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Is there a wretch they rule fo bafe as they ?
Guilty, at once, of facrilege to heaven !
And of perfidious robbery to man!
Her. Such thoughts become a monarch—but behold,
The glimmering dulk, involving air and Iky,
Creeps flow and folemn on. Devotion now,
"With eye enraptur’d, as the kindling flats
Light, one by one, all heaven into a glow
Of living fire, adores the hand divine,
Who form’d their orbs and pour’d forth glory on them.
Hlf. Then, this good moment, fnatch’d from earth’s
Let us employ aright: and, in yon cell, [[affairs,
To him, with heart fincere, our homage pay,
Who glorious fpreads and gracious (huts the day.
End of the firjl Aft,
A C T II. S C E N E I.
Emma, and other Peafants,
WISH’D evening now is come : but her foft hour,
Clofe of our daily toil, that wont to found
Sweet with the fhepherd’s pipe and virgin’s voice.
Is chearlefs all and mute.
Second Shep. Heaven’s will be ours.
And fince no grief can yeflerday recall,
Nor change to-morrow’s face; now let us foothe
The prefent as we may with dance and fong,
To lighten fad remembrance.
Firft Shepberdefs Jings.
The shepherd's plain life.
Without guilt, without ftrife,
Can only true blejfings impart.
As nature direfts,
That blifs he expefts
From health and f om quiet of heart.