edward Roden, 3 Hussars 2 Dec. 68
Bourke, Joseph,** 29 Foot 24 Feb. 77
Bowden, Herbert George,** 22 F. ; Adjutant i
l>umfries R^Jle Volunteers 5 Mar. 58
Bower, Henry John,** 4 Foot 16 May 70
Bowers, Charles D'Obree,'" 22 Foot 17 Apr. 8c>
Bowler, John, 80 Foot 4 Mar. 37
Bowles, Edward,*» 60 Rities 11 Jan. 69
Boycott, William, 29 Foot 31 Oct. 71
Boyes, James Ficha't,*''' Cape Mounted Rifles ... i Apr. 70
Boyle, Hon. Edmund John, 85 Foot 5 Apr. 66
Boys, Henry, 75 Foot 9 Nov. 46
Brabazon, James Du Pre,-"Unattached 8 July 59
Brabazon, Hugh, Military Train 20 June 54
Brackenbnrjr. Henry, Depot Batt. Gent. atArms i Apr. 6^
Bradford, Wm. Hamilton Kindersley,*' 108 F. 15 Aug. 69
33511 Brady, William S. Richardson,*^ 36 F. ... 28 June 38
Brannan, James, Unattached 11 Jan. 58
Brett, Sir Wiltbrd, KCMG. 76 Foot 28 June 64
Briggs, George, 1 Dr.Gds. Lt.Col. 3 Bn. Hamii-
shire Urijt. (HantsMilitia) 3 June 53
Bringhurst, John Henry, 90 Foot 22 Dec. 48
Brooks, John Hattield,-' 19 Hussars 20 July 58
BrowTie, (Jeorge Richard,** 69 Foot 4 June 58
Browne, iorii Richard Howe,** 96 Foot 20 May 63
Browne, Richard Thos. Bookey, 7 W.L Regt. 14 Nov. 74
Bruce, Stewart Hei-ve3',*'' 102 Foot 16 May 76
Bruce, William Tyri-eU,*" 18 Foot 9 Dec. 53
Bulkeley, Francis Beaumaris,** 65 Foot 6 July 67
Burke, William. Unattached 21 July 30
Burningham, Henry George Charles,*" 58 F.... 27 May 62
Burrell, Bryan, 15 iiussars i Apr. 68
Burridge, John Usborne, Unattached 20 Apr. 66
Burslem, BoUo GiUespie,*"i3 V.Military Knight
of Windsor 8 Nov. 50
Bush, Henry Stratton,*' 100 Foot 7 Nov. 56
Butler, Walter, Unattached 9 Nov. 56
Cairnes, William Henry,*'3 Foot 23 July 61
Galley, Henry. 19 Foot 7 Aug. 46
Camiibell, Charles Fred. 87 Foot 26 Oct.. 58
Campbell, E. S. Norman, 90 Foot 9 Nov. 46
CampVjell, Fred." Cape Mounted Rifles 26 Oct. 58
Ca.mpl)eU. Henry George Lyou, 74 Foot 5 July 72
Campbell, Heniy W^otton,"* 79 F. Governor of
Military Prison at Cork 26 Dec. 56
Campbell-Renton, Arch. Colin, 42 Foot 12 Dec. 54
Campsie, George Richard,** Ceylon Rifles 26 Oct. 58
Cannon, Osbonie Barwell,*" 97 Foot 28 Oct. 68
Carey, Charles Lc Mesurier,*<* 63 Foot 6 June 56
Carleton, William Frederick,*'-' 60 Rifles 23 May 73
Carleton, William Henry,"" 21 Foot 24 Oct. 70
Carlisle, Anthony,"'60 Rifles 5 J'dy 72
Carlyon, Thomas T. Spry, 3 Dragoon Guards. 27 June 54
Cassidy, Francis P.'2 34 Foot 20 July 58
Cassidy, Frederick Young,"'31 Foot 19 Jime 7^
Cay, Eustace,'* 70 Foot 21 Mar. 65,
Chadwick, Robert, 14 Hussars 15 May 67
Chaffey, John, 5 Lancers 29 Jan. 70
Chapman, Frederick Barclay, 14 Hussars 29 Nov. 64
Charlewood, John, 62 Foot 11 Nov. 31
Charter, Ellis James, ii F.; Adjutant 13 Mid¬
dlesex Bi/le Volunteers 8 Mar. 59
Clapcott, Charles," 32 Foot 26 Sept. 58
Clarke, James George,"* 46 Foot 12 May 66
CliS'ord, Richard Cormick," 7 Foot i Apr. 70
Clowes, George Gooch,'" 8 Hussars, MajorWor-
cestershire Yeomanry 7 Dee. 58
Cockbum, Thomas Hugh,"" 43 Foot 20 July 58
3P Cockburn, Wm. Horace,*" 95 Foot 28 June 38
Cocks, Oetavius Yorke." 4 Foot 25 May 00
Colborne, J/o!i. John,82 11 Foot 10 May 72
Coney, Walter John,"' j Dragoons 8 May 67
Cooper, Godfrey, Military Train 15 June 58
Coote, Thomas'Gethin,"* 26 Foot i May 78
Corbett, William, 52 Foot 15 Oct. 58
Coupe, Robert,** 15 Foot i Apr. 70

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