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A M A S Q_U E.
Tf not to fpread, on all good men, thy bounty,
The treafures trufted to me, not my own;
If not to raife anew our English name,
By peaceful arts that grace the land they blefs,
And generous war to humble proud opprelfors :
Yet more ; if not to build the public weal,
On that firm bale which can alone refilt
Both time and chance, on liberty and law;
If I for thefe great ends am not ordain’d
May I ne’er poorly fill the throne of England!
Her. Still may thy breaft thefe femiments retain.
In profperous life.
Alf. . Could it deftroy or change
Such thoughts as thefe, profperity were ruin.
Taco Spirits fmg the following hymn.
0 joy of joySy to lighten woe!
Befl pleofure, pleafure to be/low !
What raptures then his heart expand,
Who lives to blefs a grateful land.
Second Spirit.
For him, ten thoufand bofoms beat;
His name confenting crouds repeat :
From foul to foul the pajfwn runs.
And July efts kindle into fons.
IJer. Alfred,once more—fincefavour’d thusofheaveu,
Since thus to chear thee and confirm thy virtue
He fends his angels forth—remember well,
Should better days reftore thy profperous fortunes.
The vows thefe awful beings hear thee make:
Remember and fulfil them.
Alf. O no more
When thofe whom heaven didinguilhes o’er millions,
And (bowers profufely power and fplendor on them,
Whate’er th’ expanded heart can wilh ; when they.
Accepting the reward, negled the duty,
Or worfe, pervert thofe gifts to deeds of ruin,
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