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Majors Retired on Fall or Retired Pay or on a Pension. — War Services. 1029
to the Maxim Battery, including the engagement at Firket (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, 4th Class
of the Medjidie, Khedive's Medal with two Clasps). Served in the South African wav in 1900-02 in command of
the Mounted Infantry Company 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment, and took part in the operations resulting iu
the surrender of the Boer forces in the Catedon Valley 1st August 1900 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with three
Clasps, King's Medal with two Clasps).
rat .Major D. F. Gordon served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the
engagement at Charasiah on the 6th October, 1879. and in the various operations around Cabul in December
1879 -sevely wounded in the attack on the Asmai Heights (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, and Medal
with t vo Clasps).
77 Major Goodwyn served in the Afghan war of 1879-80 as Assistant Field Engineer (Medal). Served with the
Madras Sappera and Miners and as Assistant Field Engineer in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Burmese Expedition in
1886-87 with the Queen's Own Sappers and Miners (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
77f Major Gordon-Cumming served in the South African war in 1902 (Medal).
7 fi Major E. E. Hanbnry served with the 1st Battalion ScoU Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was pre-
sent in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta and at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir (Melal with Clasp, and Khe Jive's Star).
Also served in the South African war in 1900-02 with the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards, and was present at the
operations in the Orange River Colony (May to 29th November 1900), the action at Biddulphsberg, and the actions
in the Wittebergen (1st to 29th July 1900)— wounded (Medal with three Clasps).
" ,J Major C. E. Gubbins served with the Koorum Valley Field Force in the Afghan war in 1879 (Medal). Served
with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
80 Major W. G. Hale served with the Baltic expedition in 1855 (Medal). Also with the China expedition of 1857-59,
including the blockade of the Canton river, the landing before and capture of the city. With the expedition to the
North in i860, including the action of Sinho, taking of Tauku, storm and capture of the North Taku Fort, and
subsequent operations (Medal with three Clasps). Served in China in H.M.S. Rodney from September 1867 to Sep-
tember i860 ; commanded a battalion of Royal Marines landed from the Squadron at the occupation of Yangchow
in Nov. 1868 (mentioned in despatches), and at the attack and capture of three walled villages in January 1S69
(mentioned in despatches). Served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74 (Medal).
80(Major A. C. Hamilton served in South African war in 1899-1902 : commanded 9th Battalion Imperial Yeomanry
May 1901 to April 1902 ; in command of independent Mobile Column from Sept. 1901 to Jan. 1902, and was present at
relief of Kiuaberley ; took part in operations in Orange Free State, including Paardeberg Poplar Grove, Driefontein,
ltirre; Siding, and Zand River; in the Transvaal in May and June 1900, including actions near Johannesburg,
Pretoria and Diamond Hill; in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, including actions at Riet Vlei and Belfast; in Cape
Colony, south of Orange River, including actions at Colesberg ; in the Transvaal Nov. 1900 to May 1901 ; in Orange
River Colony May 1901 to Feb. 1902 ; and in Cape Colony June 1901 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with six Clasps,
King's Medal with two Clasps).
81 Major R. G. Handeock served in the Afghan war in 1879 (Medal).
R lr Maior R; T. Hanford-Flood served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 (Medal with
82 Major H. M. Hatchell served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 18U1 Royal Irish Regiment and as Orderly
Officer to Major General Roberts (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action of
Kassasin on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
&J Major Henry Hall served with the 15th Hussars in the Candahar Column in the Afghan war of 1878-80, in-
cluding the advance to Knelat-i-Ghilzai, and wa9 present in the engagements with the Afghan cavalry at Takht-i-
Pul( mentioned in despatches); also served with the Thull-Chotiali Field Force under Brigadier General Biddulph,
and accompanied Major General Phayre in his march to Candahar (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1881.
84 Major L. C. Hickman served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Tel e'.-
Mahuta and the Battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of
the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
85 Major C. \V. Hawes served as Adjutant and Commandant of Cavalry Guides before Delhi in 1857. Com-
manded the Guides Infantry on several occasions during the siege, assault, and capture of Dolhi, and present in
every skirmish from the 9th June to the 14th September (four times wounded). Present with Brigadier Showers'
Flying Column in the District about Delhi in 1857 as Commandant of Guide Cavalry (Medal with Clasp). Served
with the Eusofzaie Field Force nnder Sir Sydney Cotton to Sittana in 1858 as Commandant of Cavalrv, and 2nd in
Command of Guides (Medal with Clasp).
»° Major J. A. Hay served with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
8 ? Major S. M. Hay served with the detachment 14th Bombay Native Infantry with the Okamundel and KaHy-
war Field Forces in 1859-60; present at the storming of the heights ami forts of Ubphoora on 18th Dec. 1859.
m Major A. G. H. Kayne served with the Burmese Expedition in 1S86-87 (Medal with Clasp).
01 Major R. W. Heathcote served iu the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in force
from Alexandria on the 5th August and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir ( Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th Clasi
of Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
" Major P. E. Henderson served with the Jowaki Afreelee Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal). Served in the
Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served with the expedition against the Naga Hill Tribes in 1879-80 (Clasp).
'•" Major H. Y. Hext served in the Ashautee war of 1873-74 (Medal).
»s Major Heyland served in the Oude campaign in 1858, including the action at Jamo and takin<» of Fort
Birwa (Medal).
,J 7 Major E. L. Hight served with the 67th Regiment in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the
engagement at Charasiah on the 6th October 1879, and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 includ-
ing the investment of Sherpore (Medal with two Clasps). Served with the two Miran/.ai Expeditions in i8gt
(Medal with Clasp).
»8 Major A. H. Hope served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first with the
Peshawur Valley Field Force under Lieut.General Maude, and afterwards with theKhybcr Line Force under Lieut.
General Bright (Medal).
,J9 Major H. C. Hogg served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at Khushk-i-
Nakhud (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
101 Major E. R. Horsey served with the Baltic Expedition in 1855, and in the flotilla of mortar-boats duriu" the
bombardment of Sweaborg (Medal).
102 Major E. W. Humphry served in the Indian Mutiny campaign, and was severely wounded in action with
Jodhpore mutineers on 16th Nov. 1857; in Showers' operations after the capture of Delhi; with Scaton's Column in the
actions of Gungeree, Puttialee, and Mynpory, siege and capture of Lucknow ; served as Adjutant of Sappers throu'di-
out the Rohilcund campaign, including the attack on Fort Rooyah, action of Allygunge, and capture of BareilTy •
throughout the Oude campaign of 1858-59 (Medal with Clasp).
"" Major H. Knight served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
10 * Major A. R. Hutchinson embarked for the Gold Coast with 2nd Battalion 23rd Fusiliers in 1873 (Ashanti Medal).
"S Major T. T. Irvine served as Aide de Camp to Sir Charles Staveley in the campaign in the North of China
in i860, and during the occupation of Tientsin (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
losf Major Jackson served in the South African war 1900-01— severely wounded. Assistant Provost-Marshal.
Took pare in operations m Orange Free State, March to May 1900; in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to
29th Nov. 1900, including actions at Riet Vlei and Belfast; and in Transvaal, Nov. 30th, 1900 to June, iqoi
(Medal with three Clasps).
106 Major R. F. M. Johnstone served with the Burmese Expedition in 1888-89 (Medal with Clasp).
">■ Major M.N.G. Kane served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 1879 with the
Koonira, Cabul, and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, part of the time as Orderly Officer and also as Brigade Major
anil D.A.Q.M. General to Brigadier General Baker; was present in the engagement at Charasiah and in the
operations around Cabul in D.cember 1879 ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and

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