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Colonels Retired on, Full or Retired Pay or on a. Pension.
Hall, Montagu, 201 Lt.CoI. Minister Fusiliers
Hall, Richard Spencer, 262 Lt.Vol. Coldstrm. Guards
p.s.c. Hall, Wm. Bruce Raikes, Lt.Col. R. Art
Hallett, Clem. Thos. Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corns
Hallett, Wyndham Hughes, 26 * Xt.CoMndian S. C.
p.s.c. Haly, Rich. H. 0'Grady, 265 CB. DSO.Lt.Col. \
Suffolk Regt 5
Hamilton, George John, 267 Lt.Col. Scottish Rifles
Hamilton, Henry Blackburne. 269 Lt.Col. 14 Hussars
Hamilton, John James, Lt.Col. Liverpool Regt
p.s.c. Hammick, Sir St. Vincent Alex. 270 Bart. \
Lt.Col. Oxford Light Infantry j
Hammond, Hy .Albany, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps
Hamond, Robt. Thomas, Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Art....
Handley, Aug. Meurant, 271 Lt.Col. Yorkshire Regt.
Hanna, Hy. Bathurst, 272 Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Harcourt, A. Fred. P. 273 Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Harcourt, George John, 274 Lt.Col. 102 Foot
Hardy, Hon. Chas. Gathorne Gathome-, Lt.Col. \
Reserve Depot i
Hardy, Edm. Armitage, 275 J)/u;'or, 21 Hussars
Harford, Fred. Henry, Major, Scots Guards
Harington, Fred. Wm. 276 Col. Regimental District
Harris, Henry S'm." Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps
Harris, James Edw. Lt.Col. Suffolk Regiment
Harrison, Chas. Wm. I. Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Eng...
p.s.c. Harvey, Chas.Lacon, 2;<J Lt. Col. Wiltshire Regt.
Harvey, Charles Smith, 230 Lt.Col. Royal Artillery...
Hassard, Robert Deey, iil Lt.Col. Bombay S.C
Hassell, Jas. Wm. S! Lt.Col. Royal Scots
Hasted, John Ord, Lt.Col. R. (JIadras) Engineers.
Havelock, Acton Chaplin, Lt.Col. Madras S. C
Hawes, Herbert J. Lt.Col. Bengal S.C
Hawthorn, George Shedden, 284 Lt.Col. BombayS.C.
Hawthorn, Robert, 285 Col. Royal Engineers
Hay, Charles, Major, Bombay Staff Corps
p.s.c. Heasiop, Colpoys Parkyns, Lt.Col. R. Mar. Art
Heathcote, Charles Graham', 267 Lt.Col. Regtl. Dist
Hebbert, William Stanley, 268 Lt. CW.R. (Madras) Art
Heberdeu, Henry, 289 Lt. Col. Royal Artillery,!
p.s.c. Helsbam- Jones, Henry H. 2 ' J0 Zt Col. R. Eng ...
Hemery. Edward, Lt. Col. R. (Madras) Engineers..
Henry, George Cecil, 292 Col. Royal Artillery [R] ..
Hepper, Albert James, 233 L>SO. Lt.Col. R. Eng
Herbert, Geo. Flower, 299 Lt. Col. Regtl. District
Hercy, Eustace Lovelace, Col. Regtl. District
Herschel, John, Major, R. (Bengal) Engineers
Hewetson, Geo. Shaw Butler. Lt.Col. Madras S.C.
Hewett, Geo. L. K. s9e Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps ....
Heywood, John Magee. Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Eng....
Hill, Francis Charles, 297 Lt.Col. Essex Regiment ...
Hill, John, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Hill, Peter Edw. 298 Zr. Col. Royal Artillery
Hillyard, George Anson, 2984 Lt.Col. Ritle Brigade...
Hitchins, Horatio Otto, 299 Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Art.
Hobart, Geo. B. Benjamin, 800 Lt.Col. Royal Art. ...
Hodnett, William Patrick, Lt.Col. Dorset Regt. ...
Hogg, John Roberts, Col. Royal Engineers
Holberton, Thos. Nelson, 302 Col. Royal Artillery ...
Holdsworth. John Kelly, Lt. Col. Roval Artillery ...
Holt, William J. 30 * CB. Col. Regimental District ...
Home, David Milne, 305 Col. Regimental District ...
Home, Fred. Jervis, CSI. Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Eng.
p.s.c.KooA, Wm. Chas. 307 Lt. Col. West Surrey Regt.
Hook, Lionel, 508 Lt. Col. 19 Foot [R]
Hooke, Henry Hudson, 3 '~' 9 Col. Regimental District
Hope, Charles Erroll, 3l0 Lt.Col. Regimental Dist...
Hore, John Christopher, 312 Lt.Col. Royal Marines...
Hornsby, Geo. Mackenzie Bent, 313 Lt.Col. R. Art...
Hoskins, Arthur Reginald, 3 ' * Lt. Col. R. (Bom.) Art.
Hudleston, John, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps
Hudleston, Josiah, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps
Hughes, Wm.Gwynne.Di.if. Col. MadrasSiaffCorps
Hume, Edward Trevor, 310 Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Art.
Humfrey, Ben.j. Geale, 317 Lt . Vol. Royal Artillery ...
Hunt, John Lombard, Lt.Col. 7 Hussars
Hunt. Shelley Leigh, Lt.Vol. Indian Staff Corps ...
Hunter, Charles, 319 Lt.Col. Royal (Bengal) Art
Hunter, Charles Peter, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C
Huskisson, John Wilham, 320 if. Col. EssexRegt.(s6F.)
nuskisson, Norman, 321 Lt.Col. Yorkshire Lt. Inf....
Huskisson, Samuel Geo. 322 Lt.Col. Middlesex Regt.
Hussey, Charles Edward, Col. Regimental Dist. ...
Hutcheon, David, 324 Lt. Col. Bombay S.C
Hutton, Edmund Baron. Lt.Col. 1 Dragoons
Hutton, Henry Francis, 326 Lt.Col. Welsh Fusiliers
lldarton, Chas. E. J27 DSO. Lt.Col. W. Surrey Regt.
Impey, Eugene Clutterbuck, 328 C/A". Lt.Col.',Ben..S.C.
Iredell, James Shrubb, 32 '-' Lt.Col. Bombay S. C
Isaacson, Henry de S. Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Isacke, Henry Wedderbum, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Isacke, Lancelot Henry, 331 Lt.Col. Madras S.C
Izod, William Henry, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
1 Mar. 52 1 Feb. 56
25 May 60 29 May 63
30 Dec. 4;
6 Nov. 51
22 Sept.S4
:i July 6
6 Aug. 6
2 Mar. 6
:2 Dec. 57
2 July 58
4 Jan. 60
8 June 55
20 Jan. 50
26 Oct. 60
2 Feb. 41
21 June 56
1 Feb. 48
19 Dec. Co
6 Nov. 58 11 Feb. 62
.., June 55
1 July 64 15 May 66
30 Dec. 65
29 May 63
11 Dec. 58 1 Oct. 61
28 May 58
4 Apr. 54
6 Jan. 60
1 June 58
5 Mar. 58
1 Jan. 44
15 Sept.53
9 Dec. 53
8 Dec. 55
24 Feb. 46
20 Feb. 52
19 June 50
27 June 60
20 Dec. 54
:g Aug. 56
7 Au
15 Oct. 61
1 Jan. 62
23 Nov. 56
to June 53
30 Dec. 64
22 Sept. 42
1 3 Jan. 60
3 Oct. 6
3 Nov. =
3 Oct. 62
27 Aii£
10 July 60
Apr. 59
13 July 46 12 Oct. 57
8 Dec. 54 25 Mar. 61
27 Apr. 58:22 Mar. 63
20 j une 49
9 Dec. 42
16 Dec. 46
15 Oct. 50
5 Feb. 58
12 Dec. 56
20 Feb. 54
20 Jan. 57
13 June 56
21 Oct. 53
22 June 53
'.6 June 59
12 Dec. 51
26 Oct. 58
4 July 60
5 Sept. 34
=3 Aug. 5
J May 55
:S June 51
4 Aug. 58
3 July 4S 1
12 Dec. 50
30 July 62
18 Jan. 87
6 July 67
28 Aug. 57
19 Dec. 72
13 Aug. 66
28 Dec. 60
24 Mar. 69
8 Nov. 74
26 Feb. 70
11 Dec. 70
12 June 66
23 Jan. 69
4 Jan. 72
8 June 67
15 Aug. 60
17 Apr. 69
25 Nov. 52
4 Nov. 64
8 May 72
12 Sept. 66
2 Dec. 68
14 Dec. 70
23 Oct. 67
1 Oct. 71
18 Dec. 75
8 Sept.
30 Dec.
9 Dec.
20 Nov.
5 Jan.
1 July
1 July
1 July
11 Dec.
i2 Apr.
7 June
12 May
8 June
4 Jan.
22 Sept.8o 14 July
7 Aug. 75 1 28 Apr.
8 Sept.82j 8 Sept.
30 Dec. 69 25 Nov.
19 Dec. 86 19 Dec.
iS Nov.82'18 Nov.
74J15 Dec. 84(15 Dec.
81 17 Mar. 86J17 Mar.
4 Feb.
10 Nov.
11 Dec.
10 Dec.
29 Sept.
2 Mar.
8 June
7 June
20 July
2 June 52
22 Dec. 52
24 July 57 „
6 May 62 29 Dec. 65
1 June 58 27 Aug
20 May 58
1 Feb. 50
11 May 54
17 Feb. 54
30 July 62
19 Dec. 56
21 Sept. 60
10 June 59
2 Oct. 50
1 Aug. 55
10 Dec. 48
23 Oct. 47
22 Dec. 59
10 Dec. 52
11 Feb. 59
27 Aug. 58
14 Sept. 55
9 July 57
27 Aug. 58
iS Aug. 54
25 June 62
7 June 54
26 Apr. 64
8 June 57
7 Apr. 56
3 Dec. 61
1 Oct. 57
27 Apr. 58
17 Feb. 54
Feb. 59
8 Dec. 67
27 June 57
20 Feb. 64
22 Sept. 58
27 June 72
3 Aug. 67
10 Nov. 65
6 July 72
18 Oct. 55
29 July 63
12 Mar. 56
20 June 54
21 Sept. 72
9 Sept. 55
14 Mar. 65
10 Nov. 69
20 Feb. 66 20 Feb
20 Jan. 69 : 20 Jan.
to Nov. 691 3 May
16 Mar. 60J25 Jan.
12 Sept. 75 ! 2j June
1 Apr. 60] 5 July
11 Sept 72 i July
6 Feb. 61 5 July
14 Nov. 66/24 July
1 July
4 Apr.
1 July
1 June
9 Nov.
19 Feb.
1 Jan.
14 Apr.
5 July
•i Hoc.
24 Feb.
20 Feb.
5 July
27 June
1 Oct.
2 May
1 July
5 Dec.
4 Aug.
2 Nov.
1 July
14 Oct.
23 Oct.
10 Mar.
11 Sept. 63
4 Dec. 38
7 Sept. 61
3 Aug. 54 26 July 55
2 Nov. 58
22 Dec. 59
:8 Apr. 56
1 July 59
7 Oct. 55
30 Sept 68
8 Jan. 63
9 Dec. 60
26 Mar. 60
2 Sept. 68
2 Dec. 68
14 Dec. 70
3 A ug. 70
27 Apr. 49.
23 Oct. 67 1
7 Nov. 63
3 Aug. 67
25 Sept. 72
30 Mar. 60
a Aug. 70
18 Feb. 61
1 30 July 90
81I21 June 87
78 11 Dec. 84
73I 1 July 81
79I29 Sept. 82
77 2 Mar. 81
75 8 June 81
71 11 Nov. 76
12 Aug. 76 ] 30 July
58^5 Mar. 69! 2 Oct.
29 June 72' 27 Sept.
Si j 7 Mar. 86 7 Mar.
74 l 4 Apr. 8o| 1 7 Aug.
8i[ 1 Apr. 86 1 Apr.
78|i2 Aug. 8612 Aug.
70 24 Dec. 84 24 Dec.
79I 19 Feb. 8617 Aug.
64, 1 Jan. 70 14 Apr.
74J 1 July 81; 1 July
72 18 Mar. 78 18 Mar.
75; 8 Dec. 81! 8 Dec.
66 ! 24 Feb. 72,23 June
72^0 Feb. 78I15 Dec.
72 1 Apr. 76 2 July
80,27 June 86|23 Aug.
77I20 Dec. 82I31 Dec.
1 July 811 1 July
18 Nov. 82! 2 Jan.
1 July 74 j 1 July
1 July 8:j 1 July
28 June 62*25 Nov.
55|3i Aug. 65 20 July
81: 1 Oct. 87 '20 Dec.
68[ 6 Sept. 73] 6 Sept.
75! i July 81 j 1 July
76 10 Mar. 83110 Mar.
74 20 Feb. 80I 1 Mar.
77120 Jan. 83 20 Jan.
75 3 May 82' 3 May
71 1 Oct. 77 1 Oct.
82 25 June 89 1 Aug.
72 S June 79! 8 June
Si, 19 Nov. 38 29 Sept
72 31 Dec. 7S ( 2i July
75 24 July S2J24 July
81,14 Apr. 86(14 Apr.
7714 July 83,14 July
72 24 Aug. 77 24 Aug.
1 July
1 Oct.
5 July .
5 July 72,17 Apr. 7
23 Jan.
31 Dec.
1 July
18 Jan.
1 July
1 Oct.
26 May
13 Nov.
5 July
4 Aug.
3 July
c May 82
6 Apr. 81
12 Au
17 Apr,
6 May
6 Apr.
12 Aug,
2 June <;8 25 Dec. 60,12 June 70^2 June
: 7 Apr. 58
21 Dec. 53 28 June 54
19 Aug. 62 22 Nov. 64
9 June 60 30 July 62
]i2 June 52
20 Jan. 51 1
I 8 Nov. 50
24 Sept. 58
15 May 55
20 Mar. 59
17 Feb. 47
30 Mar. 60
I 1 Apr. 59
I 5 Sept. 62
10 Dec. 50
13 Dec. 56
11 Dec. 49
6 July 57
8 Apr. 53
9 Jan. 55
!2 Aug. 60
1 Jan. 59
o June 62
3 Sept. 51
23 Sept. 62
2 Dec. 63
20 May 68
15 Nov. 53
31 Jan. 58
23 June 57
Oct. 57
24 Mar. 65 in Dec.
1 Apr. 60 1 5 July
22 June 70; 1 July
9 June 72 j 9 June
29 Apr. 61 1 5 July
20 Jan. 63 ! 20 Jan.
10 Oct. 65 j 2 Dec.
6 Sept. 73 22 Dec.
10 Jan. 72 19 July
14 Sept. 70 1 July
9 Dec. 60 17 Feb.
8 May 67' 10 Apr.
:2 Aug. 68 j 1 Apr.
31 Oct. 71 , 1 July
to Dec. 62! 10 Dec.
13 Dec. 68; 13 Dec.
16 Nov. 68' 1 July
,, 7 Nov. 69 26 Feb.
15 Nov. 53111 Dec. 61I11 Dec.
20 Apr. 55 27. Jan. 63! 5 July
10 Sept. 85! 10 Sept.
7 Dec. 71 15 Mar.
21 July 85 21 July
1 July 81 j 1 July
8 May 831 io July
80J21 Dec. 86121 Dec.
72 22 Feb. 77128 Feb.
78! 4 Aug. 8.1! 4 Aug.
68i 3 July 74! 29 Nov.
78 12 June 841:2 June
72: 1 July 8 1 j 1 July
72; 4 Oct. 79 1 4 Oct.
81 19 Dec. 89; Jan.
80 1 9 June 86 9 June
72,31 Dec. 78 31 Dec.
71120 Jan. 77|3i Dec.
77 29 Nov. 79 5 July
80 20 May 82 20 May
76 28 June 84J28 June
81 21 June S7J29 Aug.
67:17 Feb. 73: 1 Sept.
76^10 Apr. Sino Apr.
74 21 Oct. 8; 26 May
81 21 June 87 29 Sept.
70 10 Dec. 76 19 Feb.
76113 Dec
77I 1 July 84
81 i 8 July 87
69 11 Dec. 75
72 1 1 July 81
■g Oct.
1 July
14 Dec.
10 July
12 May

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