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General Officers lletired under liuyal Warrant—War Services. 54oo
"8 Lt.General W. T. Thomas served with the 40th Regt. throughout the operatiousinCandahar and Afghanistan
in 1841-42 (Medal inscribed •' Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabiil"). Also in the action of Maburnjpoie 29th Dec. 1843—
severely wounded (Bronze Star). Commanded Detachments of the 12th and 4cth Regiments at the capture of a
stockade occupied by insurgents at the Ballarat Gold Fields in Australia on the 3rd Dec. 1854, for which he received
the rant of Major. Served" with the 67th Regiment throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, and was
wounded while in command of a Wing employed as part of the covering and storming party at the capture of the
North Taku Fort (mentioned in despatches, C'i., Medal with two Clasps). Commanded the 67th Regiment at the
second capture of Kading from the Taeping rebels in 1862.
''■'Lt. General A.Browne served the Eastern campaign of 1854 with the 44th Regiment, including the battle of
of the Le^ ... „ - ^
north of China, and was present at the action of Siuho, taking of Tangku, and the assault and captm-e of the inner
Taku Fort, where he succeeded to the command of the 44th Regiment—mentioned in despatches (Medal with Clasp,
and CB.).'
*" Lt.General O'Brien served in the 77th Regiment during the Crmiean campaign of 1854 and up to the 26th Mar.
1855, including the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's Farm, battle of Alma, taking of Balaklava, battle of Inker-
man, and siege of Sebastopol (Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish
Medal). Served during the Indian mutiny in 1857-58 with the 87th Fusiliers, with the force under Sir Sydney
Cotton (Medal). Commanded the Military Train during the operations in New Zealand from November 1863 to
October 1867 (Medal).
^1 Lt.General Rich landed in the Crimea in 1855, served in the Trenches at the siege of Sebastopol, and was
'iresent at its fall (iledal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal). Served during the campaign of 1858 in
Central India under Sir Hugh Rose, including the action at Koonch, and commanded the 71st Lt. Inf at the actions
of Muttra and Despoora (mentioned in despatches), general action of Gowlowlee, captui'e of t'alpee, action of Morar
<mentioned), and capture of Gwalior (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded a Field Force of all
;irms in the Jungles of Central India from Nov. 1858 to May 1S59 in pursuit of Tantia Topee, the Rao Saldl), Feroze
Shah, and other rebel leaders, and on the 5th April surprised and totally routed tlie rebels at Nainwas—thanked by
the Governor General in Council.
'^ Lt.General Greer served in the New Zealand war in 1864-66; commanded the 68th Light Infantry at the
attack on the Gate Pah (mentioned in despatches), and commanded the Tauranga Field Force at the engagement of
Te Ranga (mentioned, CB., and Medal).
S3 Lt.General Bird served in the Ceylon Rifles during the Kandian rebellion of 1848. Commanded a Detachment
of I ^i men of the Gold Coast Corps in defence of Christiansborg Castle, on the Gold Coast, during the bombardment
of that and the adjacent towns of Labody and Tacia by H.M.S. Scourge, in Sept. and Oct. 1854—wounded
{Brevet of Major). Administered the Government of the Gold Coast during the successful expedition against the
Crobboes, 50 miles in the interior, in Sept. Oct. and Nov. 1858 (Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commaiided the expedition
against the Doanouah rebels in June and July 1859, wliich resulted in the capture of all the rebel chiefs.
"i" Lt.General F.yers served in the 40th Regiment at the capture of Kurrachee in 1839. Commanded a Company
if the 40th throughout the operations in Candahar and Affghanistan in 1841 and 1842 (Medal), and was pre.^ent in the
LCtions at Kale Shukh, Kunje Kuk, Pangwaie, Tiloo Khan, and Baba Wallie; also at the relief of Khalai -i ;
subsequently at Killa Aziem, Goaine, Ghuznee, and occupation of Cabool; and in all the affairs in \vh,i-li the
Oandahar Division of the Army of Affghanistan, under General Nott, was engaged in its progress through the
Khoord Cabool, Tezeen, Jugdulluck, and Khyber Passes. Served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 2nd
liattalion Rifle Brigade, including the battle of Alma, siege and fall of Seliastop:>l. a,nd attack of the Redan on
he 8th September. In October 1854 he commanded a party of Rifles and 23rd Fusiliers from Pii|ucts of the Light
Division, and repulsed an attack made by the enemy's riflemen on our Pic|uets, and he commanded the Covering
Party of 200 men on the attack of the Redan (Medal with two Clasps, Brevets of Marjor and Lt.Colonel, Knight of
the Legion of Honor, Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). Served in the Indian campaign of 1S57-50,
.commanded 2nd Battalion (7 Companies) at Cawnpore, after elfecting a junction with the I'orcH uruhn- General
' Windham on the 27th Nov. 1857 after efl'ecting a forced march of 38 miles ; captured two 18-poUiider guns of posi¬
tion on the 28th November, and commanded the 7 Companies throughout the actions there uuder Loril Cl.yde, ami
at the subsequent capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal witti Clasp).
8= Lt.General Drysdale served with the 4th Light Dragoons] during the campaign in Affghanistan under Loid
iveane,and was present at the siege and capture of Ghuznee (Medal). Served with the 9th Lancers in the Gwalior cam¬
paign, including the action at Punniar, 29tli Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star). The Sutlej campaign in 1845-46, including the
s:attle of Sobraon (Medal). The Punjauh campaign of 1848-49, including the passage of the Chenab at Ramnuggur,
pnd battles of ChiUianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). The Indian campaign of 1857-59, and prese
at Delhi during the siege operations, commanding the Regt. from 18th Aug. to the fall of the city—horse shot at t^
assault; commanded the Regt. with Greathcd's Column, in action at Bolund.shuhur, horse shot (wounded), and p
sent in the actions of AUyghur and Agra (mentioned in despatch); also .present at the relief of Lucknow (Breve ''''"
Lt.Colonel. CB., Medal with two Clasps). t of
86 Lt.General Sawyer served with the 6th Dragoon Guards in the Crimea from 26th May 1835, including '^'^
ha.ttle of the Tchemaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in India
during the whole of the mutiii y; present at the actions of Busgoon, Mohudepore, Riissnljiore, attack and capture ot
Mitowiee, actions of Aligunge and Biswa, and subsequent pursuit of Tantia Topee and Ferozo Shah in Central India
(Medal and Brevet of Lt.Colonel}.
s" Lt.General Seager served the Eastern campaign of 1854 and up to Feb. 1855 with the 8th Hussars, including
the battles of Alma, Balaklava (wounded), and Inkerman, affairs of Bnlganak and M'Kenzie's Farm, and siege of Se¬
bastopol. In June 1853 was appointed Assistant Military Secretary to Major General Lord Wm. Paulet, commanding
on the Bosphorus. and continued in the same capacity to Sir H. Storks until the end of the Russian war in July 1856
(Medal with four Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in Central India in 1858-59, and was
present at the action of Boordah (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
88 Lt.General Kirby was specially attached to the Head Quarters of the Army under Lord Clyde, as Assistant
Quarter Master General, during the campaign in Oude of 1858-59, until the final termination of the war (Brevet of
It.Colonel, Medal).
" Lt.General A. C. Robertson served in the Anglo-Spanish Lecion from July 1835 to Juno 1837. Received a
Medal for the action of 5th May 1837 ; the Cross of the ist Classof San Fernando for the actions of the 15th and i6th
March 1837 ; and another Medal ior the storming of Irun, t7th May following; severely wounded in the face by a
splinter in the general action on the Heights of Ametza, ist Oct. 1836. Served with the Bth Retjiment at the siege
of Delhi in 1857, including repulse of sorties on gth, 14th, and 18th Jul.y (commanded the Regiment), and com¬
manded Detachments of 8th and 61st Regiments at the capture of four guns in front of the Advanced Piquet on
12th August. Acted as D.A.Q.M. Gen. to Seaton's Column in DecemVjer, including affairs of Gnngaree, Puttiala,
and MjTipoorie. Present during operations from 2nd to 22nd March 1858 resulting in the occupation of Lncknow
in the' capacity of Deputy Judge Advocate General to the Army in the field (Brevets of Major and Lt.Golouel,
Medal with two Clasps).
91 Lt.General W. F.Brett commanded the 54th Regt. during the burning of the steam tTsmsportSarali Sondtat
sea on nth Nov. 1857. The conduct of the 54th on that occasion was the subject of a general order dated Horse
Guards, 27th Feb. 1858, in which Lt.Colonel Brett is mentioned as being " entitled to high praise for his conduct
throughout" under circumstances " the most alarming and dangerous in which soldiers can be placed" (Brevet
of Lt.Colonel, and presented by the Royal Humane Society with a Silver Medal and vote of thanks lor his services
on the occasion). Served in India during the suppression of the mutiny from .Ta.nuary 1858, and commanded a
Flying Column on the Nepaul Frontier; this force received the si)ecial acknowledgments of the Governor General
of India for "energy and zeal displayed for the period so employed " (Medal).
^^ Lt.General Gordon served in the campaigns against the Kaflir tribes of South Africa in 1834-35 (Medal).
Also as Assistant Engineer during 1837 and 38, on the eastern frontier of the Cape Colony; and employed under
ColonelLewis, commanding RoyalEngineers, to execute a confidential survey (trigonometrical and statistical) on that
frontier. Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-5S, commanding the 75th Regt. duringthe capture of Delhi from the

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