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969 General Officers Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension. — War Services.
Turkish War Medal, and the Order of the Medjidie). Served as Assistant Adjutant General of the Cavalry
Division of the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1857, and subsequently appointed Assistant Adjutant General to
the Force (Medal with Clasp, and CB'.).
S4 i Major General H. J. Hallowes served with Brigadier General Gough's Brigade in the Afghan war of 1879-80,
and was present during the march to and subsequent occupation of Cabul, and in the operations at Jugdulluck
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
342 Major General C. M. Griffith organized and commanded the A Division Transport Train attached to the 1st
Brigade 1st Division of the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force. Co mm anded the party furnished with stretchers
forthe removal of the wounded' from the field of action on the 10th and 13th April 1868 at Arogee and Magdala
(mentioned in despatches as having "distinguished himself by his zeal and activity," and as "deserving of
special notice," Brevet of Major, and Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the
defence of Candahar (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp).
343 Major General C. J. Griffiths served with the 43rd Native Iniantry in Boohtan in 1864, including the capture,
retreat from, and retaking of Dewangiri, and several minor engagements (Medal with Clasp). Served with the
3rd Sikhs in the Hazara campaign of 1868 including the expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountain
(Clasp). Served with the 3rd Sikh Infantry in the Jowaki Expedition of 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present at the forcing of the Shutargardan— wounded (mentioned
in despatches), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 including the investment of Sherpore (men-
tioned in despatches) ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at
the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze
su Major General J. Gunter served with the 1st Dragoon Guards in the Crimean campaign from 16th Aug.
1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the cam-
paign of i860 in China; was engaged at Sinho, present at the fall of the Taku Forts, and engaged in the actions
of 1 8th and 21st September, also in the advance on Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
34i Major General N. X. Gwynne served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 as a Brigade Major, and took part with the
expedition into the Bazar Valley (Medal). Served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 1st Battalion
Shropshire Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
346 Major General L. A. Hale served in the Kafir war in 1878-79 (Medal with Clasp).
347 Major General R. H. O'G. Haly served with the ■znd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment throughout the
Egyptian war of 188?, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta. in the two actions
at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Served with the Hazara Expedition in 1888 in command of the 2nd Column under Brigadier General Channer
(mentioned in despatches, DsO., and Medal with Clasp).
348 Major General O. Hamilton served the campaign of 1845 under Sir Charles Napier against the Hill Tribes
in Sind. Also the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 (Medal).
349 Major General T. de C. Hamilton served with the 90th Light Infantry in Kaffirland during the whole of the
war of 1846-47 (Medal). Served with the 68th Light Infantry the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the
battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, Victoria Cross,
Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal) : received the ififf "for having, on the night of the nth May
1855, during a most determined sortie (from Sebastopol), boldly charged the enemy, with a small force from a
battery of which they had obtained possession in great numbers, thereby saving the works from falling into the
hands of the enemy. He was conspicuous on this occasion for his gallantry and daring conduct."
353 Major General F. Hammersley served in the Trenches at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the
1 8th June (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, Sardiniau Medal, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
356 Major General G. W". Hanson served with the Bombay Column in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was
present at the siege and surrender of Moolta.n (Medal with Clasp). Present at the action of Ambapawnee.
357 Major General J. Hanwell served in the Crimean campaign from May 1855 including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
358 Major General P. H. Harcourt served throughout the Central India campaign of 1857-58 (mentioned in
despatches, Medal with Clasp).
360 Major General J. T. Harris served in the 2nd European Bengal Fusiliers with the force before Delhi in
1857, was present at the battle of Budleekeserai and subsequent operations before Delhi, and severely wounded
through the thigh in the Subzee Mundee. on the 27th June ; served subsequently in Oude in 1858-59 (Medal with
Clasp). Served with the 15th Punjaub Infantry in the campaign of i860 in China, including the action of Sinho,
taking of Tangku, and actions of Chankiawhan and Paliachow, and advance on Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
366 Major General E. Harrison served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, and was present at the battle of Sobraon
(Medal). ,
370 Major General G. H. Hawes served the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 with the 9th Regiment including the
battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps). Also in the Crimea from the 27thNov. 1854,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault on the batteries on the 18th June (Medal with Clasp, Brevet
Of Major, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
372 Major General A. C. Hawkins served in the Crimean campaign from March 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol, and was present at the bombardments of the 9th April, and 17th June, 17th August, and 8th Sep-
tember (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, CB., Medal with Clasp, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th
Class of the Medjidie).
376 Major General H. B. Hay ward served with the 45th Regiment in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868, and was
present at the storming and capture of Magdala (Medal) .
377 Major General Hon. W. H. Herbert served with the 46th Regiment in the Crimea from the 31st July, 1855. in-
cluding the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
3 ' 8 Major General J. W. Henderson-Cleland served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
s0 Major General M. A. H. J. Heriot served on the China Expedition of 1857-58, including the blockade of the
Canton river, the landing before, storm and capture of the city; accompanied the expedition to the North and
was wounded at the attack on the forts at the Peiho on 25th June 1859. Served in the campaign of i860 with the
Chinese Coolie Corps, and took part in the expedition to the North and the operations there, including the action
of Sinho and the storming of Tangku and of the North Taku Forts (Medal with three Clasps).
381 Major General B. B. Herrick served with the Baltic Expeditions in 1854 and 1855 (Medal).
382 Major General J. J. Heywood served with the 1st Royals in the Crimean campaign from the 1st June 1835,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served as Commandant of
H.M. Hospital Ship Victor Emanuel off the Gold Coast during the Ashanti war in 1874 (Medal).
365 Major General J. E. D. Hill served with the 97th Regt. in the Crimea from the 29th July 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, and was one of the lieutenants of the ladder party at the attack of the Redan on 8th Sept. , on
which occasion he was wounded in the left hip, and mentioned in despatches for "distinguished conduct" (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
387 Sir John Hills served with the Persian Expeditionarv Force in 1857, and was present at the capture of
Mohumra (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force as Field Engineer at Koomeylee,
the large watering post at the foot of the mountains, constructing wells and other works there ; also served as
Field Engineer at Senafe (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part
in the defence of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition
in 1S86-87 as Commanding Royal Engineer at Head Quarters (Clasp).
394 Major General T. W. Holland served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the battle of Sobraon (Medal).
Was at Delhi on nth May 1857 at the outbreak of the mutiny, and served as Aide de Camp to Major General Penny
from July to Dec. ; accompanied Beaton's Column from Delhi to Futteghur ; served with Lord Clyde's Force at the
capture of Lucknow ; accompanied Lugard's Force in relief of Azimghur and in pursuit of Koer Sing to Arrah;
served witn the Azimghur Field Force from March to June 1858 in the operations against the rebels in the Jugdes-
pore jungles ; and with the Shahabad Field Force from Oct. 1858 to March 1859 in operations against rebels (twice
mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp) . Served with the Bhootan Field Force of 1865-66 in Assam (Medal
with Clasp).

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