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6oia War Services of the Medical Officers.
"" Mr. VV. Armstrong seized with the 54th Regiment in the Indian mutiny: was in medical charge of the
expedition to Sylhet in 1857 and also of a Field Force in Oude including attack on the Fort of Leheau in March 1858
"•* Mr. ,T. Barker served in the Crimea from the 15th May 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal
with Ciasp, and Turkish Medal). Also served in India in 1858, and was present at the siege and capture ofLucknow
and actions of Sirsee and Nawabgunge ( with Clasp).
"'■' Doctor Barry served with the ist Battalion 60th Royal Rifles throughout the Punjaub campaigTiof 1848-49, was pre¬
sent at the siege of Mooltan, also at the battle of Goo,jera't, 21st Feb. 1849 (Medal with two Clasps). Landed in the Crimea
with the 13th Light Infantry on the 30th .June 1S55,' and was at the battle of the Tcheniayo, siege and fall of Sebasto¬
pol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Sei-ved with the 97th Regiment during the Indian mutiny campaign in
1857-58, and was present at the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
'-' Doctor A. W. Beveridge served with the 78th Highlanders in the Indian campaign and was present with
Outram's Force in the Alumbagh, including the repulse of numerous attacks, and operations ending in the final
capture of Lncknow (Medal with Clasp).
'-2 Mr. T. K. Birnie served with the ist Royals in the Crimea from 7th May 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sobastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, and
was present at the storm and capture of Sinho and Tangku, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
"^ Mr. Black served in the Kaflir war of 1847, and in that of 1851-53, and was present at the capture of Fort Arm¬
strong from the rebels on 22nd Feb. 1851 (Medal). Served also in the Crimea from 6th Sept. 1855 (Medal with Clasp
for Sebastopol, and Turkish Medal).
'^* Doctor T. M. Bleckley served with the 14th Regiment in the Crimea,n campaign from the 19th Jan. 1855,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). As Secretary to the Inspector
General of Hospitals, British Forces, received on two occasions the thanks of the Governor General of India in
Council for professional services. Served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74, and was appointed to the medical charge
of the Hospital ship Victor Emanuel and other military hospitals and transports in harbour at Cape Coast
Castle (mentioned in despatches. Medal, and CB.).
'20 Mr. J. A. Bostock served in the Buffs at the battle of Punniar 29th Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star). Served in the
Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to i6th April 1855, with the Scots Fusilier Guards, including the battles of
Alina, Balaklava, and Inkermau, siege of Sebastopol, and sortie on the 26th October (Medal with four Clasps,
Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal).
127 Doctor R. T. Buckle sei-vecl with the 64th Regiment in the Persian campaign of 1856, including the storm and
capture of Rsshire. ami surrender of Bushire (Medal with Clasp).
•-'J Doctor Burton was present at the defence of M'Carthy's Island from an attack of a force of natives, and assisted
to work the guns in action—mentioned in despatches. Served in medical charge of a Wing of the 25th Regiment
during the rebellion of 1S48 in Ceylon. Served m the Crimean campaign from i8th April 1855, including the siege
a,nd i'all of Sebastojiol, and assaults of the i8th June and 8th September (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'■"> Doctor A. P. Cahill served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present with the 32nd Light Infantry
Jit the first and second siege operations before Mooltan, the action of Soorujkhoond. the capture of the city, and
surrender of the fortress. Also present at the surrender of the Fort and garrison of Cheniote and the battle of
Goo.jerat (Medal with two clasps). Served with the same Regiment in the Peshawur campaign of 1852 witt the
force under Sir Colin Campbell against the frontier hill tribes (Medal with Clasp). Served in Bengal during the
In'tia,n mutiny of 1S57-59. and with the 80th Regiment in the campaign in Oude (Medal).
'■" Mr. T. Carey served with the 64th Regiment in the Persian campaign of 1856-57, including the storm and
capture of Reshire, surrender of Bushire, night attack and battle of Kooshab (Medal with Clasp). Served in
Bengal and N.W. Provinces in suppressing the mutiny in 1857-58 in medical charge of 500 men, being the head¬
quarters of the Regiment; present in the actions of Futtehpore, Aoung, Pandoo Nuddee, Cawnpore, Onao,
BuseerutGunge (first and second), Boorbeakechowkee, Bithoor, Mungarvvar, Alumbagh, and first relief of Lucknow
with Havelock's Column; present in three sorties from the Residency, also at the defence of Gawnpore—severely
wounded (Medal with Clasp, and a year's service for Lucknow).
"^ Mr. G. M. Carolan was present in the action of Pertabghur on 24th Dec. 1858 (Medal).
'35 Doctor C. V. Cay served with the Coldstream Guards in the Crimean campaign from the 30th Nov. 1854, includ¬
ing the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turki.«h Medal.)
'^^ Mr. W. S. Chujiman served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58 with the Left Wing 27th Regiment, and
was present during the defence of the entrenched position at Azimghur from 25th March to 15th April 1858, in the
sortie thence, also with Brigadier Douglas'Column inpursuit of KoerSing, and actions of 17th and 2otli April (Medal.)
'3" Mr. T. Clark served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman. siege
and fall of Sebastopol, and assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September (Medal with three Clasps,
Sardinian and Turkish Medals). Served with the 69th Regiment at the affair with the Fenians at Trout River,
Canada, in May 1S70.
'35 Doctor Francis Collins served with the 5th Fusiliers during the Sepoy mutiny in 1857-58, and was present at
the relief of Lucknow li.y Lord Clyde, including the attacks on the Dilkoosha and Martiniere; with Outram's
Division in the Alumbagh, and engaged in the various operations there; also at the siege and capture of Lucknow
(Medal with Clasp).
'*' Doctor M. Combe served with the Royal Artillery throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the
battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, the i-iege and fall ofSebastO])ol,and repulse of the sortie on 26th Oct. 1854
(Medal with four Clasps, Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidie.)
'*' Mr. Cotton served with the 14th I^oot at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 1825-26 (Medal with Clasp).
'*3 Mr. P. H. E. Cross served in the Crimean campaign from the 3rd Feb. 1855. including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 13th Light Infantry during the Indian mutiny
cam.paign, and was present at the relief of Azimghur and its subsequent defence, pursuit of Koer Sing, and subse¬
quent operations (Medal).
. ''' Doctor D. CuUen served in the Crimea for nine months during the siege of Sebastopol, chiefly attached to the
6Sth and 48th Regiments ; and was with the 4th Light Dragoons on the Cavalry expedition to Eupatoria (Medal with
Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade during the suppression of the Indian
mutiny in 1857-58, was present at the siege and capture ofLucknow, affair of Koorsee, action of Nawabgunge, and
with the reserve Column of the Oude Field Force at Oomeriah, and in the Trans-Gogra campaign (Medal with Clasp).
"n Doctor F. S. B. F. de Chaumont served with the Rifle Brigade in the Crimea from 21st May 1855, and was pre¬
sent at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"" Mr. H. W. Devlin served in the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68 (Meilal).
1*8 Mr. D. J. Do'jerty served in the Crimean campaign from 2nd July to 17th Aug. 1S55, including the siege of
Scbastopcd (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'•" Doctor J. Doran st-rvedwith the 60th Rifles throughout the campaign of i860 in China (Medal with two Clasps).
151 Mr. J. H. Finnemore served in the Royal Artillery with the expedition to China in i860, and was present
at actions of Sinho and Tajigku, capture of Taku Forts, actions near Tangchow, and surrender of Pekin (Medal
with two Clasps). Served with the 45th Regiment in the Abyssinian campaign, and was present at the capture of
Magdala (Medal). Served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74 (Medal).
i-i Mr. W. Fletcher served in the Crimean campaign from the 25th Aug. 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebistopol (Medal wifi Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
15* Mr.Foaker served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55,as Surgeon 38th Regiment, and as ist StafFSurgeon,
including the ba-ttles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and expedition to Kinboum (Medal with
three Clasps, and Turkish MedaV.
I'i Doctor Alex. S. Fogo served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1S54-55 with the Royal Artillery, including the
battles of Alma and Bahiklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and
Turkish Medal).
156 Mr. H. D. Fowler served with the 82nd Regiment in the Crimea subsequent to the fall of Sebastopol from the
nth October 1855 to the end of the Russian war in July 1856. Also in the suppression of the Indian mutiny in
1857-59, including the operations at Cawnpore under Windham, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent on 6th Dec. 1S57,
action of Kalee Nudoc, advance on Futtehghur, campaign in Rohilcund, defence of Shahjehanpore (Medal).

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