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304 The King's Royal Rifle Corps. [wm'cheft'er.
Formerly the both (Tlie Kl'ig's Uoyal Bifle Corps).
(The 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Battalions are formed of the Huntingdon, Flint, 2nd Itliddlesex,
Carlow, and North Cork Militia respectively.)
" Celer et Audax." "Rolkia" "Vimiera" " Martiniqub " "Talaveka" " Bcsaco " " Fuentes d'Onoe"
"Albuheba" " Ciudad Kodeigo" "Bii)A.ioz" "Salamanca" "Vittoeia" "Ptsenees" " Nivellb "
"Nive" " Obihes" "Toulouse" "Peminsula" "Punjaub" " Mooitan" " " Goojeeat" " Dglhi" " Taku
FoBTS " " Pekin" " "South Africa " "Ahmad Khel" "Kandahar, 1880" "Afghanistan, 1878-80."
OolontMu Oaiii.—FieldMarslial His Royal Highness The Duke of CvimhTiige, KG. KP. GCB. QCMQ. GCSI.
3 Mar. 69.
Colonels Commandant.—i Sir Arthur Augustus Thurlow Cunynghame,' GCB. 2red i<. ""a Nov. 30; Lieut.
22 May 35; Capt. "ly Aug. 41 ; Major. ''8 Aug. 45 ; Lt.Colonel, ''3 Nov. 46; Colonel, 20 June 54; Major,
General, 20 April 61 ; Lt. General. 22 Oct. 70; General, r Oct. 77 ; Colonel Commandant 60th Kifles, 2 FoV>. 76.
2 Freeman '^Iwrr^y, Ensign, ^24 Fe>) 25; Lt. ^Z April 26; Capt. ^21 Dec. 32; Major, ^20 Aug. 44; Lt.
Colonel, 5 Nov. 47 ; Colonel, 28 Nov.54; Major General, 13 Aug. 62; Lieut. General, 25 Oct. 71; General,
1 Oct. 77; Colovel Commandant 60th Rifles, n Oct. 76.
Lieutenant Colonels.—i James Durham Dundas,' 2nd Lt. 3 Mar. 54; Lt. 23 March 55; Capt. 22 June 58 ; Bt.
Major, 12 Nov. 70; Major, i April 73 ; Bt.i.t.i olonel, i Oct. 77; Lt.Colonel, 19 Dec. 77; Colonel, i Oct. Si.
3 Cromer Ashhuruham,*^ CB. Ensign, 20 April 55; Lt, 26 Oct. 55 ; Capt. P23 Jan. 63 ; Major, 18 Oct. 73;
Lt.Colonel, 10 Mar. 80.
4 Kennctt Gregg Henderson,' Ensign, 23 April 55; Lt. 6 May 56 ; Capt. ''30 June 63; Major, 27 Mar. 74;
Lt. Colonel, 5 June 80.
2 James Sturgeon Hamilton Algar,^ Ensign, 10 May 55; Lt. ^g May 56; Capt. 17 May 64; Mafsr,
10 March 75 ; Lt. Colonel. 9 Oct. 80.
p.s.c. George Hatchell, Assistant Adjutant Gentral, Bengal; Ensign, 22 Oct. 53; Lt. 27 Sept. 57; Capt.
^24 Jan. 65; Major, 29 Nov. 76 ; Bt.Lt.( ohniel, 22 Nov. 79; Lt.Colonel, i July 81.
James Kicro Watson, Chief Instructor, Sc'iool of Musketry, llythe; Ensign, 20 July 55; Lt, ^i May 57;
Capt. I Maj- 65 ; Bt.Major, i Oct. 77 ; Major. 19 Dec. 77 ; Lt.Colonel, 1 July 81.
2 William Gerard Byron,* Ensign, ''25 Se)it. 55 ; Lt. ^ 7 Sept. 58 ; Capt. '3 Jan. 65 ; Bi.Major, i Oct. 77 ;
Major, 20 June 78; Bt.Lt.Colonel, 2 M;ir 8 ; Lt Colonel, i July 81.
3 p.s.c. William Lewis Kinloch Ogilvy, Ensign, 18 June 57; Lt.'^is June 58 ; Capt. ^ii Dec. 66; Major,
2T Aug. 78 ; Lt.Colonel, 1 July 81.
4 John Charley,^ Ens. p? Mar. 56; Lt. '21 Feb. 60; C'ipt. 1*14 Aug. 67 ; Maj. 12 Sept. 79; Lt.Colonel, i July 81.
I Astley Fellowes Terry,!^ Ensign, j April 58; Lt. 'ii Sept. 60; Capt. 'S Dec. 67; Major, 7 Jan. So;
Lt.Colonel, 1 July 81.
John Gustavus Crosbiei"
George Hewitt Trotman "
Neshit Willoughby Wallace 1*
4 Arthur Morris'^
3 Charles Pierson Cramer'*
Francis Wallace Grenfell'« (Bt.Lt.)
Co/o»e;, 29 Nov. 79) j
Alcxr. Angus Airlie Ki'loch {Bf.Lt.}
Col.2^ha:3i), D.A.Q M.Gen.Bnigal i
GeorgeThomas V/h\takt-r, Adj. 1 Ola-'}
norr/anshire H'Jle Volunteers J
2 George Lancelot McLean Farmer'^
Denis Bingham'*
John Talbot Darnley Talbot-Crosbie ...
Henry DonaklBrowne
Edmund Lomax Fraser'*,"
Reginald Chalmcr^"
William Tilden^'
4 Henry Blackwood MacCall
4 Benjamin Frend
Ambrose Humphrys Bircham," Adj. )
6 Middlesex: Eijle Volunteers ... f
3 Henry Affleck Houlton Ward
4 Alex. Ferd. Henry Mitchell-Innes'*
William Forster=*
Robert Cradock Davies'*
Henry Philip Myles Wylie, Adj. 51
Cheshire Rifle Volunteers 5
2 James Nugent Blackwood-Price'''
3 Charles Hollcd Smith '^
4 James John Mallandaine
2 Henr.y Savill Mnrsham^^
2 Thonins Sydenham Clarke,^" Adjutan'')
2 Middlesex Rifle Volunteers ,f
3 Ernest Hovell Thnrlow'2
3 Hon. Koith Turnour^a
4 Herbert James Hope-Edwardes
3 Fiennes Boughton Ne^vton Dickenson''
I p.t.c. Edward Thomas Henry Hutton^'.
3 Pulbert Wright Archer'*
4 Charles Wortham
1 John Dowling Howden
2 Charles Miehell'* ...
1 Francis Moore Ward
2 Charles Hope-'
4 Rich. Steelc Rupert Fetherstonhaugh'^
2 Godfrey Astell's
Humphrey David Parry Okeden. Pri¬
vate Sec. ^- Aide de Camp to Lt. Goo.
ofN. W. Provinces
4 Nicholas Edward de Berner Fenwick
3 Walter Henry Holbech,'* Aid-ede Can.p
to Major General Luard
3 William .Sturrock Anderson^s,.
1 Henry AUfrey"
3 Robert Henley
3 Mordaunt Charles Boyle
Horatio Reginald Mends, Adjutant 13)
Middlesex Rifle Volunteers J
I Montagu Charles Brudenell Forcstier )
Walker )
4 Geoffrey Grimwood Grimwood
i 23 April
I''i2 May
' 26 Mar.
j''2i May
■•'24 Aug.
i"" sAag.
i 22 Nov.
•■21 Dec.
"16 April
17 Aug.
r 8 Aug.
'iq June
I''23 .lune
I 17 Mar.
I" 2 Oct.
"16 Feb.
9 Feb.
''28 June
"28 Oct.
''24 Jan.
7 Alar.
r26 May
i'22 Sept.
''10 Oct.
" 1 Deo.
29 May
P 2 Dec.
P 3 Dec.
•• 3 April
j P 2 Oct.
1 6 .luly
8 Aug.
" 9 Aug.
Pio Aug.
iP I .May
P I Feb.
I'l2 0Ct.
P25 Dec.
8 Jan.
'■25 Sept.
''13 June
P 2 Sept.
P23 .Tan.
I'm Oct.
P 3 Feb.
■■29 May
■■28 May
23 Sept.
58 PiS Sept.
57 13 Aug.
58 1-4 Jan.
58 4 June
58|i'2i April
59 ''21 July
55 '■24 Sept. 58
P24 Jan.
P 7 Mar.
P26 May
62IP I Dec.
63|Pi4 Aug.
63]P2i Aug.
63 P21 Feb.
63 Pi I Dec.
P19 Feb.
P27 Feb.
P 8 Mar.
P 7 Aug.
P20 Nov.
9 April
30 June
P28 Oct.
II Jan.
P 3 Feb.
II Sept.
P17 Feb.
P24 April
P29 May
P 9 Feb.
67JP22 Mar.
67JP12 July
671P 9 Aug.
671P 9 Aug.
' P 8 Dec.
P30 Nov.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
30 Dec.
6 Mar.
24 July
P20 May 681
11 Jan. 691
P23Jan. 691
P24 April 691
P28 May 701
P28 0ct. 71
8 May 70
26 Feb. 73
5 July 73;
5 July 731
13 Aug. 731
27 Mar. 741
1 Apr. 74:
2 Apr.
10 Mar.
I Apr.
12 May
13 May
II Nov. 78
22 Nov. 79
21 Apr. 80
2 Mar. 81'
1 Deo.
12 Aug.
29 Nov. 76
28 Mar. 77
30 June 77
8 Dec. 77
19 Dec. 77
14 Mar. 77
2 Mar. 78
5 July 78
21 Aug.
30 Oct.
4 Jan.
17 May
14 July
7 Jan.
31 Oct.
10 Mar.
13 Mar.
1 Apr.
2 May
7 May
26 May
2 Mar. 81
5 June 80
5 June 80
9 June 80
21 July 80
29 Sept. 80'
9 Oct. 80
10 Nov. 80
12 Jan. 81
10 Feb. 81
I Oct. 81
10 Mar. 80
5 June 80
9 June 80
9 Oc'i. So
I July 81
I July 81
I July 8i
I July
I July
I July
1 July
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July

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