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Colonels Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension.
FitzGerald, Alfred John, 199 Lf.Col. 60 Rifles
FitzGerald, James, 200 Lf.Col. Bengal Staff Corps ...
FitzGerald, James. 201 Lt.Ool. Warwickshire Regt...
Fletcher, Charles Wm. 20 * Lt.Ool. Bengal S. C
Flower, Stephen, Lt.Col. Irish Rifles
Foote, Frame Barnard, m> Lt.Col. Bengal S. C
Foord, Albert Willoughby, 2 " 4 Lt.Col. Madras £. C.
Forbes, George Harrison Aon, Lr.CW.Royal Artillery
Forbes, Henry Twisdon, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Forbes, John Greenlaw; 205 Lt.Col. R. "(Bengal 1 Eng.
Ford, Arthur, 205 Lt. Col. Royal Artdlerv
p.*.c. Ford, Hugh Ingrow E. 207 Lt. Col. R. ( Ben.) Art.
Forester, lion. Emelius J. Weld, 203 dipt. Uuat ached
Forster, Jas. Fitz E. 209 Major, Dake ot' Corn-)
wall's Light Infantry J
Forth, Alfred Charles, Lt.Col. Madras S.O
Foster, Cha-. Ed.vard, 210 Col. Re.i nental District
Fox, Henry Croker, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers.
Frampion, William J. 211 Col. Regimental District...
Francis, George E imond, 212 Lt.Col. 20 Foot
p.s.c. Frankland, Colville, 213 Lt.Col. Segtl. District...
Fraser, Alex. Thomas, Lt.Col. R. (Madras) Eng. ...
Fraser, George Leith, 214 Lt.Col. Bengal S C
Fraser, Thomas Lyons, 215 Lt. Col. Bjmbay S.O I
Free, John Frederick," 6 Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Art. I
French, Charles Albert Leslie Attila, Lt.Col. ) !
2 Dragoon Guards j
Fresson, Charles Hill, 217 Captain, S. O.of Pensijners
Fry, Jonn V.'illiam, 2ls Captain, 88 Foot
Furse, George Armani,*" CB. Major, 42 Foot [R]
Fyler, Arth. Evelyn, 820 Lt.Col. W. Kent Regt. (50 F.'J
Gage, Jotin Olpbert, Lt.Col. Border Regiment
Gallwey, Patrick FitzG. 2 - 1 Lt.Col. Royal Artillery;
Galwe3 T , IVm. James, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers '
Gamier, John, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Gaynor, George, 222 Major, 104 Foot
Gehle, H3'. John Wolsteyn, Lt.Col. R. Engineers...
Gibaut, Philip, 223 Ma /or, 73FoDt
Gibb, Jas. Shaw, 221 Major, R. (Bengal) Artillery
Gibbs, George Reyneli, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Gildea, Stanhope Mason, Major, Unattached
Gillies, George James, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Gillum, William James, 226 Major, Unattached
Glancy, John, 22 ' Major, 14 Foot
Glasspoole, Wm. A. 22s ii.Coi.Bombay S.C
Gleig, Charles Edward Stuart, Captain. 14 Foot
p.s.e. Glen, Archiba'd, Col. Regimental District
Glencross, William, Lt.Col. Lancashire Fusiliers ...
Goddard, Fred. FitzClarence, 229 Col. A S. Corps...
Godfrey, Albert Henry, 230 Major, Depot Battalion...
p.s.c. Goff, Robert Charles, 211 Capl. dj Lt.Col.')
Coldstream Guards J
Goldie, Barre John, Lt.Col. R. (Bengal) Engineers
Goldie, James, ai Lt.Col. 6 Dragoon liuards [R] ...
Goldsmith, Edward Primrose Treguitha, Lt.Col. )
Lancashire Fusiliers 5 \
Goodeve, Henry Hills, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Gordon, Edward Smith, Lt.Col. Royal Artibery ...
Gore, Charles Clitherow, 7 * Lt.Col. Irish Rides, ) I
Gentleman at Arms j j
p.s.o. Gorham, Charles A. 236 Lt.Col. K. Artillery...;
Gosset, William Butler, 237 Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Gowdon, Edward Smith, L'.Col. Royal Artillery j
p.s.c. Graham, FiederickWm. ise Lt. Col. DublinFus.
Graham, James. 2 ' 9 Lt.Col. Bengal S.C j
Graham, T ^'n Higgiu, 210 Lt.Col. 22Fo)t
Graham, Ro'D ;. Blaekall, 241 Lt.Col. Bengal S. o
Grant, Ai<.....nder Charles, Majoi , 87 Foot
Orant, Cnas. Graeme, Lt.Col. Leicester Regt. (17 F.)'
Grant, Fras. Wm. 213 Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps ...'
Grant, John Marshall, Col. Royal Engineers j
Grant, Joan Pyne, 244 Lt.Col. Bombay Scaff Corps. I
Grant, Murray Doveton V". T. 245 Lt.Col. Bombay S.C.
Grattan, Ernest, 246 Col. Army Service Corps j
Grattan, Henry, 217 Lt.Col. Sussex Regiment (35 F.j
Graves, Stnpland, 24S Lt. Col. E. Kent Regt I
Green, Andrew, 219 Captain, Rirle Brigade; Captain ) |
of invalids, Royal Hospital, Chelsea ) j
Green.Malcolm Scrimshire, 250 CB. Lt.Col. Bom. S.C.
Greeniieid, Jas.Henry Latham, Lt.Col. Bombay S.C.
Gregory. George, 252 Lt. Col. 2nd Com. R. Marines ...
Gregory, Wm. Villeneuve, Lt.Col. R. Artillery j
p.t.c. Gregson, Lancelot Allgood, 253 DL. Major, )
East Surre3' Regiment , j
Greig, Philip Henry, 254 Lt.Col. R. (Bombay) Art....
Griffin, Robert Durie, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps ...i
Griffith, John G. Erskine," 5 Lt.Col. Bombay S.C. ...
p.i.c. Grilhths, Hy. Harcourt, 256 Col. Regtl. Dist. ...
Gunthorpe, Edward Jas. 257 Lt.Col. Indian S.C I
Hague, Harry Clayton, Major, n Foot '
Halahan, Henry Thomas, 259 Lt.Col. E. Kent|Regt.
H«.'s,MatthewHolford, ,60 £«.Co£.ScottishRifles(26F.)
j)...c. Hall, Burnett Grieve, Lt. Col. R. Mar. Artilieryi
2nd LIEUT.
8 Nov. 42
16 June 56
23 Apr. 58
20 Feb. 50
1 3 Sept. 60
ii Dec. 49
11 Dec. 58
6 Aug. 46
11 Dec. 49
9 Dec. 54
!2 Dec. 57
28 Dec. 32
19 Dec. 62
20 July 50
!i Dec. 5S
12 Dec. 56
22 Apr. 53
7 Scpt.56
11 June 53
4 July 45
10 Dec. 53
12 June 58
13 June6o (
9 June 43
25 May
29 Mar.
18 Occ. sj
16 Mar. 60
1 Aug. 55
29 Jan. 40
i2 Oct. 52
11 June 47
25 June 5^
-9 Apr. 37
14 Feb. 43
9 Mar. 55
3 Jan. 47
1 June 41
4 Feo. 62
16 Apr. 58
8 Feb. 50
16 Jan. 55
14 July 54
n Feb. 62
30 Nov. 55
14 Aug. 54
29 Dec. 59
7 Feb. 49
L 6 May 42
4 June 56
20 Nov. 49
28 Oct. 53
23 Apr. 57J
1 Jan. 42 :
4 Jan. 56!
21 Sept. 55
15 June 55
28 Feb. 56
20 Mar. 55
3 Jan. 45
1 June 59
3 Aug. 47
18 Dec. 57
12 Dee. 57
11 Jan. 48
9 Mar. 56
6 Jan. 60
7 Sept. 59
28 Aug. 46
24 Nov. 57
if May 53
1 July 61
7 Apr. 56
13 Dec. 5i
1 Oct. 57 1
19 Jan. 65 2
22 Nov. 56 1
7 Mar. 45
30 Apr. 58 1
1 Nov. 54 1
8 Dec. 54 3
18 May 58 2
18 Mar. 45 1
24 Mar. 58
r 7 Apr. 60 2
mental I
6 Feb. 57
6 July 59 1
10 Sept. 55
2i Jan. 46 1 2
, June 01
8 Aug. 48! 1
3 Oct. 63I1
21 Feb. 60
27 Aug. 582
1 Feb. 54 1
3 Mar. 61 1
18 Sept. 63 '2
1 Jan, 62[
7 June 50 2
26 Sepc.6oj
9 July 54
31 Aug. 67'
24 .lau. 031 1 Apr. 7^
10 June 76 16 June 82
1 July 81(3 Mar. 86
20 Feb. 70)20 Feb. 76
t July 81 5 Oct. 84
11 Dec. 69 11 Dec. 75
11 Dec. 78] ri Dec. 84
2 Feb. 68
20 Apr. 63
5 July 72
4 Feb. 74
14 Dec. 78
26 Sept. 57
1 July 81
20 July 70
6 Oct. 77
3 Aug. 83
20 Oct. 77
22 Nov. 64
22 May 75
7 Oct. 76
4 July 65
1 Mar. 70
11 Dec. 75
io May 81
1 July 81
8 Dec. 84
10 Nov. 68
21 May 84
20 July 76
1 Ju'y 81
3 Aug. 93
2 Mar. 81
2 July 74
19 Jan. 72
7 Oct. 83
4 July 71
10 Doc. 73'ioDec. 79
" Nov. 82
8 Dec. 79
1 July 81
5 July 72
3 Feo. 69
1 Apr. 74
5 July 72
1 July 8:
1 Oct. 77
7 Dec. 82
5 Dec. 82
2 Nov. 61
1 July 8r
15 May 72
28 Aug. 58
25 June 78
24 Nov. 57
15 Dec. 77
6 June 56
6 Feb. 66
3 Jan. 67
26 Occ. 58
1 July 8:
1 July 8 c
24 Mar. 69
1 Apr. 74
11 May 81
5 July 72
1 July 81
1 Jan. 79
22 Nov. 77
6 Oct. 72
1 o U ar. 7 5
14 Jan. 62
21 July 82
13 Sept. 75
1 Oct. 77
1 July 81
4 J ily 80
1 Jul v' 91
1 Oct. 8 +
1 Mar. 90
5 Dec. 86
10 May 72
27 Aug. 87
29 Sept. 78
22 Feb. 63
25 June 84
22 Nov. 68
15 Dec. S4I
1 Jan. 63
28 Apr. 75
3 Jan. 73
15 Nov. 69
i3 June 86
21 June 87
i Oct. 77
2 Mar. 73
16 Sept. 86
1 July 81
31 July 93
1 Jan. 86
24 Nov. 84
1 July 81
2 Mar. 81
5 July 72
5 July 73
16 June 86
3 Mar. 90
31 Dec. 80
5 Oct. 88
2 Feb. 78
n Dec. S3
1 July 81
15 Oct. 79
10 May 85
23 June 83
8 Dec. 83
1 July 81
2 1 May 88
3 Apr. 80
1 July 85
12 Aug. 95
2 Mar. 85
ii May 78
29 Jan. 83
7 Oct. 87
25 June 75
10 Dec. 81
18 Nov. 86
21 July 36
1 Juae 82
24 Nov. 77
15 June 85
17 Nov. 83
1 July 95
1 Occ. 88
23 May 94
5 Dec. 87
1 July 81
29 Aug. 93
1 July 81
1 Aug. 72
25 June 88
1 July 81
io June 85
1 July 81
15 Aug. 80
6 Oct. 75
1 July 81
18 Jun^9o
29 Sept. 93
15 Sept. 88
10 Ma3 r 83
5 Oct. 78
16 Sept. Q»
1 July 85
15 Oct. 94
17 Aug. 90
1 Oct. 89
22 Nov. 77^4 Nov. 841
1 July 8121 Miy 84
i 7 Feb. 69! 7 Feb. 75
5 Mar. 53 31 Dec. 63
14 June 76 14 June 82
5 July 72 31 Dec. 8j
14 Jan. 71! 1 Oct. 77
20 Apr. 77 20 Apr. 83
I 7 Jan. 65
I 4 Jan. 76 4 Jan. 82
21 Sept. 75 21 Sept. 81
i 7tj y • 2 4 June 86
28 Mar. 74 2 Feo. 83
In Oct. 70 1 July 81
1 1
12 June 04 1 Apr. 74
19 Jan. 58 24 Jan. 65
1 June 79 1 Juue 83
5 July 72 10 Mar. 77
i 20 June 62 17 Aug. 91
13 Jan. 81 18 Feb. 87
■ '28 Feb. 77 1 Jan. 84
11 Jan. 68 11 Jan. 74
9 Mar. 76 9 Mar. 82
'20 Dec. 3o 18 Mar. 85
! 7 Sept. 79 7 Sept. 85
j 1 Apr. 70 1 Oct. 77
j 1 Nov. 78 30 Nov. 83
j 5 July 72 15 Dec. io
! 1 July 62 1 July 89
2 Mar. 85
1 Occ. 77
1 Oct. 89
9 Nov. 87
2 ( Aug. 79
23 Apr. 73
14 June 89
1 July 81
1 Occ. 81
20 Apr. 87
7 Jan. 70
4 Jan. 86
16 Juue 82
?4 Feb. 97
6 Aug. 84
1 July 85
1 July 81
12 Feb. 70
30 Aug. 87
6 Aug. 80
17 Aug. 95
22 Feb. 83
1 Jan. 86
14 June 78
9 Mar. 89
18 Mar. 89
7 Sept.81
1 July 87
3 j Nov. 87
15 Dec. 84
12 Juue 95

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