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(1262) Page 1149 - Haiphong
;Societe Fkancaise de Transports, Con¬
struction et Location de pousse pousse
— Avenue General Bichot; Tel. Ad:
Pousse.; Codes: Lieber et A.B.C. 5th
â– Society Immobiliere de Hanoi (Ste.
Anonyme au Capital de 800,000 francs)—
Siege Social : 38 boulevard Dong-Rhanh
Administrateur-Delegue— G. Ellies
Society Indochinoise D’Electricite
Trombert, directeur general
Beaud, chef de station a Hanoi
Delaune, agent commercial id.
Taix, chef mecanicien id.
Bonnet, electricien id.
Walser, id. id.
Chateau, directeur (Haiphong)
Vallet, agent commercial id.
Perrin, chef ^lectricien id.
Masse, chef mecanicien id.
Dubien, electricaen id.
Laeroix, fontaimer id.
Guilhot, mecanieien (HuongBy)
d’annam—55, boulevard Gambetta
R. Piot, adnimistrateur delegue
L. Boyaval ad.
-Standard Oil Co. of New York —Digue
des Travaux Publics
H. H. Young, accountant
Societe Philharmonique d'Hanoi—bou¬
levard Francis Gamier
Secretaire— Denobili
Tanneries d’lndo-Chine — Societe
Anonyme au capital de frs. 625,000
Ch. Grawitz, administrateur delegue
J. Gibaux, directeur technique
Taupin et Cie., Imprimeurs Editeurs,
Librairie, Papeterie—rue Paul Bert, rue
Boissiere, rue de ITntendance; Tel. Ad:
G. Taupin, associe
Delpecn, id.
Taverne Strasbourgeoise, Cafe Restau¬
rant—49, rue Vieille des Tasses
P. Joly, proprietaire
Tranchesset, Wine Merchant—2-6-8, bou¬
levard Gia-Long
Usine des Eaux, Entreprise Bedat
Beneyton, ingenieur, directeur et fonde
Bruneau, chef mecanicien
Estieu, agent de Texterieur
Ribeiro, comptable
Weil, Boucher—!, rue Borgnis-Desbordes
This is the shipping port for Hanoi, Hai-duong, and Namdinh, the commercial
centres of Tonkin. It is situated inlat. 20 deg. 51 min. N., and long. 106 deg. 42 min. E. on
Hie two rivers Cua Cam and Song Tam Bac, which are connected by two or more channels or
creeks with that great river connecting Yunnan with the Tonkin Gulf, called the Song-koi.
The town of Haiphong is about sixteen and a half miles from the lighthouse. The light¬
house at the entrance of the river Cua Cam on the island of Hon-Do is visible at a distance
of about six miles. The entrance to the port is obstracted by two bars ; the outer one
aand, the inner one mud. Haiphong is accessible, however, by vessels drawing from 17
to 18 feet and after the completion of the “ Coupure deDinh-ve” for vessels drawing up
to 24 feet. There is plenty of water in the river. Vessels anchor about a quarter of a
mile from the shore in from 40 to 60 feet of water. The banks of the river are low and
consist of alluvial mud, from which the present town has with great labour and expense
been reclaimed.
Haiphong proper is situated on the Cua Cam and on both sides of the Song Tam Bac,
and is in the midst of an extensive rice swamp with low-lying swampy land all around it for
miles, having in the distance the monotony relieved by rugged ranges of low limestone
hills, and beyond these to the northward, at a distance of some sixteen miles, is a range
of mountains, the loftiest, knownasthe GrandSummit, being about 5,000 feet high. Most
'•of the native buildings are wretchedly constructed of mud, bamboo, and matting, but a

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