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Educational Estahlishnenis.
Army Schools
Sub Inspectors of Army Scjiooh.
GeorgcEobertson i Apr. 71
John Stewart i Apr. 71
Thomas Earp i Apr. 71
Wra. Thaoker 1 Apr. 71
Edward Giles 8 June 72
Edwin H. Rogers 11 Sep. 72
Alfred Wolfe'. 14 Feb. 74
Jas.E.Cartwright 14 Feb. 74
Wm. Robinson ...14 Feb. 74
Enoch Shipman 14 Feb. 74
Thos.C.Sherwoodi4Peb. 74
Samuel Goadby 14 Feb. 74
W.M. MacKinder24 Mar.75
Jas. Hen. Carroll 22 Sep. 75
.Joseph Tapsell... i Aug.77
EdwardBvamhall 6 Dec. 79
Thomas Carson 11 Feb. 80
.Tas.Gordon Kidd 7 July 80
Robert Bell 7 July 80
Alfred Cooper ...25 Aug. 80
George Ruggles i Apr. 81
E. W. M'Governei4 Sept. 81
Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea.
JEx Officio.
The Secretaiy of State for War, President.
His Royal Highness the Field Marshal Commanding in
Chief, Vice Frc»ittnit,
The Bishop of London.
The Bishop of Winchester.
The Paymaster General.
The Under Secretaries of State for War.
The Quarter Master General.
The Adjutant General.
The Governor of Chelsea Hospital.
The Lieutenant Governor of Chelsea Hospital.
The Governor of the Royal Military College.
The Chaplain General.
The Judge Advocate General.
Specially Appointed.
Field Marshal Jf.S./f. The Duke of Cambridge, KG.
GCB. HP. GCST. 6CMG. Gren. Gds. &c.
enerali/oji. Sir A. Hamilton-Gordon, KCB. Leinster
Regt. (100 F.).
General Jit. Hon. Sir Edward Lugard, GCB. East
Surrey Regt. (31 F.).
General's;?-A. H. Horsford, GCB. Rifle Brigade.
UC Major General Hon. Sir H. H. Clifford, KCMG. CB.
General Lord Wm. Paulet, GCB. Durham Lt.Inf (68 F.).
Lieut.General R. C. H. Taylor. CB.
Commandant.—Bt.Lt.Colonel H. Mackenzie,' h.p. 15 F.
7 July 80.
Secretary and Adjutant.—Major H. M. Thompson,^ h.p,
82 F. 2o March 80.
Quarter Master.—William Macdonnell,* 27 Aug. 73.
Medical Officer.—Surgeon Major J. Crerar, hp.; Hon,
Dep. Surg. Gen. i Sept. 81.
Chaplain.—Rev. Erasmus H. Goodwin, BA.
Normal School. HeadMasier.—Wm. J. Reynolds,3fyi.
MoDBL School.
Upper Mastei—Mr. W. G. Lamb.
First Maxtei—Mr. C. M. Fleming.
Second Master~M.v. Thomas Anderson.
Lower School. 3/«s'ec—Mr. George Young.
Royal Hibernian Military School, Dublin,
Commandant.—Colonel L. S. Cotton,^ h.p. 63 F.
Sec. and Adj.—Major J. W. Fitzgerald, h.p.
Quarter Master {acting).—Edwin Shelock.
Surgeon.—Dep. Insp. Gen. F. H. Baxter, MD. h.p.
rRev. Robert Foster, BA.
Chaplains.— \ Rev. J. M. Hamilton, MA.
iRev. T. Curran.
Head Master.—Mr. John H. Gibbons.
Second 3/«s/er.—Mr. T. Stritch.
Third Jfus/er.—Mr. Francis M. Dowling.
' Lt.Colonel H. Mackenzie sei-ved with the 7;(rd Regiment throughout the Kaffir war of 1850-53 (Medal), ami-
was present at nearly all the principal actions in Kafflrland and the Colony; also on the expedition to the Basuta
country and at the battle of Berea.
- Major Thompson served with the gth Regiment in the Crimea from the 15th Feb. 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol; was in the trenches during a sortie on the 5th June, also during the assault and capture of the
Qaarries on the 7th June, with Eyre's Brigade at the assan't and capture of the Cemetery and Rifle-pits on the i8tli
June, and with the Reserve atthe attack of the Redan on the Sth Septeml)or (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
Commanded a hundred men of the 31st Regiment with a Field Force under Captain Murray, Roj-al Artillery, in
an expedition against the Taepings in the vicinityof Shanghae in March 1863.
'■' Colonel Cotton served as Aide de Camp to Sir Sydney Cotton commanding the Peshawar Division in the sup¬
pression of the Indian mutiny from Dec. 1857 to its termination. Also served in the expedition on the Euzofzie
border under the same General in 1858, and was present at the destruction of Chingalee, also at the destruction of
Mungultanah, a stronghold of Mokurrabkleans on the Mahabund Mountain. Subsequently at the destruction of
Satanah, and at the taking of the Stockade belonging to the Hindostanee Fanatics on the heights above—mentioned
in despatches (Medal with Clasp).
' Quarter Master Macdonnell served in the Kaffir war of 1852-53 (Medal). Served in the Crimea, after the fall
of Sebastopol, from 19th November 1855 to 4th June 1856. Has the Medal for Jjong Service and Good Conduct.
Royal Carriage Factory. 1 Royal Gun Factory.
Superintendent, Vo\onc\ F. Close, R. Art i Oct. 81 ; Superintendent, Colonel "E. Maitland, R.Art. i May 80
.k««t«^ Sifr/cr. Major E. S. Gordon, R. Art.... i Oct. 77 [ .km»^SMye)'in<<'«fie«^,Maior M. L. Porter, R.Art.i Apr. 77
Coj)<. J«s/i'M<;<0)-, Bt.Major P.L.Graves, R.Art. i Apr. 81 ; Captain Jjis^ractor, Major L. Downes, R. Art. i Jan. 79
Royal Laboratory.
Superintendent, Colonel P. Lyon, R.Art 1 Apr. 80
Assist.Supervntendent, MajorW.R.Barlow.R.Art. i Apr. 81
Capt. Inst.,p.s.c. Capt. G. W. Hawkins, R. Art.
Assist. Inst., Captain W. P. Blandy, R.Art. ... i Apr. 81
Officers Director fCapt. A. W. White, R. Art. i Apr. 79
oJArtilhry'sDept. IC&Vt. T. J. Roch, R. Art.
Surg.MajorC.H.Y.Godwin 18 Nov. 78
Medical Officers
(R. Arsenal)...
Surg.Maj.W.F.Stevenson-^ .
MB , > 4 Aug. 79
Assist. Super¬
intendents .
Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfleld.
Superintendent, Colonel H. T. .^rbuthnot, R.Art.i Apr. 80
Major W. M'Clintock, R.
Art I July So
Major H. Bond, R.Art. (Bir¬
mingham) 1 Apr. 77
Capt. Inspector, Captain W. Hunter, R. Art. 30 Oct. 78
Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham Abbey.
Superintendent, Col. C. B. Brackenbury, R.Art. i July 80
.4««is^S!(j9ennfendeMf,Capt.H.S.S.Watkin,R Art.i July 81
Royal Army Clothing Depot.
Director of Clothing, George D. Ramsay.
Assistant Director, O. H. Morshead.
Storekeeper, Thomas Quinlan.
Medial Officer, Dep. Insp. Gen. P. S. Laing, h.p.
Inspector of Colours, Sir Albert Wm. Woods, Garter King
of Arms.
Continuation of Notes to Eoyal Hospitals, Sfc.
5 Captain M'Gill served with the 79th Highlanders throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the
battles of Alma and Ealaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol, assaults of the 18th June and 8th September, expe¬
dition to Kertch and Ycnikale (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served
also in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59, including the action at Secundra, siege and capture of Lucknow,
attack on Fort Rooyah, action of AUygunge, attack and capture of Baroilly, relief of Siiahjehanpore, and pursuit to
Mahoomdee, passage of theGogra atPyzabad, attack and capture of the Fort ofRamporeKussiah (Medal with Clasp),
« Mr. Carte served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles ofBalaklava and Inkcrman, siege of
Sebastopol, and sortie of 26th Oct. (Medal with Clasps, and Turkish Medal).

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