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:sct. iv.]
Sinners invited to the Gospel Feast. Isa. Iv. 1, 2.
> | Zech. xiii. 1. Mic. vii. 19- Ezek. xxxvi. 25, &c.
TN vain we lavish out our lives
To gather empty wind,
1 The choicest blessings earth can yield
Will starve a hungry mind.
' Come, and the Lord shall feed onr souls
I With more substantial meat;
ii With such as saints in glory love.
With such as angels eat.
;Our God will ev’ry want supply,
And fill our hearts with peace ;
He gives by cov’nant and by oath
! The riches of his grace.
Come, and he’ll cleanse our spotted souls,
i And wasli away our stains.
In the dear fountain that his San
* Pour’d from his dying veins.
Our heart, that flinty stubborn thing,
1 That terrors cannot move,
That fears no threat’nings of his wrath,
J Shall be dissolv’d by love :
br he can take the flint away
I That would not be refin’d.
And from the treasures of his grace
Bestow a softer mind.
There shall his sacred Spirit dwell,
| And deep engrave his law.
And ev’ry motion of our souls
To swift obedience draw.
Thus will ho pour salvation down#
i And we shall render praise,
iVe the dear people of his love,
,; And be our God of grace.