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General Officers Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension. — Wat Services. 968
Field Engineer and in charge of guides and a survey with a large armed force to escort elephants from Arracan to
Pegu in 1853, and present at the attack and investment of Prome, capture of Toma, and sundry skirmishes there,
and in pursuit of the Burman Governor of Padore (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
291 Major General A. G. Forsyth served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the action of Sadoola-
poi-e (Medal). Served also in the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857-59, including the action near Agra on the 5th
July, battle of Agra on the 10th Oct. 1857, and action of Dowra (Medal).
294 Major General G. S. Fowle served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 (Medal).
295 Lord Frankfort de Montmorency served with the 33rd Regiment in the Crimea In 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol and attack of the Redan on the 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, Sardinian and Turkish
Medals). Commanded a Detachment of the 33rd against the rebels, and after the death of the senior Officer
commanded the Dohud Field Force in suppressing the insurgent Bheels in the Rewa Kanta, Guzerat. Served
with a Wing of the Regiment at the siege and occupation of Dwarka, Okamundel. Served in the Abyssinian
campaign of 1867-68 (Medal). Commanded the Frontier Field Force during the operations in the Soudan in
1886-87 (Khedive's Star). Commanded the British Column of the Frontier Field Force during the operations on
the Nile in 1889 (mentioned in despatches).
300 Major General "William French served with the expedition to China in i860, and was present at Sinho,
Tangku, capture of Taku Forts, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps). Also during the operations
against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai in May and October 1862, including the capture of the walled
cities of Tsinpoo and Tsolin, the fortified city of Najow, the affair at Nanksiang, and recapture of the walled city
of Kahding. Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, took part in the defence of Candahar (mentioned in despatches),
and was nresent at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp).
307 Major General D. Gaye served in Scinde in 1843 in command of two guns with the Detachment which, in
the night attack on the British Camp near Shahdadpore, defeated and dispersed the Forces of Meer Shah Mahomed,
taking all his cannon.
303 Major General B. M. Gilbert-Cooper served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, and was present at the assault and
capture of Kotah, pursuit of the rebels under Tantia Topee, the Rao Saheb, and the Nawab of Banda in June
July and August 1858 ; at the action of Sanganeer and the battle of the Bunass ; with Brigadier Parke's pursuing
Column from August to November 1858 (Medal with Clasp).
310 Major General A. Harness served in the Kafir war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at the
Taba-ka-Udoda (mentioned in despatches) ; also served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engage-
ment at XJlundi (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., and Medai with Clasp).
313 Major General W. J. Gillespie served with the 1st Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian
war of 1882, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout
the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885 with the 1st Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment, and was present in
the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba (mentioned in despatches) and the subsequent advance to
and burning of Temai (two Clasps).
313 Major General G. C. Girardot served in the China war of i860 with the 3rd Bombay Infantry as an Ensign
(Medal with Clasp).
315 Major General A. C. Gleig served in the Crimean campaign of 1854-55, including the siege and fall of Sebastopo
(Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
3:6 Major General Hatchell served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and took part in the several expeditions into
the Bazar Valley (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and Medal).
318 Major General W. H. R. Godfrey served m the Burmese war in 1852-53 and was present at he storming of
Rangoon j was also present at the repeated attacks on Naweng from 1st November to 20th December 1852 (Medal
with Clasp for Pegu).
319 Major General R. T. Godman served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Adjutant of the 5th Dragoon Guards
including the battles of Balaklava, Inkerman, and Tchernaya, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps,
and Turkish Medal).
340 Sir F. J. Goldsmid served with the expedition to China in 1840-42, and was present at the affair of Chuenpee
and Bogue Forts (Medal). Served as Assistant Adjutant General in the Turkish Contingent under General Vivian
in Turkey and the Eastern Crimea from July 1855 to the close of the Prussian war (4th Class of the Medjidie). At
the commencement of the operations in Egypt in 1882 he organised an Intelligence Department at Alexandria
(mentioned in despatches, 2nd Class of the Osmanieh) .
321 Major General W.T. Goldsworthv serv sd inOude with the Volunteer Cavalry of Havelock's column in i857,and was
present at the actions of Oonaoand Busseerutgunje, and recapture of Busseerutgunje; for these services he received
a Commission in the 8th Hussars. Served in Rajpootana and Central India, on the staff and with the 8th Hussars
throughout the campaign of 1858-59, including the siege of Kotah, re-occupation of Chondeyree, battle ot Kotah ke
Serai (as Aide de Camp to Brigadier Smith), capture of Gwalior (as Aide de Camp to Sir Hugh Rose), siege and
capture of Powrie, actions of Koondrye and Boordah as Brigade Major in the Rajpootana Field Force, which ap-
pointment he held from the fall of Gwalior in June 1858 to the end of the war (eight times mentioned in despatches,
Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major on attaining the rank of Captain). Served throughout the Abyssinian
Expedition in 1S68 on the Staff as Brigade Major of Cavalry, and was present at the taking of Magdala (twice
mentioned in despatches, Medal, and promoted to Major unattached without purchase).
325 Major General E. C. A. Gordon served in the Uustern campaign from April 1854 to its close, when he was
appointed H.M.'s Commissioner for the settlement of claims against the Turkish Government for the Crimean
war (Turkish Medal). In 1862 was appointed British Member of the Mixed Military Commission charged with
the demarkation of the Rayon of the fortress of Belgrade.
328 Major General C. M. Govan served with the expedition to China in i860, and was present at Sinho, Tangku,
and capture of Taku Forts (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Also served in the operations against the
Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai in April and May 1862.
331 Major General T. Graham served throughout the Hazara and Black Mountain campaign in 1868 (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal, and Bronze Decoration). Served with the Zhob Valley
expedition in 1884. Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 in command of the Thayetmyo District and of
the troops engaged on that frontier (mentioned in despatches, Clasp). Commanded the Sikkim Expedition in
1888-89 (received the thanks of the Viceroy and of the Government of India, CB., and Clasp). Served with the
Manipore Expedition in 189 1 in command of the Tamu Column (received the thanks of the Government of India,
mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
333 Major General G. F.Graham served with the force in the Cossyah and Jynteah Hills during the rebellion of
331 Major General W. H. Graham served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
*»* Major General J. W. Green served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with
the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
340 Sir Wm. Henry Green served with a detachment of the Sind Irregular Horse with the Bombay Column in the
Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege and surrender of Mooltan, battle of Goojerat, pursuit and
surrender of the Sikh army (Medal with two Clasps). Joined the Turkish army at Kars in the winter of 1854 ; in
May the same year he was employed on special duty by Her Majesty's Government, and joined the Turkish army
of the Danube under Omer Pasha as 2nd in Command of a body of Irregular Horse with the rank of Colonel in
the Ottoman army; joined Her Majesty's steamer Leander as a volunteer on the embarkation of the army for
the Crimea in the employment of Her Majesty's Foreign Office, and was present in all the operations of the fleet
up to 1st October; landed with the Royal Marines that occupied the heights of Balaklava October 14th; present
at the battles of Balaxlava and Inkerman; appointed Assistant Field Engineer and joined the Royal Engineers in
the right attack, siege of Sebastopol ; present in the batteries at the bombardment in October 1854 and April 1855,
and repulse of sorties 22nd and 23rd March 1855 ; April 17th severely wounded while on duty in the trenches (men-
tioned in despatches) ; joined the Ualtic Fleet on the 27th July in the employment of Her Majesty's Foreign Office,
and was present on board Her Majesty's steamer Lightning at the bombardment of Sweaborg on 7th and 8th
Aufiast; returned to Turkey and was appointed Assistant Adjutant General to a body of Irregular Horse and
European Horse Artillery 19th January 1855 (Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, Danube Gold Medal

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