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300 Promotions, Appointments, &c.
Captain Rhyfi WlllSama, 1st Battalion, Welsh GuardB.
. For flonspicuoua gallantry and great determination on the nitftit of 2rth-iI8tii
Septombor, 1915, during an attack on *' Hill 70." Captain Williams was in
command of the Welsh Guards Machine Guns, and performed very effective
work until wounded.
Up then obtained a dressing tor his wound and returned to the guns, which he
continued to control until midnight, havins: had to lie on his b»rk for the
purpose owing to the nature of hla injuries.
Captain Walter Car.iudini Wilson, 2nd Battalion, The Loiceatershire Regiment.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attack near Pietrc
Farm ou25r,hSepU:mber, 1915. When giving final directions to his raeu
he was severely wounded in tht> stoniach, but he stuck to his work and
wen^ fon\'ard,eni::onrapriiig hia men till he could see through the smoke that
they were over the Geminn parapet. lie was then helped back in an
exhausted state. Captain Wilson's name hiis scvoral times boon broufrht
forward for gallantry and determination.
Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Guy Lindsay <'ruikshauk, Tho Gordon High
landers and Royal Klying Corps.
For conspicuous gallantry in France on 29th September, 1915, when he succcsp-
fally carried out a special minsion involving very great risk.
fiieubenant (temporary Major) Faithful Sidney Evans, 1,9th Battalion, '1 ho
King 8 (Liverpool Jloglmont), Territorial Force.'
For conspicuous gallantrj' on 2Sth September, 1915, in the attack near
Le Rutoire. He commanded hia company with groat ykill and dash, and
hlH chcerfulnt'.is and absolute disregard of danger had a marked effect on
his men, who wore attacking for the tirst timo over open ground. He wa,^
wounded in the attack.
laeatenant (temporary Captain) George Aubrey Kennedy Lawrence, Koyal
Artillery and Boyal Hying Corps.
For conspicuous and repeated acts of gallantry in France, notably thf
On 2lBt September, 1916, he completed a reconnaissance to points 60 miles
inside the Gormau lines, although repeatedly attacked by a hof^tilt*
On 25fh September he att'tckod and hit a moving train near Lille, descending
to 600 feet.
(in 26th September he attai'ked and drove off a hostile aeroplane which wu.s
interfering with oar bombing machines.
On :iOth September he carried out a 3-hour reconnaissance in veiy bad weather.
Although his machine was hit in 70 plai-es by anti-aircraft guns on crossing
I he German lines on his way out, he cariied on and completed his work.
Jiieulenant (temporary Captain) Maitland Klphinstone Park, 2nd Battalion. Thu
Bl:tf;k Watch (Royal Highlanders).
For conspieuoas gallantrj' at Mauquissart on 25th September, 1916, when
leading his company and directing bombing parties in continuous close
lighting from U a.m. to 10 a.m. During this lime ho drove the enemy back
Kome 400 yards alonK two lines of trenches ajid established three blocks,
wnich he hold until relieved.
At Givenchy, on 8th October, tbe enemy exploded two mines about 20 yardt^
from the parapet along which his company was posced. Although halt
buried bvthe tlr-texplosion.he hurried along his Are trench, but was again
half buried and slightly wounded by the second. Six of his men were killed
and many injured, but ho rapidly replaced them from his supports, and was
soon ready to meet any attack.
?le«ond Lieutenant (temporary Captain) James Ivory Buchan. 2nd Battalion, The
Hl«ck Watch (Royal Hlghlandets).
For ijonsplouous gallantry at Manqnissart on 25th September, 1915. when rally¬
ing and leading his company after both he himself and many men bail
suffered from the effects of gas. Ho led his men over three lines of German
i.r«nPheH, hln i-ompany b*'iiig the flret t,o entor tht*lr reserve Hue near tu<i
IT« oilIv KjghT« thtt OT'ltir to r«Ur4 wbf.u thv troupv <>» l)oLb tluuW:> bad btien r>rru(.i'l
L*ek oy ctiii «memy'» <iouii:>«ti.'ji[rMuk and btt himsuli' h*d beoa wounddi.1.

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