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A M A S d U E.
â– Whofe inlet there is found, defcending dark^
Long, under ground, it’s folitary maze
Purfu’d as beft I eould; and mfe at length
Safe in the fort our foes had clofe begirt.
’Twas joy, ’twas rapture there, among the few
"Who wilh’d, not hop’d, my unforefeen return.
Elt. What follow’d this, my lord ?
Devon. Prepare, I cry’d.
To live or die Tike men. Our king furvives;
And, now in arms, expetfs your inftant aid.
To him then let us cut our glorious way
Thro’ yonder camp : or, if we nobly fell.
There offer to the genius of our country
Whole hecatombs of Danes.—As if one foul
Had mov’d them all, around their heads they whirl’d
Their founding foulchions—“ Lead us to thole Danes
Revenge and England"—was the general cry.
Elt. I feel it here : my heart applauds their virtue.
How was this follow’d on ?
Devon. To fouls refolv’d
Small preparation needs—the clock ftruck three
At once our gates flew wide: at once we ruffl’d
Prone on the Dantjb trenches—while behind.
Juft to the fatal inftant, Alfred rofe
In all his terrors ; o’er the mounded camp
Tempeftuous drove ; from fpace to fpace along
Spred flaughter and difmay. Nor reft, nor paufe r
Back’d by his ardent band, right on he bore
Even to the tent, where funk in deep profound
The Danijh monarch lay. His guards, a few
Whom honor prompted to defend their prince.
Fell round him. He yet lives : but, O dire chance
Of cruel war !—a prifoner and in chains.
Elt. A fall how terrible! my breaft is thrill’d.
And in the fierce barbarian mourns the captive.
Her. Such fortune ever wait on wild ambition Is
On war unjuft that defolates whole nations,
And leaves a world in tears for one man’s guilt f
But yet- fallen as he is—he knows not yet