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Madras Staff Corps.—War Services. 509
lUigwan Sing was surprised and captured, also at the affair of Kooahgaum, and at the attack of Tirol in Oude. On
the loth June 1858 commanded a detachment of cavalry and infantry against the rebels under Bein Bahadoor at
Kurnaipore; present at the attack against the rebel chief Beni Madho at Buxar Ghaut, the attack and pursuit of
the rebels by Lord Clyde at Chundah, at the capture of the fort of Meejendie, on the following day was on the bag¬
gage guard at Bankee when the rebels under the Nana and Begum were defeated; served with the Commander in
Chief's personal force from 8th October 1858 to January 1859; present at the reduction of Bundlecund under
Brigadier Wheler; was with Major General Whitlock's Field Force in the beginning of 1859, ^'^^ in command of a
squadron of the 6th Light Cavalry, a squadron of Allahabad Mounted Police, and a company of Infantry was
detached in pursuit of the rebel Runmust Singh near Kirwee at the end of 1859. Commanded a troop of the 6th
Cavalry and a company of the 19th Native Infantry which was employed in the Surgootjah Jungles in the pursuit
and dispersion of the rebels under Runmust Singh (Medal).
1"^ Colonel E. W. Dun served with the expedition up the Canton river under Major General D'Aguilar on the
2nd and 3rd of April 1847, and was present at the storming of Boguebarner and Canton Forts on the 2nd and 3rd
April 1847, capture of Barodea and Tathehut forts on 2nd and 12th March 1858. Served with the field force under
Sir Hugh Rose in Central India during the whole campaign, and was present at the affairs of Jhansi, Calpee, Koonch,
Gwalior, GadowUe, and Belowah. Served with the Berar Field Force from November 1858 to February 1859 (Medal
with Clasp).
^-'' Colonel G. Heam served in the Burmese war in 1853, and was present at the recapture of Billing—wounded by
a musket-ball (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
i. '-^ Colonel J. Michael served in the Deccan during the Mutinies (Medal).
''-* Colonel A. R. Clephane served in Turkey and the Crimea as Brigade Major of the Turkish Contingentin 1855-56.
^^ Colonel B. O. Leggatt served in the Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present at the storming of Rangoon
(Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Commanded two companies on field service in North Canara from August to
December 1857; during the absence of Captain Walpole on sick certificate was in command of the field forces
embodied for the suppression of the rebels; and commanded left wing 35tli Madras Native Infantry throughout the
operations from March to December 1858, and was present in various skirmishes and pursuits.
'^' Colonel R. A. Moore served in Ungool in 1847 and 1848.
129 Colonel W. Rose served in Goomsoor in 1847. Against the hill tribes in Rajahmundry district in September
and October 1857. With the Saugor Field Division in 1858-59.
'^2 Colonel A. Jenkins served as a volunteer with the 35th Madras Native Infantry during the Burmese war
in 1852-53, and was present at the capture of Prome gth and loth October 1852 ; at Nowany from ist November to
20th December 1852; accompanied the force to Meeaday, and was engaged in the attack on stockades there, and
other minor affairs (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Accompanied the small force in aid of the Civil Power from
Qnilon to Cochin in January 1857.
1" Colonel W. J. Vizard served in the Burmese war in 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Commanded a
detachment at Diggi, North Canara, throughout the operations from March to December 1858, and was present in
a skirmish with and pursuit after the rebels.
1*^ Color el C. H. Wilson served in Ungool Boad and Goomsoor in 1S48.
1*^ Colonel T. C. Georges was employed on field service in Burmah (Medal).
1*" Colonel C. S. Hearn was employed against the insurgents in the Golcondah Zemindary in 1848. Served in
the second Burmese war, and was present at the capture of Martaban 5th April 1852 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
Served with the Turkish Contingent from March 1855 to June 1856 as Assistant Adjutant General attached to the
head quarters of the force (4th Class of the Medjidie).
1" ColonelW. O. Swanston served in the Indian mntinycampaigns.and was employed with General Havelock's
Volunteer Cavalry from gthJuly 1857 to 22nd March 1858, and was present at the actions of Futtohpore, Aoung,
Pandoo Nuddee, (jawnpore, Onao, and Busserut-Gung (both actions), Bhittoor, Mungarwar, Alumbagh, and entry
into Lucknow 25th Septemljer, when he was wounded ; at the evacuation of Lncknow 25th November 1857, sit the
Alumbagh with Sir James Outram's Force from 29th November 1857 till 8th March 1858, and final capture of
Lucknow 15th March 1858 ; was employed by General Havelock in carrying despatches from Allahabad 40 mile.s
through the enemy's country and bringing reply thereto, which he accomplished in 36 hours on one horse (Medal
with two Clasps, and a year's service).
'■'-" Colonel W. H. R. Godfrey served in the Burmese war in 1852-53 and was present at the storming of
Rangoon; was also present at the repeated attacks on Naweng from ist November to 20th December 1852 (Medal
with Clasp for Pegu).
'"'^ Colonel H. Fraser was actively employed from July 1857 until January 1859 with the Cavalry JJrigade Hydera¬
bad Contingent, and accompanied tiie field force under Colonel W. Orr to Mhow in October 1857, coercing «n route the
refractory Zemindars of Peepliah and Ragoo Ghur. Joined the Bombay Column before Dhar in October, and was
present with the 4th Cavalry Hyderabad Contingent on the 12th November at Rawul when the Mahidpoor muti¬
neers were after forced marches overtaken, several hundreds slain, and a complete battery, including siege-guns, &c.
captured (specially mentioned for conspicuous gallantry on the occasion). Was appointed Staff Officer to the Con¬
tingent. Present with the Malwa Field Force under Sir James Stewart at the battle of Mundisoor on the 21st 22nd
23rd and 24th November (was thanked by Colonel Orr). Served in the action in forcing the Pass of Dhamonee by
the Contingent Troops under Colonel Orr. Joined the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose, and was
present at the action of Muddenpoor, and in the pursuit when a considerable number of the mutineers were cut up
(thanked by Sir Hugh Rose). Joined in the operations against Tal Behat under Colonel Orr, and was present before
Jhansi from the 20th March to 15th April; commanded during the greater part of the day the 3rd Cavalry Hyder¬
abad Contingent at the battle of Betwah (thanked for his conduct at Jhansi). Was speciallj- mentioned by Sir
Hugh Rose as follows:—"Lieutenant Fraser, Staff Officer of the Hyderabad Contingent, gallantly killing three of
the enemy at the general action of the Betwah." Was in the action at Koonch (noticed by Colonel Orr). Joined
in the entire operations before Calpee and Gowlalee (noticed by Colonel Orr). Was in the action at Bilowah
(thanked for services). Was in the operations against Gwalior, and brought specially to notice by Sir Hugh Rose
" for unwearied zeal and good service during the whole of the campaign in Central India." Thanked by Colonel
Orr for his gallantry before the enemy (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
"6 Colonel R. K. Macquoid was employed against the mutineers in Bengal, and was present at the siege and
capture of Rathgur, battle of Bowdia, relief of Saugor, siege and capture of Gurra Cotah from lothto 13thof
February, action at Zalimpoor, siege and capture of Jhansi, battle of the Betwah, battle oi Koonch, siege and cap¬
ture of Calpee. and other minor affairs (Medal with Clasp).
■<■' Colonel W. S. Drever was employed in suppressing the insurrection in the Pariah Kimedy district in 1855 and
1857. Was employed in North Canara in 1859 in conducting operations for the suppression of an armed insurrection
in that district, on several occasions engaged in personal encounter with the rebels who were all eventually cap¬
tured or slain (Medal).
'" Colonel A. H. M. Dickey accompanied the small force from Quilon to Cochin in Jan. 1857 to aid the Civil
1^5 Colonel C. J.Smith was employed in the suppression of the mutiny in Indiain 1857-59, and was prcsentatt'ue
affair at Kanta, at Bunnee with force forming rear guard of Commander in Chief's Army during the capture of
Lucknow, jjresent at Doomeragunge, at the affairs at Bansee on the 22nd and 28th September 1858, and at the battle
of Toolsepore (Medal with Clasp).
'<■' Colonel D. Shaw served with the field force against the insurgent Moplahs at Manjerry in the district ot
Malabar, and was present at the engagement against the insurgent Moplahs on September 4th 1849, ^t Kolatoor on
25th August 1851, and commanded a detachment of the Malabar Police Corps employed in the destruction of a party
of insurgent Moplahs near Calicut on the Western coast on the 17th September 1855. Present at the quelling of a
riot in Tinnevelly 22nd December 1858.
'"^ Colonel A. T. Baldwin served in the Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present at the defence of Martaban
and recapture of Billing (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). '
'"5 Colonel D. Standen served with the Kamptee Movable Column, and present at Sonaar river, the Imleea
Neemkhera Bhutgaon and Sleemanabad in 1857 and 1858 (Medal). '
'"8 Colonel W. H. G. Palmer was actively emploj-ed during t'ae mutiny against the rebels in Sumbulporo district
in i8^;8.

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