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The Duhe of Camhridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment). 302-3
Paymasterg.— j Henry "Walter Phillips, 2 Sept. 78 ; Ens. ^■j April 63 ; Lt. i'4 March 68; Capt. 2 Feb. 78.
2 Alexander Henry Haldane,^' 30 Aug. 78 ; Ens. 2j July 35 ; Lt. 12 Feb. 58; Capf. 1 Apr. 70.
Qfiarier Ilasters.—1 Thomas WoocL^*" 23 April 73.
2 William Hunt, 9 Aug. 73 ; Sub Lieut. 26 March 73.
Facings White.—Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
jst Battalion returned from Zulidand, October 1S79. 2.nd Battalion returned from India, 25 2Iay 1870.
^ General Graham served in China from 1852 to 1859, and comman led the troops at Hong Kong during a
portion of that period; was second senior officer and commanded the 2nd Brigade of the expeditionary force em¬
ployed against Canton during the operations before that city and its capture in Dec. 1857 (CB.) • proceeded in
command of a force to the Peiho river in June 1858, and was present at the assault and capture of Namtowoniith
August (Modal with Clasp).
^ Sir Edward Holdich served as Aide de Camp to Sir Harry Smith throughout the campaign on the Sutlej in
1845-46, including the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah (wounded), Buddiwal, Ahwal, and Sobraon—se vercl.y wounded
(Medal and three Clasps). As Aide do Camp to Sir Harry Smith in the action with and defeat of the rebel Boers at
Boem Plaats (South Africa) on the 29th August 184S, and in the Kaffir campaign of 1850-51 (Medal, and Brevet of
Lt.Colonel). Served with the 80th Regt. in the Burmese war in 1S53, with the e.xpedition under Sir John Cheape
against the robber chief Myattoon in the Donabew district, and at tlie assault and capture of his stronghold on the
igth March—succeeded to the command of a Wing of Infantry (Medal for Pegu, and CB.) Accompanied the Soth
Regt. to India in 1857, and served in the Sepoy rebellion. At the close of the oiierations in 1859 he succeeded Sir
Alfred Horsford as Brigadier in comma,nd of the forces on the Nepaul frontier, when, in co-operation with the
Nepaul troops, most of the rebel leaders and a large body of Sepoys who had taken refuge in the Nepaul Terai were
captured, for which services he received the thanks of Government, and on the breaking up of the Brigade was
appointed, by Lord Clyde, Deputy Adjutant General of Her Majesty's Forces in India.
^ Lt.Col.inel Tredennick served with the 57th ilegim.ent in the New Zealand war in 1S65-66, and was present at
the affair of Kakaramea, storm and capture of the fortified Pahs of Otapawa and Ketemeri, and various minor
affairs (Medal). Served in the Zulu campaign of 1879, and commanded the S7th Regiment from the middle of
April to the end of the war, including the operations of "Clarke s Column " (Medal with Clasp).
= Major King served with the 40th Regiment in the New Zealand war of 1863-65, and was present at Waiari
(Medal I.
•> Lt.Colonel Picot served with the 57th Regiment in the New Zealand war of 1863-65, and was slightly womidod at
the bombardment of Kaitake (Medal 1.
' Major Husldsson served with the 80th Regiment in the Indian mutiny and campaign in Oude in 1058-59,
• including the capture of the Fort of Simree, actions at Bera, Doonteakera and Bussingpore (Medal). Served as
Adjutant of ihe Regiment with the left attack during the Bhootan expedition of 1865-66 (Medal with Clasp).
Served with the force under Major General Colbome against the Malays in Perak in 1875-76, as acting D. A. Q. M.
General, and was present at the capture of Kinta (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Clasp). Served in
the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal).
8 Major Matthews served with the 57t.h Regiment in New Zealand in 1865-67, and was present at the affair of
Kctemari (Medal). Surved as Acting Major of the 57th Regiment, in the Zulu campaign of 1S79, and was present
at the action of GingindWovu and relief of Ekowe, and throughout the operations of "Clarke's Column" (Medal
with Clasp).
' Major Morewood, Captain Hallett, and Lieuts. Jones and Mnnro served with the 37th Regiment in the latter part
of the Zulu war of 1879, and throughout the operations of "Clarke's Column " (Medal with Clasp).
1° Lord Gifl'ord accompanied SirGarnot Wolseley tothe Gold Coast in Septeu;ber 1873 on special service. Trained
the VVinnebah Company of Russell's Regiment, and commanded it during the repulse of the Ashanti army at Abra-
krampa on the 5th and 6th November 1873. Did the duties of Adjutant of Russell's Regiment from Attoh-Insu to
the Prah. Commanded the Scouting Party from the Prah to Coomnssie. Led the attack on Adubiassie and at the
battle of Amoalul; carried with his Scouts the Enemy's ads-anced post at Egginassie by a rush ; led the attack on
Becquah (slightly wounded) ; took part in the advanced guard skirmishes and ambuscade affairs between Adwabin
and the river Orciah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie. Served as Aide de Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley
from the capture of Coomassie to the end of tlie campaign. (Was several times mentioned in despatches, promoted
to an Unattached Company, awartled the Victoria Cross, Medal with Clasp). Served in the latter part of the Zulu
war of 1879, first with the 57th Regiment, afterwards with the Mounted Infantry, and finally as Aide de Camp to
Sir Garnet Wolseley. Lord Gifford took a leading part in the capture of King Cetywayo, after which he was sent
home with the despatches (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
1' Captain Hinxman served in the Perak expedition in 1875-76, and was promoted Captain 57th Regiment from
Lieutenant loth Regiment, in recognition of his gallant services when commanding the attack on the Stockades
at Paroa, Malay Peninsula, 7th'December 1875 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with CUsp). Served with
the 57th Regimcntin the Zulu war of 1879, and was severely wounded in the engagement at Gingindhlovu (Medal
with Clasp).
1^ Lieut. Lyde served with the 57th Regiment in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879, and throughout the
operations of " Clarke's Column" (Medal with Cla,-p). Served with the isth Bombay Native Infantry in the latter
part of the Afgliau war in 1880, and at the oocupat on of the Marree country (Medal).
13 Captains Hill and White, Lieuts. Graham, Bellingham, Sellers, Longe, Sharpe, Scott-Moncrieff, James, and
Bod4 served with the S7th Regiment in the Zulu waroi 1879, and were present at the action of Gingindhlovu and
relief of Ekowe, and throughout the operations of'' Clarke's Column " (Medal with Clasp).
1^ Cnptain Garstin served as Adjutant of the 57th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, including the action of
Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowo, aud the operations of " Clarke's Column " (Medal with Clasp).
1' (Japtain Blake served in the latter iiart of the Zulu war of 1879, first with the S7th Regiment and afterwards
as Garrison A-djutant at Fort Pearson (Medul with Clasp).
1" Captain Michel served throughout the Zulu war of 1879, first in the Transport Service and afterwards in the
Remount Establishment (Medal with Clasp)
IS Lieut. Warden served with the 57th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, and was jiresent at the action of
Gingindhlovu and relief of Bkowe (Medal with Clasp).
19 Lieut. Towers-Clark served with the 57th Regiment in the Zulu campaign of i°79, including the action of
Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe. Served afterwards to the end of the war as Orderly Officer to Lt.Colonel
Clarke while commanding successively the 2nd Brigade ist Divsion and " Clarke's Column." Made several road
surveys, including the road in Zululand fr m St. Paul's to the Middle Drift of the Tugela River (Medal with Clasp).
2" Quarter Master Wood served with the 57th Regiment in the Crimea from the 23rd September 1854, including
the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack of the Redan on the 18th Juno, bom¬
bardment and surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the New
Zealand war from 1861 to 1866 in the provinces of Ta,ranaki and Wanganui (Medal). Served with the 57th Regi¬
ment in the TjuIu war of 1879, and was present at the action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and throughout
the operations of " Clarxe's Column " (Medal with Clasp).
^^ Captain Haldane.—For War Services, see Army Pay Department.
Record of the Services oft/ie sjth Uegiment (now the ist Battalion of the Middlesex Itegiment).
Raised in 1755, and proceeded to the Mediterranean (as Marines), to 1737. Gibraltar, to 1763. Minorca, to 1767.
Ireland, to 1775. America, to 17S3. Nova Scotia, to 1790. England and Scotland, to 1793. Low Countries, to 1793
England, to June 1794. Low Countries, to i'95. England, to October 795. West Indies, to 1803. (and Battalion
raised in 180,.) England, to April 1804 Channel Islands, to October 1804. G.braltar, to July 1809, Penin.sula,
to June 1814. Canada, to July ,815. (2nd Battalion reduced, Dec. 1815.) France, to November 1817. Ireland, to
Sept. 1824. Englanil, to i-i25. New South Wales (embarked in 16 convict ships), to March 18 1. India, to April
1846. England, to March 1848. Ireland, to Feb 1853. Corfu, to Sept. .X54. Crimea, to May 1836. Malta, to May
1858. (A detachment at Aden from Sept. 1857 to March i860.) India, to Nov. i860. New Zealand, to April 1867.
England, to Sept. 1871. Ireland, to Dec. 1873. Ceylon, to Feb. 1S79. South Africa, to Oct. 1879. Home, Oct. 1879.

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