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S^ygg Majors Retired on Full or Betired Fay or on a Pension.—War Services.
^<^ Major Dumbleton served in the Indian mutiny campaien in 1857 (Medal).
35 Miijor Edlesion served off Cherbourg and the Scheldt in 1S12 ; at the blockade of Norfolk and in several hoat
expeditious in tlie Cliesaj-'cdke, and received the thanks ot tlie Commander in Chief for destroying a vpfsel iu Cberi-
ton Creek iu faro of a lar>:e force of the euoitiy. Served with the Royal Marines at the attack on Baltimore in 1814.
and on New Oile^ni, 8th .Ian. i8ii^. Vf-.a, Adjuiaul to the Uiittalion in the Tagus during the Civil war in 1832-34.
3» Major John Foott served in the Indian caranaign of 1857-58 with the 88ih Regiment, inc.uding the aorions of
26th, 27th and 28th November at Cawnpore, under General Wiudham; battle of Cawnpore 6th December, and pursuit,
of the Gwalior Contingent, with minor ntlairs in Oude (Medal),
■'" Major H. G. E.liot served as Adjutant to the ist Battalion in the Crimea during the siege and fall of
Sebastoi)ol in 1854-55, and at the battle of Balaklava, also at the surreudor of Kinbouru. Was present at the bom¬
bardment of Odessa, 22nd April; c )mmnnded a Detachment employed in covering the ships' companies of H.M.S.
Albion and Vesuoiiis on the 25th and 26th September 1854, when employed in removing wounded Russians from the
bi.ttle-fteld of the Alma on those days, and covered the embarkation of the unarmed parties on the latter day when
obliged to retreat in consequence ot the advance of a strong force of the enemy's Cavalry; for his conduct on the
occasion he received the thanks of Sir S. Lushington (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of tlie Medjidie, and Turkish
■" Major A, England .served iu the Indian mutiny campaign and was present at the crossin,g of the Gogra and
throughout ihe Trans-Go.gra eainpaign (Medal), served m the Abyssinian campaign of 1868 (Medjl). Served in
the Afghan v.-ar m i8;9-8o (Medal).
*'■' Major John Ennis served with the 53rd Regiment in the Sutlej campaigner 1845-46, including the affair of
Buddiwal, and bati;les of Aliwal and Sobraon (Medal and Clasp). Punjaub campaign of 1849, including the battle
of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). C impaign of 1051-52 agfiiust the hill tribes im the Pesham-ur Frontier. Campaign
of 1857-58, ineludiug the action of Chutira (mentioned iu despatch for gallant conduct), affairs of Gopalgunge,
Khodagunge. iind entry into Futtygliur, affair of Shahabad, storm and capture of Meangunge, siege aud capture
of Luckuow, and affair of Ko(n-sa (Medal with Clasp).
" Major I'armar was present at the occupation of Petropolovski in 1855.
. *' Major B. M, Forbes seived against the King of Quiah from Nov. 1861 to Feb. 18C2, and was present at the defeat
of Pa Cmey and his men at Kabal (wounded). Served iu the Ashanti war in 1873, aud was slightly wounded iu
the action of Essanian (Medal).
"t Major A. J. Ford served with the 35th Begt. in Shahabad from July to Nov. 1858, aud was present at the affaira
of Rampora-l'errara and Jumaon (Medal).
*^ Majors. L. H. H. Fliuney served with the 59th Regiment at the operations before and capture of Canton in
1857 (Medal with Clap).
•"' Ma.jor W. F. Pullarton served with the gsrd Hii;hlanders in the Indian campaign of 1857 59, and was present
at the relief of Luclinow bv herd Clyde, including the storming of the Secuuderatiagh and takmg of the barracks ;
battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec. 1857 pursuit to Sera ghat, actiou ot' Kiialee Nuddee, occupation of Futtenghur,
siege aud capture of Lueknow, including the stormingDf the Begum Kotee ; Rohilcund eampiigu and attack on
the Fort of Buoyeah, action of Allygunge, and battle of Bareill.v ; Oade campaign as Baggage Master, including
iictiins of Pusgawn, Bi.ssu pore, Abygunge. and eapturp of the Fort of Mir.howiie iMedal v.'it'i two Cla^iis).
*7 Major I). Gardner sei-ved the cauij)ai'gn of 1844-45 in tlie Southern Mahratta country, including the capture
of the Forts of PauuUa, Powughur, Moiiahur, aud Aiunsuntoosh.
*' Major Grace sei-ved with the 57th Regiment in the Crimea from 23 Sept. 1854, and was present at the battles of
Balaklava and Inkcrman, stcrm and capture of the Quarries ; commanded the leading Division at the storming of
the Bedan on the iStli June, present at tlic final assault of the Forts, and fall of Sebastopol; also at the bombard¬
ment and capture of Kinbouru. Assisted on three occasions in rejjulsiug night attacks on the advanced Trenches.
Promoted Ensign for service at the battle of Balaklava, and Captain for service in the field (Medal with three Clasps
and Turkish Medal).
" Ma.ior W. W. Granam served in the 17th Lancers ihroughou' the Ea'^tern campaign ( f 1S54-55. including the
affair of M Keuzc's Furm, battles of Almn, Bahifclav-i, InkerinHU, and Tchernaya, sictre and fall of Sebastopol
(Medal with four Clasp^, and Turkish Medal). Was present with the Caraliineers ai. the outbreak of rhe Sepoy
mutiny at Meerut on loth May 1S57 ; served the Rohilcuud campaign of 1858 until wounded; also the Oude
campaign of 1850-59 (Medal).
"" Major W. Grant servo 1 with the 91st Highlanders in the Kaffir war of 1S46-47, including all the actions in the
Amatola Mountains and Tambookieland. Expedition beyond the Orange Eiver iu 1848, aud action with and defeat
of the Insurgent Boers at Boem Plaats, Kaffir war of 1850-53, aud present in everj- action in the Amatolas and
Waterkloof m which the oist were engaged (Medal).
'-" Major Gritton served on the China expedition of 1857-60, including the blockade of the Canton river, the storm
and capture of the city, attack on the Tnkoo forts, and served as Military Magistrate and one of the Alhed Com¬
missioners at Chusan during the expedition of i860 (Medal with Clasp).
" Major W. G. Hale served with ihe Baltic expedition in 1S55 (Medal). Also with the China e.xpedition of 1857-59,
including the blookaiie of the Canton river, the landing before and capture of the city. With the expedition to the
North in i»6o, including the action of Sinho, taking of T .nku. stor n and capture of the Morth Taku Fort, and
subsequent operations (Medal with thr(;e Clasps). Served in China iu H. M.S. Roiney f om Septemoer 1867 to Sep¬
tember 1869 ; cominimded a liattalion of Ro.val Marines landed from the Siiuadron at the oi^eupatiou of Yangchow
in Nov. 1868 I mentioned in despatches), and at the attack and capture of turee wahed villages in January 1869
(mentioned iu despatches). Served in the Asbanti war- of 1873-74 (Meilal).
"* Major Hey land served in the Oude campaign in 1858, including the action at Jamo aud taking of Fort
Birwa (Medal)
'■•^ Major Mickey served in the Burmese war of 1852-53, including the storm and recapture of Pegu on 21st Now
and relief of its garrison on 14th December (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
* Major Hon. H. .VI. Hobart was engaged iu suppressing the mutiny of the 62nd and 69th Bengal Native In¬
fantry and Horse Artillery at Moo tan on 31st Augu»t 1858 (Medal).
"^ Major Hockley served with the force under Sir Colin Campbell on the Peshawur frontier in 1851-53, and was
present in several actions with the Hill Tribes (Modal with Clasp). Commanded the 66th Ghoorka Regiment in the
Indian mutin.v campaign in 1858, including the actions of Pusgaon and Russoolpore, attack and capture of Fort
Mittowlee (uientioned in despatches. Medal).
" Major E R. Horsey served with the Baltic expedition in 1855, and in the flotilla of mortar-boats during the
bombardment of Sweaborg (Medal).
''- Major J. B. Jackson served with the force under Lieut.Colonel Harley up the River Gambia in June 1864,
and was present at tl e reduction of the native fortified positions of Junca Cundaand Canni Canni Tenda.
87 Major Jeames served with the Ritle Brigule during the Indian campaign of 1857-8, inclading the action of
Cawnpore, siege and capture of Lucknow, and with Ross' Camel Corps at the capture of Calpee and in the sub¬
sequent campaign in Central India (Medal with two Clasps).
™ Major Hugh Kennedy served with the R.M. Battalion in Spain during the Carlist war; with the Baltic expedi¬
tion in 1854 (Medul) ; and with the Brigade in the Crimea during the siege of Sebastopol from Feb. 1855 (Medal with
Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"' Major KiUeen served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 ™ the 21st Fusiliers, including the battles of Alma, Bala¬
klava, and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack on the Redan on the 18th June, and capture of Kiubourn;
at Inkerman he commanded a Company, and under a heavy fire rescued the Regimental Colour, and was severely
wounded on the occasion, but did not quit the field (Medal with four Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and
Turkish Medal).
'* Major H E. Kynaston served with the 2nd Dragoon Guards in the Indian Mutiny c impaign in 1858-59, and
was present a- ihe siej^e and capture of Lucknow, reoc upatiouof Fyzab id aud Tmns Gogra opernt-ons lueiuding
the pa-sagK of th- Gogra at Fyz «b id, and the affairs of Miichleegao'i and Bun'/ao'i Jungle (M<-dal with CUsp).
'" Major H. E, "W. Lane served with the expeditions to the Baltic in 1854 aud 1855 (.Vledal)-
~^ Major J. n. Leadbitter ser^^ed with the 87tli Fusilier." t roughout the Indian mutmv of 1857-58 (Medal).
"8 Major Wm. Lee served with the Royal Marines at the capture of the Island of Carabusa, together with several

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