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What new diftrefs, what keener pangs attend
To wound his inmoft heart—that trumpet fpeaks-
The king’s approach—ye minifters unfeen !
Spirits, whom the King of kings
Gives to •watch o'er human things.
Hither, from each blefl abode :
From the morning’s purple road;
From the folar Ivor Id of light;
From the planet of the night;
From the rainboov’s evening-round;
From the blue horizon's bound;
Hither, borne thro' feas of air,
Sons of life and love repair!
And now, with all that charms the eye,
This monarch's triumph dignify.
"To a grand flourijb of inflruments the fcene, gradually &•
pening, difcovers feveral triumphal arches, adorned
with trophies and garlands, and from fpace to fpace
beautifully illuminated. The procefton is led by Jbegg
herdejfes, flrewing flowers.
Firft Shepherdefs.
Arife, fweet mefenger of morn,
With thy mild beams our flies adorn :
For long as fhepherds pipe and play,
This, this flail be a holy-day.
Second Shep. See, morn appears; a rofy hue
Steals foft o'er yonder orient blue:
Soon let us meet in trim array,
And frolic out this holy-day!
Thefe are followed by foldiers with palm branches in their
hands. An officer behind bears the D&aifh flandard.
Flourifl of inflruments.
Firft Voice. Swell the trumpet's boldefl note!
Second Voice. Let the drum it’s thunders roll!