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131 The Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms.
10 Major Wingrield served with the 1st Dragoon Guards throughout the campaign of i860 in China, and was pre-
sent at the fall of the Taku Forts, and engaged in the action of Sinho, also those of the 18th and 21st September.
Commanded the Cavalry force sent to Tungchon with Mr. Wade to demand the giving up of the prisoners on the
eoth September, and present at the surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
20 Lieutenant Malcolmson served in the 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry with the Persian Expeditionary Force in
1356-57, including the assault and capture of Reshire, surrender of Bushire, expedition to Borazjoon, and action of
Kiiooshab (Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp) : was awarded the ITU under the following circumstances : — " On
the occasion of an attack on the enemy on the 8th February 1857, led by Lieutenant Colonel Forbes, CB., Lieutenant
Moore, the Adjutant of the regiment, was, perhaps, the first of all by a horse's length. His horse leaped into the
square, and instantly fell dead, crushing down his rider, and breaking his sword as he fell amid the broken ranks
of the enemy. Lieutenant Moore speedily extricated himself, and attempted with his broken sword to force his way
through the press ; but he would assuredly have lost his life had not the gallant young Lieutenant Malcolmson,
observing his peril, fought his way to his dismounted comrade through a crowd of enemies to Ms rescue, and, giving
him his stirrup, safely carried him through everything out of the throng. The thoughtfulness for others, cool
determination, devoted courage and ready activity shown in extreme danger by this young Officer, Lieutenant
Malcolmson, appear to have been most admirable, and to be worthy of the highest honour." Served also with the
Central India Field Force, including the siege of Hatghur and fall of Calpee (Medal with Clasp) .
21 Lieut. Waller served in the Oude campaign in 1858, including the capture of the fort of Kaili (Medaij.
32 Colonel Master commanded the 5th Fusiliers at the relief of Lucknow in Nov. 1857, an< i served with it in
Outram's Force at the AlumBagh in all the operations of the succeeding months, and commanded the Regt. at the
capture of Lucknow, as also throughout the Oude campaign of 1858-59, including the action of Dounderkeira and
Buxurghat, and capture of the Fort of Oomerea (several times mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, CB. ,
Medal with two Clasps, and a year's service).
24 Captain Noel served with the 31st Regiment throughout the Sutlej Campaign of 1S45-46, and was present at
the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Buddiwal, Aliwal,' and Sobraon (Medal and three Clasps).
% 1 Lt.Colonel Clement served in the New Zealand war in 1864-66 (Medal) .
28 Colonel Cooch served with the 62nd Regiment in the Crimea from 12th Nov. 1854, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol and the sorties of the 5th gth and 10th M."y, defence of the Quarries 7th June, assaults of the
Redan on the 18th June (in command of the Wool-bag party Jf hU regiment) and 8th September (mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, Knight of the*Legion Jf Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, Sardinian
and Turkish Medals). Appointed Town Major in Sebastopol immediately after its fall for his services during the
siege and final assault.
-' Colonel E. Brown served throughout the Sutlej campaign o ? 1845-46, including the battles of Ferozeshah and
Sobraon (Medal and Clasp). Burmese war of 1852-53, including the recapture of Pegu on 21st Nov., relief of its
garrison on 14th Dec, and operations in the vicinity (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Suppression of the Indian
Mutiny, including the battle of Budleekeserai, siege of Delhi and assault of the Eedgate, wounded in five places, in
one dangerously (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Servedin the Indian N.W. Frontier war of 1863, and was
present at the attack and capture of the Conical Hill and Umbeyla (Clasp) .
30 Lt.Colonel G. H. Pocklmgton served with the 18th Royal Irish in the Burmese campaign of 1852-53 (Medal
with Clasp for Pegu). Served also in the Crimea from 1st June 1855, including the siegeand fallof Sebastopol, and
attack of the i8cq June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
31 Major Brackenbury served with the6ist Regiment in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the
battle of Goojcrat, and with the Field Force in pursuit of the enemy to the Khyber Pass in February and March
18,9 (Medal with Clasp) Present with the expedition to the Euzofzie Country and at the attack and capture of
insurgent villages on the nth and 14th Dec. 1849 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the rank of Captain with the
Turkish Contingent and performed duty as an Engineer Officer in the Crimea in 1855-56 (Turkish Medal).
38 CclonelA. A. Owen served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, first as Assistant Adjutant General to Colonial Forces
and aftsrwards as Assistant Adjutant General to the Transkei Field Force, and commanded the attacking column in
the action at Newmaka and subsequent engagements in the Chicaba and Kei River Valley (mentioned in despatches,
and received the thanks of Colonel Glyn, Commanding Transkei Field Force, for having, with assistance, saved
the life of a private soldier, who was very severely wounded, by carrying him to a place of shelter under a very
heavy fire) ; also served in the Zulu war in 1S79 in command of a draft battalion at Pinetown (Brevet of Lt.Colonel,
Medal witn Clasp).
39 Lt.Colonel H. A St. John Mildmay served with the Rifle Brigade in the Crimean campaign from the 6th Sept.
1885, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the campaign
on the North-West Frontier of India in 1864 (Medal).
*° Colonel C. C. Gore was present with the 83rd Regiment at the siege and capture of Kotah on the 30th March,
1858, affair at Sanganeer, defeat of the Gwalior rebels at Kotaria, surprise of and attack on the rebels at Seckur
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the Natal Field Force in the Boer war of 1881.
« Lt.Colonel J. E. V. Rogers served the campaign in Oude from June to Dec. 1858, including the_ occupation of
Fyzabad, capture of Sultanpore, passage of the Goomtee, action of Shahpore, capture of the Fort of Kaili, and other
minor affairs (Medal!.
"Colonel A. G. Fife served witn the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Khyber Division of
the Cabul Field Force, and took part in the expeditions against Asmatulla Khan in the Lughman Valley and against
the Wuzeeree Khugianis ; was also present at the attack and destruction of the villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and
Jokan, and in the engagement at Nargashai (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (Medal with
Clasp). Granted a step of honorary rank for service in the Field.
** Colonel C. W. Hume served with the 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade during the Indian Mutiny campaign of
1857-53, including the siege and capture of Lucknow, battle of Nawabgunge, and capture of Fort Birwah. Was
Staff Oificer to a Field Force under Brigadier General Wheeler in the final campaign in Bundlecund in 1859
(Medsl with Clasp) . Promoted to an unattached Company for service in the Field.
« Lt. Coionel C. M. Davidson served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 as Adjutant of the 4th Regiment, and
was present &t the action of Arogee and capture of Maerdala (Medali.
« Lt.Colonel G. K. M'Callum served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present
in the affair at Karatiga, in the engagement at Charasiah on 6th October 1879, and in the various operations
around Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches, Medal wiii two Clasps). Served in the Boer war in i38i.
*7 Colonel W. F. Kelsey served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencement of the Afghan war in 187S
till June 1879 with the Koorum Field Force, including the Khost Expedition, and was present in the engagement
at Mattoon (Medal). Served with the 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present in the engagement at Chalouf on the 20th August in command of four companies of his Battalion, and at
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the
Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
48 Colonel C. W. Murray served in the Zulu war of 1879, first as Aide de Camp to Major General Crealock, com-
manding the 1st Division, and afterwards as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General in the Intelligence Branch
of the Division ; was finally attached in this capacity to Clarke's Column, reconnoitred the country beyond Ulundi
as far as the Ngome region, and made a reconnaissance of the route to be traversed by the column from Ulundi to
the Middle Drift of the Tugela River (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served m
the Afghan war in 1880 with the 72nd Highlanders, and was Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Baker in the
expedition to the Logar Valley (Medal). Served in the Marri Expedition in 1881 under Brigadier General Tanner.
Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General on the Base and
Lines of Communication, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of
Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4 th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star)- Served in the Bechuanaland
Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1885 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General.
« Lt.Colonel A. J. Hill served in the Ashanti war of 1S73-74 (Medal).
31 Lt.Colonel Fletcherserved in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India in 1863-64, and was present in
the engagement with the Mohmunds near Shubkudder (Medal with Clasp) . Served in the Egyptian war m 1882
(i « LtCokmel W . HfrlolbYch served on the Red River Expedition of 1870. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882

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