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Gemini, which are faid to be the two conftellationg
that unite the friendfhip of men. I willingly ac¬
cept the fociely thou haft propofed; and will be¬
gin it, by intreating the keeper to fliut thee up
with me in this tower.” “ Nothing can give
me more pleafure, (cried he) you anticipate my
defire. I was juft going to conjure you to afk
that favour of him : your company is dearer to me
than liberty itfelf: I will only fometimfes go to Ma¬
drid on the fcout, and fee if fome change may not
have happened at court which can be favourable
to you: fo that in me you will enjoy at once a con¬
fident, courier and fpy.”
Thefe advantages were too confiderable to be
rejedled : I therefore kept along with me a perforr
fo ufeful, with the permiffion of the obliging
keeper, who could not refufe me fuch an agreeable
Ttke metit-u eni futcefs of Seif id's firft journey to Madrid^
Gil Bias falls fuk: the dafequence of bis difiemfer.
IF it be ufually obferved, that we have no
greater enemies than our domefticks ; it muft
likewife be owned, that when they happen to be
faithful and affedlionate, they are our heft friends.
After the zeal that.Scipio had manifefted, I could
liot look upon him but as another felf. There was,
therefore, no more fubordination between Gil Bias
and his fecretary ; no more ceremony : they lodged
together in the fame room, ufing the fame table
and bed.
There was a great deal of gaiety in Sdpio’s eon-
yer/ation ; be might have been jurtly firnamed the
good-humeured lad ; befides, he had a good head,