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CROMWELL (Eichaed) Lord Protector of the Common¬
wealth of Scotland, England, and Ireland. The Speech
of His Highness the Lord Protector, made to both Houses
of ParUament at their first meeting, on Thursday the 27th
of January 1658[-59] ; as also the speech of . . . Nathaniel
Lord Fiennes, one of the Loi'ds Keepers of the Great
Seal of England, made at the same time. . . .
London, II. Hills and J. Field, [1659].
4°. 7 m. (2) +9 pp.+ (1) p.
[Another edition.] Hableian Miscellany, vol.
1, pp. 20-22. 1808, 4".
[Another edition.] Somebs (j.) Baron Somers,
Collection of tracts, vol. 6, pp. 443-446. 1811, 4°.
A Declaration of the Lord Protector, and both Houses
of Parliament for a day of . . . fasting and humiliation,
to be observed in all places within the Commonwealth
of England . . . the eighteenth day of May 1659.
SoMEKS (j.) Baron Somers, Collection of tracts, vol. 6,
pp. 506, 507. 1811,4°.
His late Highness's letter to the Parliament of Eng¬
land, shewing his willingness to submit to this present
government: attested under his own hand; and read
in the House on Wednesday the 25th of May 1659.
Hableian Miscellany, vol. 1, pp. 22, 23. 1808, 4°.
[Another edition.] Somees (j.) Baron Somers,
Collection of tracts, vol. 6, pp. 508-510. 1811, 4°.
An Expedient for the preventing any difference between
his Highness and the Parliament: about the recognition ;
the negative voyce; the militia. By a lover of his
country, that desires at this time to be namelesse.
Haeleian Miscellany, vol 5. 1810, 4°.
CRONBERG (Haetmuth von) See Lutheb (m.) Ein mis¬
sive alien den so von wegen des wort gottes verfolgung
leiden trostlich von D. M. L. an den Ernfesten Hart-
mut von Cronberg geschriben, und autf die selbig H.
von C. antwurt. . . . [1522], 4°.
- Drey Christliche schrift | des Edlen vn Ernueste | Hart-
mudts vonn Cro- | nenberg. | Die erst an Bapst Leo | des
namens den tze- | henden. | Die ander an die ein- |
woner tzu Cronen- | berg. | Die dritte an die Bettel
orden. | Die vierd an lacoben Kobeln. | Vuittemberg. |
[Leipzig, Melchior Lotter, 1522.]
4°. 8 in. Gothic letter. A-D*; (32) pp :—(1) title, within a wood¬
cut border, (2) blank, (3-31) the work, the last letter dated " Datum
vff den ersten dornstag in der vasten. Anno dni ^c. xxij.," (32)
blank. With autograph of J. F. Vandevelde.
Welter 2016, Kuczynski 636.
- Des Edeln vnd Ehrnvhesten Hart- | mudts von
Cronberg tzwen | Brieff, Eyner an Eomische Kayser- |
liche Maiestat, vnd der ander an | Franciscus von
Siclcin- I gen seinen vettern, der | gotlichen vIT Euan-
1 gelische ler vnd | warheit | vnd j gemeyner | Chris-
tenheit zu | furderung geschrieben. | Ein schrifft v6
Hansen v6 Doltzck: j vnnd Bernhardt von Hirssfeldt
an loachim | Marschalck zu Pappenheym ?c. auss- |
gangen wie folget. [
[Wittenberg, Melchior Lotter, the Younger, 1521.]
4°. 8 in. Gothic letter, a^ b"; (20) pp :—(1) title, (2-20) the work,
dated at end " Sontags nach Dionisij, 1621 ".
With autograph of J. F. Vandevelde.
Panzer 1138, Kuczynski 635.
- Ein ernstliche schrifft an all | stend des Eomischen
reychs. Von Hartmudt von | Cronberg. Darinnen
meniglich vernemen | mag den iibergrossen vnrecht-
lichen ge- | wait vnd verfolgung, so denen von | Cron¬
berg wider alle recht vnd | iiber zuuil hochs erpitten |
begegnet. | [Basel, Adam Petri, 1524.]
4°. 8 in. Gothic letter, a^ (8) pp :^(1) title, (2-8) the work,
dated at end Geben vff samstag nach dem newen jars tag, anno |
M.D. vnd. xxiiij. | With autograph of J. F. Vandevelde.
Welter 2843.
CRONBERG (Habtmuth von) Eyn sendbrieff | an Babst
x\drianu, dar- | inn mit Christenlichem warhafftigem |
grundt angezaygt wirt ein sicherer | haylsamer weg zu
aussreiittung | aller ketzereyen, vnd zu hayl- | samer
rettung gantzer | Christenhait von | des Tiircken |
tyranney. | Von Hartmudt von | Cronbergk. | Wittem-
M.D.xxiij. I
[Nurnberg, Jobst Gutknecht, 1523.]
4". 8 in. Gothic letter. (8) pp: —(1) title, within a woodcut
border, (2-7) tlic work, (8) blank.
With ajitograph of J. F. Vandevelde.
Panzer 1902, Kuczynski 542.
CRONEBORG (Hjalmae) See Svedelius (w. e.) Om Ee-
ductionen af Krono- och Adeliga Gods . . . af V. E. S.
. . . och H. Croneborg. 1849, 4°.
CRONHOLM (Abbaham) De Sueciae nobilium ordine,
ante unionem calmariensem instituto, dissertatio, quam
... p. p. A. Cronholm . . . respondente N. T. Sylvan.
. . . Lundae, typis Berlingianis, 1848.
8°. 8 in. (2)+ 123+ (3) pp.
• Skanes politiska historia. . . . [Skanes historia och
beskrifning.] Forra [sednare] delen. . . .
Lund, Stockholm, 1847, '51.
8°. 83 in. 2 vols. i. (18) + 577 pp. + (1) p. 11. xvi, + 644 pp.
CRONICA. Coronica de condeestabre de Portugal Nuno
Aluares Pereyra.
Lisbon, German Galharde, 30 October, 1554.
Fol. lOJ in. Gothic letter, with printed signatures and numera¬
tion, but without catchwords, 2 columns, 36 lines.
Collation: A-G^, H^", ^^ 70 leaves (1-70).
Leaf la ^ Coronica do Conde- | estabre d' Portugall dom |
Nuno alurez Pereyra | principiador da casa de | Bragapa. Sem
mudar | datiguidade de suas pala | uras ne estilo. E d'ste Co- |
deestabre procede agora el rey dom loha terceyro | nosso senhor:
1 o Empera | dor: l nos mays dos | reynos de chris- | taos d'
Europa | os Reys: ou | Reynhas: | ou abos. | [Within a woodcut
Leaf lb Large woodcut of the Constable.
Leaf 2a (A ij) Dom Nuno alurez pereyra. Fo. ij. | The number¬
ing is regular 1-66.
Leaf 663' line 28 {^Colophon'] C Aoabou se de empremir acronica
do condeesta- | bre de Portugal Do Nuno alurez Pereyra | na cidade
de Lixboa : a. xxx. dias do mes | d' Oytubro no ano d' mill J qnhet'?
I 1 cincoenta 1 quatro annos | per Germa Galharde | emprimi-
dor. I
Leaf 66l> blank.
Leaf 67a C B stake A Figvra Do Condeestabre, A 0 | Natvral,
Qvando Bstava Em Roligi- | am. No Carmo de Lixboa, Ondeiaz.
I Large woodcut portrait beneath with Latin verses.]
[Leaf 671j Tauoada. | finishing on leaf 70b.
Old red nior. richly gilt.
Salva II. 403.
Comienca la Coronica de don A. de Luna, condestable
de los reynos de Castilla y de Leon, ma^stre y adminis-
trador de la orden y caualleria de Santiago.
[Milan, J. A. Castellono, 1546.]
Fol. 13 in. Gothic letter. +2, A-M^;—(2)-f 94 (error for 96)
leaves:—(1) the title, (2) prologo, 1-94 the work. The title-page
and leaf 94 are wanting.
- Cronica del Cid.
Burgos, Fadrique Alernan de Basilca, 31 March,
Fol. 11| in. Gothic Letter, with printed signatures and numera¬
tion, but without catchwords ; 2 columns, 46 lines.
Collatimi: A^, B«, a-m«, n-p'; 128 leaves (1-128).
Leaf la [Large woodcut of the imperial arms] Cronica del
famoso caua | Hero Cid Ruy diez | campeador.'. | [These three
lines in red.]
Leaf lb blank.
Leaf 2 Prologo. | . . . (2) pp.
Leaf 3a Tabla. | [Col. 1] C Comienga la tabla | en la presente
Cronica | del muy famoso csfor- | cado J inueucible vencedor y
uunca vencido | cauallero cid ruy diez. | . . .
Leaf 13b col. 2, line 37 Fenece la tabla.-. |
Leaf 14 blank.
Leaf 15a (sig. a 1) Fo. i | Comienca la Historia. | . . .
Leaf 116a (Fo. cii.) col. 2, line 19'Fin. |
Leaf 116b Cid Ruy diez campeador.-. | [Large wood beneath,
representing the Cid.]

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