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and, leaving him in the front of the stage,
goes through the opening of the cave to look
for the boat.)
Jul. Yes, it shall be so ! I will stay at Martin-
dale Castle ; and, softening my father’s resentment
for Major Bridgenorth, gain his consent to my union
with his daughter.
(Fenella returns, followed by the boatmen,
•who drag the boat to the centre of the stage.
Fenella comes forward, and motions to the
boat. Julian takes leave of her, but she
presses a wish to accompany him.)
Jul. She wishes to follow me to England.-—)
Strange being! what can be her motive? The’
countess cannot be acquainted with it.
(He begs her to return to the castle ; she re¬
fuses ; takes his hand, kisses it, and, placing)
it upon her heart, again points to the boat.) \
Jul. Surely the interest she takes in my de¬
parture seems unusual. Can my kindness have been
misconceived ? If so, unfortunate Fenella, Julian
cannot return thy esteem.
(Julian again begs Fenella to return to the,
Castle, and leads her to the foot of the step;
they have descended. She appears lost, am
remains fixed, while Julian goes on boart
the boat. The noise recals her, she rushes
franticly towards the boat, when one of tlu
boatmen interposing, withdraws a cloak whicl
had obscured his countenance, and shows mi
her the features of Christian, and, in a low. .:ii
determined voice, says, “ Fenella, beware!’ ! <
She shrieks, and falls senseless upon ihi it
stage. The characters form a picture, am
the drop fails.