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well-built European town with broad boulevards, lighted by electricity, has sprung
up and is fast assuming the aspect of a prosperous city. Industries are developing,
a cotton mill has produced yarn since 1900 and a cement factory has delivered
cement and hydraulic lime since the end of 1901. There is a very pretty theatre,
built in 1900 by the Municipality. The Hotel du Commerce is a large and
handsome structure, its lofty mansard roof dominating every building in the
town. There is a church attached to the Eoman Catholic Mission. A small
dock and some fine wharves and godowns have been made. A Public Garden of
rather limited area with a bandstand in the centre has been neatly laid out at
the end of the Boulevard Paul Bert. The Cercle du Commerce, which is a well
managed Club, has its domicile in the Boulevard Paul Bert. The Racecourse is about a
mile from the town on the Do Son Road. There are several news-papers published in the
town. The population of Haiphong is about 18,480, of whom less than 1,000 are
Europeans, about 5,500 Chinese, and 12,000 Annamites. A regular service of river
steamers is maintained between Hanoi and Haiphong by the Messageries Fluviales,
and Haiphong is connected by submarine cable with Saigon and Hongkong. Haiphong
is becoming an important centre of the Tonkin railways.
Residence—Mairie de Haiphong
Resident-Maire—Georges Maspero
Administration Municipale
G. Maspero, Administrateur-Maire
Ferrand, Administrateur-Del<%u<5, chef
du Secretariat
E. Chodzko, chef du Service des Travaux
Du Buisson, Controleur des Contributions
Chesneau, Commissaire de Police
Bojon, Payeur-receveur Municipal
Conseil Municipal
G. Maspero, Adminstrateur-Maire
L. Paquin, le Adjoint
Conseillers Municipaux — Porchet,
Bariere, Jacques, Poinset, Heraud,
Godelu, Girodolle, Malod, Le-Van
Thuoc, Nguyen-Duy-Thinh
Payeur de le classe—Bojon
Commis de 2e classe—de Montarlot
Direction du Port de Commerce
Capitaine de Port—Chodzko
Lieutenant de Port—Viel
Pilotes—Larroque, Salge, Roses, Poincet,
Bronner, Suzzoni, Blanc, Bertrand
Aspirants-Pilotes—Henry, Seigner
El e ve-Pilote—Bienaime
Douanes et Regies de lTndo-Chine
Sous Direction du Tonkin
Inspection Aidre—Eychune
Inspecteur 1st Contentieux—Boue
Bureau Central—Angles, chef bureau,,
Yallery, sous chef, Mme. Miroudet, Dme.
le bureau (Contentieux) — Geoffray, chef
de bureau
2e bureau (Regies)—Samareg, id.
Be bureau (Comptabilite) — Rabot, id.
Thombeau, Coopiere sous-chefs
le bureau—(Millard), id.
Verification—Latrasse, id.
Service actif—Rebelle
Tribunal de Haiphong
J uge-President—Guise! in
Juge d’ Instruction—Baurens
Juge Suppleant—Lambert
Greffier Notaire—Persuis
Directrice Ecoles—Mme Prado
Ecole Henri Riviere
Professeurs—Mmes. Fesquet, Barbier-
Reess, Dumas, Rouilly
Ecole de Fille
Professeurs—Mmes. Thiullier; Fesquet,
Santarelli, Therme, Miles. FihpeckL
Ecole franco-annamite
Directeur —Ettori
Ecole franco-chinoise
Enseignement Mutuel des Tonkinois
Instituteurs dans le jour pour les classes
elementaires cours d’adultes le soir

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