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46i Bengal Staff Corps.—War Services.
of the outpost of Mutta repulsed the attack of the combined Momund tribes on the 8th Dec. 1S51 (Medal with Clasp).
Was twice wounded in an attack on a bodj' of mutineers of the 26th Bengal Native Infantry in 1857.
*" Lieut.General H. NicoU served during the disturbances in the Saugor and Bundlecund districts in 1842-43.
The Gwalior campaign of 1843-44, including the battle of Punniar (Bronze Star). The Punjaul) campaign in 1848-49
(Medal). The Sonthal campaign in 1855-56. Served as Brigade Major at the battle of Biullee ke Serai on the Sth
June 1857, storming the heights before Delhi, throughout the siege assault and final capture of the citj- (Medal
with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
*' Lieut. General A. Turner served during the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 (Medal).
*^ Lieut. General M. J.TurnbuU served with the 7th Bengal Light Cavalry in Sind for two years on the frontier under
Sir Charles Napier in 1844-45 ; and in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 with the force under General Wheeler, the
greater portion of the time as Officiating Quarter Master General to the Force (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
" Lieut.General R. C. Lawrence served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, and was present at the battle of Sobi aon
(Medal). Served in the Indian mutiny campaign as Political OflBccr in charge of the Cashmere Contingent under
General Wilson in 1857, and was present at the assault and capture of Delhi, commanding the 4th Column of assault
on Major Roid being wounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, CJi., Medal with Clasp).
*^ Major General J.C. Haughton served throughout the campaigns of'183S-42 in Beloochistau and Affghanistan, in¬
cluding the storming of the Bolan Pass, repulse of a night attack of Merab Khan, action of Abee Khan, throughout
the siege of Cheerekar and commanded the 6th Goorkhas when it was cut to pieces (severely wounded, losing right
hand). Was present with the army at Cabul during the siege and left in hospital, in the enemy's hands under
General Elphinstone's capitulation, remaining a prisoner till September 1842; afterwards served with Broadfoot's
Sappers and Miners during the re-occupation of Cabool and march from Affghanistan. Served with ^he Ramghur
Battalion at the defeat of the enemy in seven affairs during 1846-47.
** Major General H. Hopkinson served as Political Officer against the hill tribes of the Kolvelyne in Dec. 1847 and
Jan. 1848, and was present at the surpriseof the Akong Stockade. Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the battles
of Chillianwallah and Goojerat, and pursuit of the Sikh Army and Affghans to Peshawur (Medal with two Clasps).
Burmese war in 1832, including the capture of Martaban (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
*'' Major General J. R. McMullin served the Gwalior campaign, and was present at the battle of Punniar on 29th
Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of Soroojhkoond, siege and surrender of
Mooltan, and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
** Major General T. F. Wilson commanded a detached Compa-ny of the 13th Bengal Native Infantry at the cap¬
ture of thefortof Chirgong in April 1841 (mentioned in despatches). Also at the action of Punwarreein Bundlecund
in June 1842. Served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of Kamnnggur, passage of
the Chenab. and battle of Goojerat and subsequent pursuit of the Sikh Army (Medal with Clasp). Was appointed
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General to Sir Henry Lawrence on the 21st May 1857, and present in the action with the
mutineers in the old cantonments of Lucknow on the night of the 30th and morning of the 31st May, also at ihe
battle of Chiiihut the 30th June, and was slightly wounded by a piece of the same shell by which Sir Henry Law¬
rence was mortall.y wounded (mentioned in despatches). Served as Deputy Assistant Ad)utant General to the old
Lucknow Garrison throughout the entire defence of the Residenc3-, a period of 145 days (slightly wounded, and was
prominently mentioned in despatches, and thanked by Government "for courage, activity, and sound judgment in a
very high degree "). Served with the force under Colonel the Hon. Perc.y Herbert in pursuit of Feroze Shah and a
rebel force in 1850 (Medal with Clasp, CB., Brevet of Major, a year's extra service, and Aide de Camp to the Queen).
^^ Major General G. C. Hatch served as Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Army unaer Lord Clyde at the
relief of Lucknow in 1857 and in tlie subsequent operations at Cawnpore (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
^'^ Major General A. H. Teman served in Bundlecund in 1S42-43, and was several times engaged with the rebels.
Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the action of Aliwal (Medal). Punjaub campaign in 1849 (Medal, mentioned
in despatch). Indian mutiny campaigns of 1857-58, including numerous expeditions against the rebels in the
Nursingpore, Saugor, and Jubbulpore districts. Commanded a partj' of the 3rd Irreguhar Cavalry in an attack
on a body of rebels in the Saugor district (horse killed, thanked by the Lt.Governor of the Central Provinces).
Served with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose as Deputy Commissioner of Jaloun (Medal with
Clasp), and present at the forcing of the Muddunpore Pass, action of the Betwah, siege and capture of Jhansi,
action of Konch, taking of Kalpee (mentioned in despatch). Served as Aide de Camp to Brigadier MacDuffGt
the action of Sahao (mentioned in despatches). Mentioned in Governor General's minute of 2nd July 1859. The
gracious approbation of Her Majesty convoyed by letter from the Secretary of State for India, dated 4th June 1861.
^* Major General R. R. Mainwaring served m the Sutlej campaign in 1846 and was present at the battle of Sobraon
(Medal). Sonthal campaign of 1855. Indian mutiny campaign including several actions with the rebels (Medal).
5' Major General A.Macqueen served throughout the operations of the Candahar Force under General Nott in 184o-.j2,
including the advance upon Ghuzneo and Cabool, and taking of IstaliCf (Medal). Throughout the Sutlej campaign
of T845-46, including the battles of Mocdkee, Fernzeshah, and Sobraon—wounded (Medal and two Clasps). Indian
mutiny campaigns of 1857-59, including relief of Lucloiow, defeat of the Gwalior C'ontingent at Cnwii]>ore, action of
Kalee Nuddee, siege and capture of Lucknow, and affairs of Baree and Simrce (Medal with two Clasps).
" Major General R. N. Tronson served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1S48-49, including the affair of Ramnug-
gur, passage of the Chenab, battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat, and pursuit of the Sikhs and Affghans
(Medal with two Clasps). Commanded a detachment of troops and Horse and Foot Police during the rebellion of the
Nomad Tribes in the Sutlcj in 1857 ; repulsed with slaughter a night attack of 2000 men and destroyed several of the
enemy's villages and strongholds. Marched 55 miles, the greater portion through water, in twentj' consecutive hours,
with an active enemy on the flank, to the rescue of the cit.y of Pak Puttun. The rapidity of this movement, in the
opinion of the local authorities, insured its success, and was the means of preventing the disaffected in Bhauwul-
pore and Sirsa from joining the Googaria insurgents, and of saving the many rich towns and villages on the Sutlej,
and of stopping the progress of the rebellion along its banks. Served against the mutineers at Mooltan in August
and September 1858 (Medal).
«5 Major General J. M. Cripps served the campaignof 1842 in Affghanistan under Sir George Pollock, including the
forcing of the Khyber Pass and actions of JugduUiiok, Tezeen, and Istaliff (itedal). Also throughout the Sutlej
campaign of 1845-46 including the battles of Moodkoe, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps).
8« Major General J.B. Dennys served throughout the operations of the CandaharPorce under General Nott, including
the various actions leading to the reoccupation of Cabool (Medal). Served during the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46.
In 1853 commanded tbo Kotah contingent and troops sent from Nusserabad in the reduction of the fort of Kurowlee.
Commanded the Kotah contingent on the outbreak of the mutinies and was employed some weeks against the
rebels in the Agra and Muttra districts ; ju-eseiit at the attack on the fort of Ahwal in Rajpootana, and accom¬
panied field forces from Neemuch in civil capacity in pursuit of Feroze Shah and Tantia Topee.
"° Lient.General C. L. Showers was present at tiio surrender of Kote Kaiigra in June 1846. Served in thecampaign
in Western Rajpoota,na in 1847, and commanded in the attack and reduction of the desert stronghold of Garsesur, re¬
sulting in the capt'ire of the marauder chief Thakoor Jowahir Singh. Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and on Lord
Gougli's staff at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Central India campaign in 1857-58 includ¬
ing the pursuit of the Necmuch mutineers, attack and occupation of Neembahera, Cavalry affair before Fort Nee¬
much, aiul action of Purtalighur (Medal with Clasp).
'* Major Gen oral J. A.Wright.servedthrouL'hout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the affair of Ramnug-
gur, passage of the Chenab, battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat, and pursuit of the Sikhs and Affghans (Medal
with two Clasps).
'= Major General J. N. Young served the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under General Pollock, including the
lorcing of the Khyber and Jugdulluck Passes, actions in the Tezeen Valley and on the Huft Kohtul, and recapture
of Cabool (Medal).
" Major General G.Holroyd served throughout the operations of the Candahar Force under General Nottin 1838-42
(wounded at Banco Rabaii 15th Sept. 1842), including the advance upon Ghuziiee and Cabool, and taking of Istaliff
(Medal). Gwalior campaign, and present at the battle of Maharajpore (Bronze Star). Siitloj campaign of 1843-46,
including the battle of Sobraon—horse shot (Medal).
«3 Major General A. Robinson accompanied the expedition against the rebels in the Cossiah and Jyntea Hills in
command of a Wing of the 20th Bengal Native Infantry. Present at the capture of the stockade at Ooksae.

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