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nationality, it must previously come to an understanding with the French Govern¬
ment. So far as the Provinces of Siem-Reap, Battambang, and Sesupon are
concerned, the Siamese Government undertakes to keep there none but the Police
Contingents necessary for the maintenance of order. These contingents shall be
â– recruited exclusively on the spot, from among the native inhabitants.”
Vir.—In future, in the Siamese portion of the Mekong Basin, if the Royal
Government wishes to construct ports, canals, railways (especially railways intended
to connect the Capital with any point in that basin), it will come to an agreement
with the French Government, if such works cannot be exclusively executed by
Siamese and with Siamese capital. The same would naturally apply to the working
of the said enterprises. Witli regard to the use of the ports, canals, and railways in
the Siamese portion of the Mekong Basin, as well as in the rest of the Kingdom, it is
understood that no differential rights shall be established, contrary to the principle of
commercial equality included in the Treaties signed by Siam.
VIII. —In execution of Clause VI. of the Convention of October 3, 1893, plots
pf land of a superficial area to be determined shall be ceded by the Siamese Govern¬
ment to the Government of the Republic at the following points situated on the right
bank of the Mekong:—Xieng-Kheng, Mong-Kheng, Mong-Sing; on the right or left
bank—Mong-Dahan, Kemmarat, and the mouth of the Nam-Mong. The two Gov¬
ernments will come to an understanding to clear the course of the Nam-Moun, be¬
tween its confluents with the Mekong and Pimun, of the obstacles which hinder
navigation. In case of those works being found impossible to execute, or too costly,
the two Governments will concert together for the establishment of communication
by land between Pimun and Mekong. They will also come to an understanding for
the construction between Bassak and the frontier of Louang-Prabang, of the railway
lines which may be recognised as necessary owing to the innavigability of the Mekong.
IX. —It is from the present moment agreed that the two Governments will
facilitate the establishment of a railway connecting Pnom Penh and Battanbang. The
construction and working shall be undertaken either by the Governments themselves,
each undertaking the portion which is on its territory, or by a Franco-Siamese Com¬
pany accepted by the two Governments. The two Governments are agreed on the
necessity of carrying out work for the improvement of the course of the river between
the Great Lake and Battanbang. W(th that object in view, the French Government
is ready to place at the disposal of the Siamese Government the technical agents it
may require, both for the execution and maintenance of the said works.
X. —The Government of his Majesty the King of Siam accepts the list of the
French proteges such as they exist at the present moment, with the exception of the
persons whose licences may be recognised by both parties as having been illegally
obtained. A copy of these lists will be communicated to the Siamese authorities by
the French authorities. The descendents of the proteges thus maintained under
French jurisdiction shall not have the right to claim their licence if they do not be¬
long to the category of persons described in the following Clause of the present
Convention :—
XI. —Persons of Asiatic origin born in a territory subject to the direct domina¬
tion, or placed under the Protectorate of France, except those who took up their
residence in Siam previous to the time when the territory on which they were bom
was placed under that domination, or that Protectorate, shall have the right to
French protection. French protection will be granted to the children of those
persons, but it shall not extend to their grandchildren.
XII. —So far as concerns the jurisdiction to which, for the future and without
exception, all French subjects and all French proteges shall be subjected to in Siam,
the two Governments agree to substitute for the existing regulations the following:—
1. In criminal matters, French subjects or French proteges shall only
be amenble to French judicial authority.
2. In civil matters, all actions brought by a Siamese against a Frenchman
or French protege, shall be heard before the French Consular Court. All
actions in which the defendant is a Siamese shall be heard before the Siamese

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