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War Sennces of lioijal Earjiacers (tate Bengal Engineers). 228a
'General Goodwyn served at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 1S25-26 (Medal). Also in the Punjaub cam-
p-aigTi (Medal).
* Lord Napier served throughout the Sutlej campaign of 1S43-46 as Chief Engineer at the battles of Moodkee
(horse killed) and Perozeshah (severely wounded, and horse killed), and as BTigado Major of Engineers at the battle
of Sobraon, and in the subsequent advance on Lahore (mentioned in despatches. Medal and two Clasps, and Brevet
of Major). Appointed in 1846 Chief Engineer to conduct the siege of the hill Fort of Kangra, and received the
special thanks of Government fcT his services in the transport of the siege train to that place. Served the Punjaub
campaign of 1848-49, was Chief Engineer during part of the siege of Mooltan in 1849 (severely wounded), and Com¬
manding Engineer of the Right 'I'.'ing at the battle of Goojerat, and in Sir Walter Gilbert's pursuit of the Sikh Army
(mentioned. Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded a Column which defeated the Hus-
sunzie tribe on the Black Mountain in Hazara in 1852. Present with the expedition a,gainst the Boree Afreedees in
1852-53, and received the special thanks of Government (Medal with Cla.sp). Served throughout the Indian mutiny
campaigns; was Chief of the Staff to Outram in 1S57, and present in the several actions leading to the first relief of
Lucknow in September—Mungarwar, Alumbagh, and Charbagh ; commanded the Troops in the rescue of the siege
train which had been surrounded and cut off in the suburbs; the sortie for the capture of Phillip's Garden Battery,
a,nd other separate operations (severely wounded). Present as Chief of the Staff in the latter operations at the
Alumbagh after the second relief of Lucknow. Brigadier and Chief Engineer at the siege and capture of Lucknow
(mentioned, CB.). Commanded a Brigade at the capture of Gvvalior. Defeated Tantia Topee at Joura-Alipore, cap¬
turing 25 guns (thanks of Parliament, 3,nd E'en.). 'When in command of the Gwalior Division bombarded and
reduced the Fort of Powrie in Aug. 1858. After five days' close pursuit surprised and defeated with a Siiuadron of
the 14th Hussars Peroze Shah's Force at Ranode (Medal with three Clasps, and a year's service for Lucknow). Com¬
manded the 2nd Division of the China Expeditionary Force in the campaign of i860, including the action of Sinho ;
present at Tangku (Division in reserve); with his Division and the whole of the Artillery, in conjunction with the
French Division of General Collineau, conducted the operations ending in the storming of the North Taku Fort;
present at the advance upon and surrender of Pekin (thanks of Parliament, Medal with two Clasps, promoted Major
General for distinguished service, and appointed Military Member of the Council of the Governor General of India).
Raised to the Peerage in 1868 for his eminent services .as Commander in Chief of the Abyssinian Expeditionary
Force, also received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and nominated a OCB.
^ General Becher served the campiign of 1S42 in Affghanistan, including the forcing of the Khyber Pass
(Medal), Sutlej campaign in 1846, and severely wounded at the battle of Sobraon (Medal, and Brevet of Major).
Mentioned in despatches for services in operations against the mutineers on the Hazara Frontier, and in opera¬
tions on the Eusufzai Frontier in 1857 (Civil CB., Medal with Clasp).
'5 Lieut.General Hutchinson served in the Sutlej campaign (Medal).
^'^ Major General Fraser served in the Siitloj campaign of 1S45-46 (Medal). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, as Ad¬
jutant of Sappers at the siege of Mooltan and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Burmese war of 1852-53,
and accompanied the Column under General Steel to Tongifioo (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
-* Major General Gulliver served throughout the operations before Mooltan in 1848-49, including the first siege,
storming of the intrenched positions on 9th and 12th September, and storm of the city—severely wounded (Medal
with Clasp). As a subaltern raised the 24tb Paniaub Pioneers and commanded them at the sieges of Delhi and
Lucknovv, and served also throughout the campaign of 1858-59 in Oude (Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of
Major I.
2^ Major General Pollard served in thePunjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege of Mooltan (wounded), and
battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
"^ Major General Stewart served in the Pnnjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege of Mooltan, and battle of
Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Also in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the battle of Budlekeserai, and
throughout the siege of Delhi (Medal with Clasp).
^^ Major General Maunsell served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, throughout the operations before Mooltan,
including the first siege, storming of the intrenched positions on gth and 12th September, and surrender of the
fortress, also surrender of the Fort and garrison of Cheniote, and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). In the
Indian mutiny campaign commanded Sappers and Miners at the actions on the Hindun, battle of Budlekeserai, and
throughout the siege oi'Delhi, directed the right attack during the final operations, and was dangerously wounded
when conducting the Column of assault on the Pahareepore suburb on 14th Sept. 1857. Commanded Sappers at the
siege and capture of Lucknow, in the Rohilcund campaign at Rooyah, Alygunge, a,nd Baroilly, and at Mitowlee in
the Onde campaign of 1858-59 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Maj(5r, and CB.).
^ Colonel Tennant served at the siege and assault of Delhi, also at the siege and capture of Liickuow (Medal with
two Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
2' Colonel Medley served in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the battle of Budleekeserai, throughout the
siege of Delhi, and .severely wounded whilst condncting the storming party at the assault of the Cashmere Breach
(mentioned in despatches). Served with Seaton's Cohimn at the actions of Gungeree, Puttialee, and Mynpoory, and
at the siege and capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
*' Colonel Williams served as Adjutant of Engineers with the expedition to Pegu in 1852, and was present at
the bombardment and capture of Martaban and Rangoon (rilightly wounded), capture of Prome and occupation
of Meaday (mentioned in despatches for "gallant conduct," Medal with Clasp).
f^ Colonel Innes served in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the defence of the Residency of Lucknow, as
Field Engineer with Fi-anks'Division durmg its march through Oude, and greatly distinguished himself in the
action at Sultani;)ore, where "far in advance of the leading skirmishers, he was the first to secure a gun which the
enemy were abandoning; retiring from this they rallied round another gun farther back, from which the shot
would in another instant have ploughed through our advancing Columns, when he rode up unsupported, shot the
gunner who was about to apply the match, and remaining undaunted at his post, the mark of a hun<lred matchlock
men who were sheltered in some adjoining huts, kept the artillerymen at bay until assista-nce reached him "
(Victoria Cross). Was afterwards present at the siege and capture of Lucknow—severely wounded (Medal with two
Clasps, Brevet of Major, and a year's service).
'* Colonel Chesney was present at the battle of Budleekeserai, and served as Brigade Major of Engineers
throughout the siege of Delhi and was twice severely wounded at the assault (mentioned in despatches, Medal with
Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
3* (Colonel WaiTand served in the Indian mutiny cam.paign and was severely wounded at the siege of Delhi—
arm amputated (Medal with Clasj), and Brevet of Major).
25 Colonel Craster served in the Burmese war of 1S52-53, including the taking of Bassein (Medal with Clasp for
38 Colonel Brownlow served in the Indian mutiny ca,mpaign, including the battle of Budleekeserai, siege of
Delhi—had charge of the Engineer park during the latter part of the operations, and was severely woimded at the
assault; served the Rohilcund campaign (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
2' Colonel Trevor served in the Burmese war of 1852-53, including the operations in the vicinity and capture of
Rangoon (severely wounded), and attack on the Burmese stockades on 19th March 1853—slightly wounded (Medal
with Clasp for Pegu). Served on the Bhootan expedition in 1865,—mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and
awarded the Victoria Cross " for gallant conduct at the attack on the Block house at Dewangiri" (wounded. Medal
with Claspl.
38 C«linel Limond served with Havelock's Force at therelief of Lucknow, and subsequent defence of the Resi¬
dency (Medal with Clasp, and a year's service).
39 Colonel Stanton was reported by Earl Canning to have been actively employed under the Civil Government
during the Indian rebellion. Served also as Staff Officer with the Jaincram Field Force in May 1S58, and was present
at the affair of Buraon—mentioned in despatch (Medal).
•" Colonel Perkins served in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the battle of Budleekeserai and siege of
Delhi—wounded (Medal with Clasp).
■'^Colonel Lang served in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the battle of Budleekeserai, and throughout
the siege of Delhi—conducted the storming party to the escalade of the Cashmere Bastion ; with Greathed's Column
at the actions of Bolundshuhur, Alyghur, and Agra, relief of Lucknow liy Lord Clyde, battles of Cawnporo and
Khodagunge, siege and capture of'Lucknow, (mentioned in despatches, Medal with three Clasps).
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