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General Officers Uetired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension.—War Services. 567?
■of the City, and surrender of the fortress (Medal with Clasp). Led the Head Quarters of the Sylhet Light Infantry
into action against the mutineers of the 34th Bengal N.I. atLatoo, Sylhet district, on 17th Dec. 1857, succeeded to the
command of the Corps on Major B3nig being killed at the commencement of the fight and brought it out of action
after defeating and routing the mutineers (Medal).
*^5 ilajor Geueral H. Shewell served in the campaign in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-45, ^i"! 8,t the
capture of Samunghur.
*~'\ Major General T. H. Sibley served at the siege and capture of Delhi in 1857 (mentioned in despatches,
hanked liy Government, Brevet of Major, Medal with Claso).
"^ Major General W. H. R. Simpson seived the Crimean campaign of 1854 and up to June 185s, including the
battle of Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, in the Trenches ^vith the siege train, and bombardments of the 17th Oct.
and gth April (Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Turkish Medal).
*''H Major General H. D. Slade served with the ist Dragoon Guards in the Cr.mean campaign from lothAug. 1855,
including the battle of the Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medil with Cliisp, and Turkish Medal).
Served also in the campaign of i860 in China ; present at the fall of the Taku Forts, and engaged in the actions of
i8th and 2i8t Sept. and in the advance on Pekiu (Medal with two Clasps).
*^' Major General J. R. Sladcn served the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44 and was present at the battle of Maharajpore
(Bronze Star). Campaign in Scinde under Sir Charles Napieragainst the hill tribes in Jan. 1845. Punjaub campaign
in 1848-49, including the battle of Goojerat and pur.suit of the Sikhs and Affghans to Peshawur (Medal with Clasp).
Commanded a Field Battery with mountain guns attached on the disturbed frontier of the Punjaub from 1851 to 1861,
and took part in most of tlie expeditions against and encounters with ho,stile tribes in which the Ptmjaub Irregular
Force was engaged during that time, and was especially thanked b^' Government for the part he took in the
encounter with the Rliabeakhel tribe of Ourukzie Affrcedees in 1855 and was also especially mentioned for the expe¬
dition against the Bozdar tribe of Beloochees, and for the part he took with his Battery in the action forcing the
-Strong Khan Bund Pass in 1857 (Medal with Clasp).
*^' Major General E. Smalley served in the Siitlej campaign in 1846, including the action of Aliwal (Medal). Served
-also throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of Ramnuggur, and battles of Sadoolapore,
Chillianwallah, and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
™ Major General U. H. Smith served at the siege and fall of Sebaslopol, and (as a Volunteer attached to the
Highland Division) in the Trenches witti the siege train at the bombardments of 6th and 17th June ; was present at
the battle of the Tchernaya (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny
■campaign of 1S57-58, including the battle of Cawnpore on the 6th December, the affair of Kalee Nuddy, and occu¬
pation of Futtehuhnr. Commanded the Artillery at the affair of Kankur. as also the Artillery in Brigadier Hale's
Column in 1858-59, including operations before and taking of the fort of Sandee (twice mentioned in despatches,
Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal, and CB.).
■""Major General F. H. Smith served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 with the force under Brigadier Wheeler,
.and was present at the storm and capture of the Fort of Shahpore, assault of the Heights of Noorpore, engagements
of Duiianuggur and Heights of Umb, and storming of the Heights of Dullah (Modal). Served with the force under
Colonel Craigie against the Affreedies in March 1855 (Medal with Clasp). Commanded the 2nd Mahratta Horse
with the force under Sir Robert Naiiier in the defeat and pursuit of the rebels under Feroze Shah at Ranode on 17th
Dec. 1858 (Medal).
"' Major General John Smith served during the campaign in Bundlecund in 18.(2-43. Also the Gwalior campaign,
•and was present at the battle of Punniar 2qth Dec. 1S43 (Bronze Star). Served also during the Punjaub campaign
■of 1848-49, and was present throughout the siege operations before Mooltau, including the attack on the enemy's
position on tue 12th Sept. 1848, action of Soroojkhooud, assault of the suburbs, and capture of the city, afterwards
present at tue battle of Goojerat (Modal with two Clasps).
"' Major General W. H. Smith served throughottt the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including action of Ram¬
nuggur, passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served with
6th Foot in Indian mutiny campaign, including operations in the Jugdespore jungles, and action of Barvan (Medal).
*'' Major General J. B. Smyly served in the Punjaub campaign north of Julluudur in 1848-49, including the
storming of the Heights of Umb, and capture of the Forts of Shahpore and Oonah (Medal).
"•' Major General .1. J. Smith served in the Crimean campaign from July 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
*'■'' Major General J. H. Smyth was appointed in 1835 to raise and command a Field Battery of Scindia's Contingent,
and was constantly employed against insurgents in Bundlekund from 1839 to 1843, andserved asField Engineeratthe
attack and capture of the Fort of Chergong in April 1841 (specially brought tothenotice of Government), frwalior
campaign and battle of I'Vinniar 29th December 1843 (Bronze Star). Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-59, including
■<iefoat of Ramghur Battahon at Chuttra, pursuit of mutineers in Gya district, defence of Cawnpore, defeat of the
Owalior Contingent, and reoccupation of Futtyghur. Commanded a Column in Roorkhee and Bignore districts
from March to N'ov. 1858; the Column was transferred to Philibeet frontier in Dec. 1858, and defeated a Column of
mutineers at Munglaghat in January 1859 (sen'ices four times brought to the notice of the Governor General of
India, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, C'jB., and Medal).
*^* Major General Spence served with the 31st Regt. in the Crimea from 22nd May 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol and attacks on the i8th June and 8th Sept.; comTnanded the Regt. from 13th Nov. (Jiledal with Clasp,
Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the 31st Regt. through¬
out the campaign in the North of China in i860 and was present at the action of Sihho and stonning of Tangku
<Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts, and CB.). Also during the operations against the Tacpings in the vicinity of
Shanghai in April and May 1862, resulting in the taking of the stockade at Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of the
■walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, Tsolin, and the fortified town of Najo'w, and the aflair at Nanhsiang.
"' Major General B. J. Spilsbury served in the Burmese war in 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
"' Major General J. F. Stafford served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49(Medal); and with the Force under
Brigadier General Chamberlain in the Meeranzae Valley in April and May 1855, including the action of Darsum-
mund (Medal with Clasp). Served als^o in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-59 in command of the 7th Puu-
jaub Infantry, including the actions of Gungaree, Puttialee, Mynpooree. Bungaou, and Ruttunpore, commanded
Right Column of attack in the action of 28th Mai ch 1858 on the Nepaul frontier, comma,nded his Regiment in the
.attack on Camj) of the Nana andBalaRaoin the Gurwah Pass (mentionedindespatches. Medal, and Brevet of Major).
**<* Major General W. J. F. Stafford served throughout the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, including the siege
and capture of Delhi (wounded the day of the assault). Commanded the ist Punjaub Infantry after t,l e as¬
sault and until the final evacuation of the city by the rebels. Was Brigade Major of the Hurrianah Field Force,
and in command of a portion of it, and present at the surrender of Jhujjur, and action of Narnoul (mentioned in
•despatches, and thanked by the Governor of the Punjaub). Commanded the 22nd Punjaub Infantry in the action
of I'Curkrowlee and capture of Bareilly (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and mentioned in despatches). Served
during the China Expedition of 1S60-62, and commanded the iitk Punjaub Infantry throughout the operations
against the Taeping rebels in the vicinity of Shanghai in 1862, including capture of stockades on 4th April, capture
cf atockaded village of Tserpoo. stockades near Nanksiang, capture by escalade of the waUed towns of Kading,
Tsinpoo, Najow, and Cholin, and repulse of a very superior force on the 25th May; commanded a mixed force at
the relief of Tsinpoo. Served throughout the Looshai campaign of 1871-72 in command of the 22nd Bengal Native
Infantry (mentioned in despatches, thanked by Government, VB., and Medal with Clasp).
"1 Major General T. B. Strange, served in India in 1857-58, ami whs present at the actions of Chanda, Sultanpore,
and Dhowrara, siege and capture of Lucknow, actions of Korsee, Nawabgunge, Seragunge, affairs of 23rd
and 29th July, pa.ssage of the CJoomtee at Saltanpore, including affairs of 25th 26th 27th and 28th August, and
Doadpore 20th Oct. (four times mentioned in de:<patches. Medal with Clasp).
*" Major General J. A. Steel served m the Indian mutiny campaign (Medal and Brevet of Major).
*" Major Geueral A. L. Steele served with the Expeditionary Force in China in 1842, and was present at the
storming of Chin-kiang-foo (Medal).
■*" Major General F. J. Stephenson served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857, including the action near Agra
with the Neemuch mutineers, on the 5th July, and thesubsequent battle of Agra on the lolli October 1857 (Medal).
*" Major General G. H. Stone served in the Persian campaign in 1857, including the capture of Mohumra (Medal
with Clasp). Served as Field Commissary of Ordnance in the affairs of Beyt and Dwarka.

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