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Court of Foreign Causes, iustituted at Bangkok. Except in the provinces of
Xieng Mai, Lakhon, Lampoun, and Nan, all civil and criminal cases involving
French subjects and proteges shall be heard before the International Siamese
Court. But it is understood that in all these cases the French Consul shall
have the right of being present at the trial, or of being represented by a
duly authorised deputy, and of making all observations which may appear
to him to be required in the interest of justice. In the case of the
defendant being French or a French protege, the French Consul may, at any
time during the proceedings, if he thinks fit, and upon a written requisition,
claim to hear the case. The case shall then be transferred to the French
Consular Court, which, from this moment, shall alone be competent, and to
which the Siamese authorities are bound to give their assistance and good offices.
Appeals against the judgments delivered both by the Court of Foreign Causes,
as well as the International Court, shall be taken before the Court of Appeal at
XIII.—With regard to the future admission to French protection of Asiatics
who are not born on territory under the direct authority or the protectorate of France,
or who may not find themselves legally naturalised, the Government of the Republic
shall enjoy rights equal to those which Siam may accord to any other Power.
XIY.—The Regulations under former Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions'
between France and Siam, which are not modified by the present Convention, remain
in full force.
XY.—In case of difficulties in the intei-pretation of the present Convention
which is drawn up in French and Siamese, the French text alone shall stand.
XVI.—The present Convention shall be ratified within four months from the
day of the signature, or earlier if possible.
Signed at Bangkok, March 23rd, 1907
The President of the French Republic, and His Majestv the King of Siam, in
continuation of the work of delimitation undertaken with a view to carrying out the
Convention of the 13th February, 1904, being desirous on the one hand of assuring
the final settlement of all questions relative to the common frontiers of Indo-China
and Siam, by a reciprocal and rational system of exchanges, and being desirous on
the other hand of facilitating the relations between the two countries by the progres¬
sive introduction of an uniform system of jurisdiction, and by the extension of the
rights of French nationals established in Siam, have decided to conclude a fresh
Treaty, and have appointed for this purpose as their Plenipotentiaries, namely, the
President of the French Republic, M. Victor Emile Marie Joseph Collin (de Plancy),
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic in
Siam, Officer of the Legion of Honour and of Public Instruction; His Majesty the
King of Siam, His Royal Highness Prince Devawongse Varoprakar, Chevalier of
the Order of Maha-Chakrkri, Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour, etc., Minister
for Foreign Affairs; who, furnished with full powers, which have been found in
good and due form, have resolved upon the following provisions:—
Art. I.—The Siamese Government cedes to France the territories of Battambang,
Siem-Reap, and Sisophon, the frontiers of which are defined by Clause I. of the
Protocol of Delimitation annexed herewith.
Art. II.—Ttie French Government cedes to Siam the territories of Dan-Sai and
Kratt, the frontiers of which are defined by Clauses I. and II. of the said Protocol,

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