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Military Store Department.
Principal Superii>'texdent of Stores.
Martelli, Thomas Challoner i Nov. 64
Cromartie, Fred. M 24 July 62
Pengelley, Edward i Nov. 64
Deputy Supeeinteiidents of Stores.
Cole, John Bawden 3 Aug. 65
Cooper, Charles Herring 24 July 62
Forster, William Smitii 5 Dec. 63
Holwell, W. A 17 Jan. 62
Piers, H. W 24 Sept.68
Sandes, G 7 May 62
Staplev, W. B i Dee. 67
Tapp, W. H I May 67
Assistant SuPERixTEifDENTS of Stores.
Dumford, John (Hon. Deputy Superintendent)., i Apr. 6i
Greig, J i Apr. 61
Hamilton, Robert John i Apr. 61
Kane, George i Apr. 61
Macdufif, A. C 6 July 61
Moore, E. M i Apr. 61
Phillips, Noblett 24 June 68
Rogers, Richard i Apr. 6r
Deputy Assistant SuPKRiifTEifDEKTS op Siobes.
Bourke, W i Apr. 61
Broadway, George Robert i Apr. 61
Camilleri", P. H 1 Apr. 61
Conway, Timothy i Apr. 61
Eagle,'W. J I Apr. 61
Goodall, T. W
Leslie, J i Apr. 61
Raynes, M i Apr. 61
Shepherd, F. S i Apr. 61
Tribe, A. R i Apr. 61
Wilgress, Edward i Apr. 6i
M'Intosh, John i Sept. 54
Chaplains' Department.
Chaplain General.
P The Rev. George Robert Gleig,' MA. 2 July 46.
Bartlett, Thomas Henry Marsh, MA. iH Class
Browne, Ven. Archdeacon H.W. MA
Burridge, T. W. MA. 4th Class
Cannon, Francis,- ist Class
Clark,Sydney,2tf^. ist Class; Chaplainof Chelsea
Crozier,2 J. A. MA
Green, Charles, MA. 1st Class
Halpin, Robert,^ MA. 1st Class
Hare, Henry, BA. 1st Class
Harris, J. li. Beresford, MA. ^yidClass
Higginbotham, John, 2nd Class
Hobson, F, W. MA. 2iid Class
Hort, Charles J. MA. 1st Class
Hudson, Joseph, MA
Huleutt, Hugh,^.l/.4. isl Class
M'Carthy, Artliur [Roman Catholic)^ 2nd Class
M'Dougall, Henry, MA. 4th Class
M'Ghee, Robert L. ikr.4. 1st Class
17 May 66 Maynard, Thomas Richard. MA
I Apr. 44 Mil'uer, Edward William, Jlf..i
1 June 61 Molony, Thomas (Roman Catholic), 1st Class...
2 Mar. 75 Moody, James Leith, Jlf..i. i»< CTa«»
OX'allaghan, Francis (Roman Catholic), 2nd
16 Oct. 74 Class
7 Jan. 74 Orr, Robert, 3rd Class
16 May 66 Parsons," Lawrence John, Jlf.J
5 Dec. 66 Rogers, Edward J. MA. 1st Class, Cha-lain
16 May 71 Tower of London
22 Oct. 70 St. George, Leonard H.-BD. i»< C/a»»
3 May 77 Sabin, J. E.,* MA. isi Class
17 Nov. 69 Scott, Matthew Robert. MA. 1st Class
16 May 66 Somerville, Dudley,"^ MA. 1st Class
25 Nov. 25 Thomson, Frederick Forsyth, 1st Class
17 May 65 Walsh, E. L. BA. 1st Class ^.
30 Apr. 79 Wright, Henry PresA,^ MA, Ven. Archdeacon
22 July 47 1st Class
5 Dec. 66 Wright, Walter Melville, i«< CToM
5 Dec. 65
16 May 66
7 Sept. 78
7 Apr. 74
29 Deo. 78
4 May 77
15 Nov. 54
17 May 66
I Sept. 75
I Jan. 64
10 Apr, 63
6 Mar. 75
I Oct. 7S
5 Aug. 75
1 Jan. 64
2 May 47
1 Mr. Gleig served in the Peninsula campaigns of 1813 and 14 as a subaltern in the 85th Light Infantry, including
the siege of San Sebastian, the passage of the Bidassoa, battle of the Nivelle. where he was wounded in the foot and
arm, battle of the Nive (slightly wounded), and invei-iment of Bayonne (War Medal with three Clasps). Served
afterwards in the American war at Bladensburg (wounded), Baltimore (wounded). New Orleans (received a bayonet
â– wound), and Fort Bowyer.
2 Mes-'rs. Cannon, Crozier, Halpin, Parsons, and Somerville served with the Army in the Crimea, and have received
the Crimean and Turkish Medals.
^ Mr. Huleatt served in the Crimea from Nov. 1834 to the end of the war, with the 4th Division and Light Cavalry
Brigade (Medal, and Turkish Medal). Was senior Chaplain to the China expedition in 1857, and was present at
the capture of Canton (mentioned in despatches). at the assault of Shektsing in Jan. 1853, and attack on the
Takoo Forts on 25th June 1850, and was there dangerously wounded in the groin while attending the wounded on
the mud banks (Medal with Clasp).
* Mr. Sabin served wih the army in the East from July 1834 to May 1856, and was promoted "for meritorious
service in superintending the Department in Constantinople, and the hospitals in connection with it."
' Archdeacon Wright served throughout the Crimean War as Principal Chaplain (Medal with four Claspg,
Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). At the end of the war was specially promoted " for meritorious
services in the field," and made Chaplain to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge.
Officers of Royal Artillery Retired from the Service on Annuities.
Carpenter, Charles (Brevet Major \
20 July 71) (
Higgon, John Donald George
Johnson, Charles Gray ^
Phelips, Hen. Plantagenet Prescott*
Shakerley, Geolfrey Joseph *
Walsh, Lewis Paxton*
7 Sept.55
29 Aug. 571 Apr. 60
21 Feb. 57I Apr. 593 Jan. 6b
28 Sept.71'28 Sept.71
II Nov. 71 j
28 Sept.7128 Sept.7117 Jan. 72
Second Captains.
date of
Deedes, Granville 15 Mar. 71 2 Dec. 71
de Visme, Henry AuriolDouglas^
Stirling, Walter George
Allan, Dudley North .'
Cullen, Arthur John
Day, Francis Harry Emilius
Harvey, Henry Beauchamp Richard
:i Feb. 6i'ir Sept.71
I Jan. 70'II Nov. 71
22 June 59128 Sept.71
I Apr. 59! 7 Sept.71
I Nov. 60'II Nov. 71
18 Deo. 6o'i7 Jan. 72
' Captain Johnson served in the Crimean campaign from September 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebaa-
topol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
♦ Captain Pholipa served in the Eastern campaign of 1854, including the battle of Alma and siege of Sebastopol
(Medal with two Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
5 Capta'n Shakerley served in the Crimean campaign from June 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol
(Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
5 Captain L. P. Walsh served in the Crimean campaign from February till the end of July 1855, and was employed
with the Siege Train in the Trenches before Sebastopol during the bombardments of April and Juno; and was
also ensraged in taking ho.avy guns into the Quarries, under a heavy fire, on the night of the 12th June (Medal
with (;ia»p, and Tiirkis'.i .Mediil).
' Captain de Visni' s-'rved in the Crimean campaign from February to October 1855, incliid'ng the siege and fall
of Sebastopol (Medal with Clnsp, and Turkish Medal).

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