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Colonels Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension. — War Services. 678
the attack and capture of AH Musjid, and in the engagement at Futtehabad as Orderly Officer to Brigadier
Genera] G. Gough (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
589 Colonel D. J. D. Safford served with the 97th Regiment in Bengal in suppressing the mutiny in i857-58^with
the Jounpore Field Force in the actions of Chanda, Ummeerpore, and Sultanpore, afterwards at the siege and
capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
_ 59 ° Colonel M. T. Sale served throughout the Bhootan campaign of 1864-65 in command ofa Company of Bengal
Sappers and Miners, and as Assistant Field Engineer (Medal with Clasp).
: 591 Colonel C. E. Salkeld served with the 2nd Bengal Cavalry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present
in the action at Kassasin ( 9 th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and the capture of Cairo (Medal with.
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
592 Colonel A. Saltmarshe served during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58 (Medal). Served with the 70th Regiment
m New Zealand during the war of 1863-65, and was severely wounded at Pukikohe (mentioned in despatches,
Brevet of Major, and Medal) .
= 93 Colonel W. H. Snndhani served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal).
* Colonel R. A. Sargeaunt served in the Passes during the Abyssinim campaign in charge of Water Supply
and road repairs (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
-9K ( -' ' one ' J- H. Satterthwaite served in the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875 (Medal with Clasp).
=96 Colonel II. J. Savage served with the detachment of the 91st Regiment in the expedition against the insurgent
Boers beyond the Orange River. SouthAfrica, in 1845; also in the Kaffir warof 1846-47; and in that in 1852-53 (Medal).
''' Colonel A. Schmid served in the Sehleswig-Uolstein Army during the first Danish war, and took part in the
campaigns of 1848-50, being present at niost of the actions, and has received the Schle«wig-Holstein decoration.
Colonel C. E. S. Scott served in the Crimean campaign from May 1855, in the Trenches with the siege train
at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (wounded), and bombardments of 6th and 17th June and 17th August (Medal with
Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
599 Colonel C. H. S. Scott served with the 71st Light Infantry in the Crimean campaign from the 7th February
1855, including the siege of Sebastopol, expedition to Kertch, destruction of aud affairs atTaman (Medal with Clasp,
and Turkish Medal). Served with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose, and was present at the.
aotious of Koonch, Muttra, and Deopoora, battle of Galolee, capture of Calpee, action of Morar, aud capture of
Gwalior (mentioned in despatches). In November 1858 accompanied a Flying Column to hunt up rebels in the
Gwahor district as Staff Officer to the Column (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
°™ Colonel E. K. Scott served with the Bundlecund field force in 1850.
601 Colonel Albert Seagrim served with the 1st Rovals in the Crimea from the 20th August 1835, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol (Med»l with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
6 " z Colonel H. L. Searle was at the action of Ecknaes in the Gulf of Finland, 20th May 1854, in action with the
torts of Bumarsund T 5 th August, and at the surrender of Fort Prasto on tho 16th August. Served with the Baltic
Expedition in 1855, and in the mortar-boat flotilla during the bombardment of Sweaborg (Medal).
604 Colonel M. C. Seton served with the 67th Regiment throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, including
the action of Sinho, the taking of Tangku, storm and capture of the inner Taku Fort, and surrender of Pekin
(Medal with two Clasps). Also served against the Taeping rebels in the vicinity of Shanghai in 1862, and was
present at_ the taking of the fortified stockades at Naizang, storm and capture of the walled cities of Kading,
Ismpoo, Najow and Onolin. Served with the 67th Regiment throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was
present in the engagement at Charasiah on the 6th October 1S79, and in the operations around Cabul in December
1879, including the investment of Sherpore (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86
W1 6os n 2nd ■ B;UtaUon Hampshire Regiment including the surrender of Mandalay (Medal with Clasp).
Colonel J. F. T. Shadwell served with the 87th Fusiliers in the Indian campaign of 1857-58 ; commanded the
selected marksmen of the Regiment during tho Peshawur outbreak ; was present at the mutiny and destruction
60- n 5ISt Be !'- al Native Infantry on the 12th August 1857 (Medal).
Colonel E. VV. Shaw was employed in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-59, and was present at
Uunnee with force forming rear guard of Commander in Chief's Army during the capture of Lucknow ; also present
at the affair of Dobriah and commanded a detachment of his regiment at Hurryah on the 29th August 1858, also at
Uoomeragunge on 26th November 1858, under Brigadier Rowcroft, also at Burreeah on the 3rd December 1858 ;
present at the battle of Toolespore (Medal).
_ "'' Colonel T. R. Shaw-Hellier served with the 4th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present
"an eil « a S ements at Tel-el- Mahuta and Kassasin on the 28th August (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Colonel Sidebottom-Venner served with the Buffs at the siege of Sebastopol in 1855 and was present at the
assault of the Eedun on the iSth June (Medal with Clasp and Turkish Medal).
Colonel R. J. B. Simpson served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86, and commanded the storming party
at the Minhla Redoubt and was dangerously wounded in the attack at Kadoe on the 13th January which he con-
ducted (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
11 Colonel T. T. Simpson served with the Peshawur Division during the Seooy mutiny in 1858. Served with
the Force under Brigadier General Cnamberlain in 1859-60 against the Cabool Khail Wuzeerees, and was present
at the capture and burning of Maidanee (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Zhob Valley Field Force under
Brigadier General Sir 0. V. Tanner from the 2nd September to the 2nd December 1884.
°' 2 Colonel R. M. Skinner served in the defence of the Kumaon Hills and Rohilcund against the rebels in
1S57-58, and present at the actions of Huldwanee on the 17th Sept. 1857 and 1st Jan. 1858, and Cherpoorah on i3th
Feb. 1S58, and saved the life of his commanding Officer at the risk of his own (Medal).
' 3 Colonel C. F. J. Skottowe served with the Turkish Contingent in the Crimea during the Russian war, and
was present at the defence and occupation of Kertch. Served as a volunteer with the 35th Madras Native Infantry
during the Burmese war of 1852-53, and was present at the capture of Prome 9th and 10th October 1852, at Nowany
from 19th October to 20th December 1852; accompanied the force under Sir John Chea^e to Meeaday, and present
at the attack of the stockades 30th January 1853, and other minor affairs (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
- 5 Colonel F. J. Smith served as an Assistant Field Engineer with the Okamundel Field Force in 1859. Served
with the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force, and had charge of the survey aud works proposed and partly executed
m connection with the supply of water to Zoulla from Koomeylee, 12 miles (Medal).
616 Colonel A. E. H. Smyth served with the 2nd Battalion i^th Foot in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Can-
dahar Field Force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
617 Colonel C. C. Smyth served in the Transport Department on the Red River Expedition from Canada of 1870.
Served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Jowaki campaign in 1877 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 51st Light
Infantry in the Afghan war of 1S78-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, in the first
expedition to the Bazar Valley (mentioned in despatches), and in the advance to the relief of Cabul including the
affair at Jugdulluck (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in command of Kroomen
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; also served in the opera-
tions near Suakin in December 1888, including the engagement, at Gemaizah (mentioned in despatches, Clasp,
and 3rd Class of the Medjidie).
618 Colonel J. Smyth commanded the 69th Regiment during the repulse of an incursion of Fenians into Canada in
May 1S70.
619 Colonel R. G. Smyth served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, and was present at the final siege and capture
of Lucknow in 1858 (Meaal with Clasp).
620 Colonel E. B. Snow served with the Baltic Expedition in 1854 and 1855 (Medal). [See also Civil Decorations
for Gallantry, p. 786.]
621 Colonel H. G. E. Somerset served with the Cape Mounted Riflemen in the Kaffir war of 1847, and in that of
1850-52 (Medal).
622 Colonel W. F. Spaight served with the Nile Expedition in 3884-85 in charge of Transport at Dal (mentioned
in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
623 Colonel A. T. Spens served with the Persian Expeditionary Field Force in 1856 and 1857, and was present at
the landing at Hallilah Bay, assault and capture of Reshire, and surrender of Bushire, at Borazjoon (wouuded),and
action of Khooshab ; commanded the Left Troop of the Squadron 3rd Light Cavalry, which charged and broke the

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