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SSjiv Colonels Retired on Full or Hetired Pay or on a Pension.—War Services.
^'= Colonel Yule served in Sutlej campaign 1845-46, and was employed in bridging of Sutlej River (Medal) ;
served in Punjaub campaign 1848-49. i.nd was present at the actioni- of Sadoolapore (mentioned in despatch) and
Chillianwala (Medal with Clasp). Emplojed in latter part of Burmese war (1853) in examination of hill Irontier
of Aracan.
Lieut.Colonels hetired on Full or Eetired Pay or on a Pension.—War Services.
' Lt.Colonel Adamson served with the 38th Rcgt. throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854 and up to 25th Jan.
1855, including the battle of Alma and siege of Sebastopol, and commanded in the 2nd parallel of the Left Attack
during its construction, when a Russian party attacked it and were repulsed—acted as Major of his liegiment during
ton months of the Eastern expedition (Medal with Clasps for Alma, Inkerman, and Sebastopol, and Tuikich Medal).
^ Lt.Colonel VV. G. Alexander served wiih the 93rd Highlanders in the Crimea i'ruiu ths 14th Jiny 1855 iuclud-
ing the siege and fall of t>ebM,stop 1 (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Meda!). Served also in tue Indiau cmiiiaign
of 1857-58, including the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde with assaults on the Secuudrnbagh and Shahnujuf,
battle of Cawnpirt on 6th Dec. 1857 and pursuit to Seraighat, action of Kbodagimge, storming of 'he Begum
Kotee and capture of Lucknow, attack on the fort at Rohea and campaign of Eohilciiiid, ii eluding aciions of AUe-
gunge and Bareilly ; servi d in the Onde campaign of 1858-59, including the acticms of Pusgawn iiid Rus-ul; ore,
attack on fort at Mithowlee a.nd action ot Biswah (Medal with two Clasps). Served wirh the Force under Sir John
Garvock at Uinbeyla on the N.W Frontier of India in Nov. and Dec. 1863 (Medal with Clasp).
3 Lt.Colonel R. V. Allen served in the China expedition. Also with the R.M. Brigade in the Crimea in 1S55, and
at the surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
* Lt.Colonel Andrews served with the 28th Regt. in the Crimea from Feb. to 19th Oct. 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
' Lt.Colonel George irouthnot served in India in 1857-58, as a volunteer with the 14th Light Dragoons during
the early portion of the camiiaign ; was present at the siege and capture of Rathghur and Garakota, relief of
Saugor, forcing the Pass of Nudiugpore, siege and capturi:! of Jhansi, attack on Koonch where he commanded
the Siege Train (.-pecial mention), and capture of Calpee—mentioned in despatches (Medal witu Clasp). Served
in the Abyssinian campaign as Aide de Camp to Sir Charles Staveley, and was present at the action of Arogee
and capture of Magdala (three times mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, and Medal).
" Lt.Colonel D. A. Baby served w th the 98th Regt. in the Punjaub campaiga of 1848-49 (Medal).
' Lt.Colonel R. A. Baker uerved with ihe Saugor Field Force during 1858.
* Lt.Colonel W. H. Ballingall served with the 35th Regiment during the Indian mutiny in 1857-58.
" Lt.Colonel Wm. Banks served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of ISulganac
and M'Kenzie's Farm, battles of Alma and Inkerman (horse shot); siege and fall of Sebastopol, and sortie ol 26th
Oct. 1854 (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
"> Lt.Colonel Bates served with the 45th Eegt. in the KafHr war of 1846-47 (Medal).
'- Lt.Colonel M. M. B.ityest-ived in the Indian campaignof 1857-58, and was present at the mutiny atDinaporeand
attempt to relieve Arrah ; capture of Atrowleea, advance to Lucknow, and actions at ChaiidH, Unieerpore, Sultan-
pore, and Douraha, siege and capture of Lucknow and storming of the Emaumbara and Kaisabagh (Medal
with Clasp).
'' Lt.Colonel D. W. Becher served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the battles of Chillianwallah
and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Indian mutiny campaign, and commanded a Detachment of
the 8th Irregular Cavalry at the repulse of rebels from Huldwanee on the iBth Sept. 1857 (Medul).
"i Lt.Colonel K. E. lierry served with the 6ist Regiment in the Funjaub campaign of 1848-49. inc'uding the
passage of the Chenab, b i ties of Sadoo'apore, Chillianwallah, and Goojerat, and pursuit o the enemy tj the
Khybcr Pass (Mtdal with two Clasp^). Served in the Indian campaign in 1857, and was present at the siege
assault and capture of Deihi, and a 'turn of Nujjiifghur (Medal with Clasp).
'" Lt.Colonel Blackall served with the 49tli Regiment in the first China war (MednJ).and was present at the
first taking of Chusan. Served as Brigade Major with the expeditionary force under Brigadier S. Cotton in 1854
against the Lurruckzai Mohmunds and was present at the destruction of "the villages of Shahnioschkhyl, Sardeen,
and Diibb (mentioned m desinarches). Served hi the 7th Fusiliers in the Indian N.W. Frontier war of 1863 with
the Eusofzye Field Force, present at the defence of the Sungahs at the Umbeyla,Pass ou the 15th December, and in
the action at Umbe.i la and destruction of the village at the foot of the Bonair Pass ou i6th December which
ended in the complete rout of the enemy and the submission of the hill tribes on 17th December (Medal with
two Clasps).
" Lt.Colonel L. Blathwayc served in the Indian mutiny campaign with the 79tli Highlanders, and was present
at the siege and capture of Lucknow, actions of Rooya', AUygunge, Bareilly, and Shahjehanpore, capture of
Rampore Kussia, and passage of the Gogra (Modal with Clasp). Served with the expeditionary force in China in
1860-62 and was present in various operations against the Taeping rebels in 1862.
" Lt.Colonel Bleaymire served the campaign of 1845 against the Hill Tribes in Scinde, under Sir Charles Napier.
Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the passage of the Chenab, action of Ramnuggur, and battles of Chillian¬
wallah (wounded) and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Indian mutiny campaign of 1S57-59, including defence of
Cawnpore, and final operations against Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
21 Lt.Colonel Boileau served with the tbrce under General Wheeler in the Punjaub in 1848-49 (Medal). Also
throughout the defence of the Residency of Lucknow until relieved by Lord Clyde (mentioned in despatches, and
thanked by the Governor General in Council, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasji, and grant of a year's service).
'■"' Lt.Colonel F. J. B iitou ^ervel in the Gold Coast Artillery Corps with the expedition against the Crobboes in
Sept. Oct. and Nov. 1858, including the action of the Crobboe "Heights on the i8th Sepienber. Served as Adjutant
in ihe expedition against the Douiiquah rebels in June and July 1859, which resulted in the capture of all the rebel
'■''■' Lt.Coloncl Bonamy served in the Peninsula with the 6th Regt. from Sept. 1813 to June 1814, including the battles
of Nivelle, Nive, oth lotli and nth Dec. and Orthes (War Medal with two Clasps).
2= Lt.Colonel Bourchier served with the 8ist Regiment throughout the Indian mutiny in 1857-58 (Medal).
=^0 Lt.Colonel J. O. Buvili served with a detachinent of 30 of the Ceylon Rifles, which defeated the insurgents in
the first and second attack on Kornegalle on the 30th and 31st July, diu'ing the suppression of the rebellion m the
Kandian I'rovinces in 1848
-' Lt.Colonel H. R. Bradford served throughout the Punjaub cam])aign of 1848-49, including the affair of Ram¬
nuggur, and battles of Saduolapore, Chillianwallah, and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Present at Jullundur
when the Native Troops mutinied on the 7th June 1857, and accompanied the pursuing Column (Medal).
2* Lt.t'oloncl E. Brundi served with the ist Bombay Fusiliers, now the 103rd Foot, during the Indian mutiny
in 1857-5S at Sukkur in the Punjaub, and in Central India.
2' Lt.iJolonel E. F. Browi c s. rved throughout the Indian mutiny, includingthe outbreak at Nusseerabad in May
1857, siege and c.'P' ure ot Lucknow. «nd sabsequcnt ojierations in Oude (Medal with Clasp).
^ Lt Colonel II. G Browne served in the 32iid Regt. during the Indian mutiny in 1S57-58, and was present at
the action of Chinliut and defence of Lucknow Resiliency from Jime to Nov. 1857. .\lso with Maxwell's Force in
the Suregon campaign of 1858. Was twice wounded—once severely. Thanked in general orders by Sir J. Outram,
Sir J. Inglis, and by the Governor General (Victoria Cross, Medal with Clasp, with a year's service).
''I Lt.Colonel W. B. Br-wne servi d in the Indian mutiny in 1S57-58 (Medal). Con^manded the Head Quarter
Wing of the 8ist Regiim nt m the Flusoofzie cxjiedit on in 1858 (mentioned in despatches for ihe affair at Sittana,
Medal with Clasp . Served in the Afghan war of 1878, and present at the capture of All Musjid in command of the
4th Brigade of the PesI avvur Vallej Field Force (Medal with Clasp). ■
'^ Lt.Colonel G. L. Biyce served wiih the i.;ih Regiment in the New Zealand war of 16 -6 in the Wanganoni
district; was pre.'-tnt at the affair of the Weraroa Pah, and severely wounded m an ambuscade in the vicinity of
the Redoubt (
" Lt.Colonel T. Burke served with the 88th Regiment in the Crimea from the nth August 1855, including the

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